For any student of M-Phil, MS or
doctorate, it is mandatory to conduct the research work. Many of the times, one
has to face several challenges that vary from the selection of the topic to
final results' analysis and discussion (Uma Sekaran, 2016)
and (Ruiz, 2017). Following
are the most common challenges:
Challenge while choosing the
right topic.
Challenge faced for correct
methodology selection.
Challenge to find the respective
participants for the study.
Challenge faced while finding the
institutions for the study.
A Challenge for dealing with your
data and the results’ interpretation and analysis.
All the above said challenges
collectively make a big challenge for a researcher to initiate, conduct and
complete the research work. A brief description of all of these challenges is
given below.
Challenge while choosing the right topic:
For research work, the research
topic serves as the basis for everything, i.e. the literature review, research
methodology, software selection to perform varying tests, results' discussions
and findings, and conclusion for the selected study' outcomes. While choosing
the topic, one should consider the do-able question. Also, it is suggested to
use the available resources, i.e. time, people and money efficiently. Try to
support your research topic through theoretical basis.
Challenge faced for correct methodology selection:
To conduct the research work, a
well-defined methodology is desired. Most of the researches fail because of
inappropriate methods. It is reflected based on the research questions and not
form personal selections (Buchanan, 2008).
Challenge to find the respective participants for the study:
After the methodology selection,
there comes the time to find the participants who will help to gather the study
data. There is no need to waste the money, i.e. reaching out the participants
through email marketing. Instead, define your target population and audience
first and then try to reach out to them (Martínez-Mesa J, 2014).
Challenge faced while finding the institutions for the study:
Sometimes, the research
participants might belong to an institution. It provides the researcher with an
extra barrier. To avoid this all, there is a need to keep in mind the back-up
options and don’t be afraid in case there is a rejection for access to the
institution and the data provision. Try to present your ideas through images
and videos to the audience. A picture better narrates a concept/ idea than the
A Challenge for dealing with your data and the results’ interpretation
and analysis:
After data collection, there
comes a barrier that relates to the understanding of the data, selection of the
software, performing tests, data analysis and the interpretation of the study’
outcomes. The knowledge about study data is if developed in the wrong context,
it will lead to misleading results (Boing AC, 2014).
challenges facing research and discuss any assumptions
For the said topic under
discussion, it is assumed that if there are a supporting theory and better
guidance for a research topic selection and its results' analysis, then the
above said challenges could better be avoided.
References of challenges facing research and discuss any assumptions
Boing, AC, P. K. (2014). EpiFloripa Health Survey: the
methodological and operational aspects behind the scenes. Rev Bras
Epidemiol, 17, 147–16.
S. (2008). The information audit: Methodology selection. International
Journal of Information Management, 28 (1), 3-11.
J, G.-C. D. (2014). Sample size: how many participants do I need in my
research? International Journal of Information Management, 89, 609–615.
D. M. (2017). Challenge Assumptions. Journal of Business, 10-21.
Sekaran, R. B. (2016). Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building
Approach, 7th Edition.