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Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 3325

The creative problem solving is a method of utilizing someone’s creativity to develop new solutions and ideas to complications happens in the organization. The process of creative problem solving is depends on separating convergent and divergent styles of thinking. The theories about the creativity and creative problem solving are very multifaceted. There is no standards ability on this theory, and evidence regarding these procedures is consequently distributed and to be initiate in diverse disciplines. This report would attempt to pull together the philosophies that refer to the issue in the anticipation of providing some experience against which to rise the numerous creative problem solving process steps which are labelled in this paper.

The creative problem solving is not just about brainstorming, though this is what a lot of people may linked with. It is really a distinct process that can benefit the manger from definition of problem to applying effective solutions. Creative ideas are not likely to appear abruptly in the minds of people for no deceptive purpose. Relatively, it is the result of solving a particular problem or to accomplish a specific objective. According to the theories of relativity by Albert Einstein’s were not abrupt motivations. Somewhat they were consequence of a massive amount of intellectual problem solving to close an inconsistency among the laws of electromagnetism and laws of physics as they were unstated at that period.

2- Creative Problem Solving in Global Organizations

 In the Apple, has one problem related to innovation that it requires to be overcome. It is very important for the organization to find a new innovative category of the product like iPhone that would attract more customer of the company.  It is not very easy for the company to bring innovation in the product that is desirable for the customers.  When the Apple faced some problem, owners, leaders and managers frequently tend to inspiration about the more creativity behind closed doors. The Apple Inc. company also consider their issue is unique or different, and the simply resolve is to arise with their bright solution of the problem. In its place, more customers of the company should get the playbook of Apple and search for more of the solutions that at present exist in many of the other industries.

3- Methodological approaches to Problem Solving

As there are the following methodological approaches that is used to overcome the problem of Apple Company. To remember about problems as well as conflicts there are two important things: all the time this can be happened and also find the opportunities to make better the organization. According to the people there are the different perspective and view to solve the problems. As every people have different style of thinking and different methods to solve the any problem, like extrovert are those people who solve problem by discussion. They are very friendly and love to share everything.

Whereas, on the other hand introverts are those who tend to think before they speak they are not socialize. They just do their work and don’t interfere on others matter. Sensing mostly focus on the present and intuition related to the future as well as in the world possibilities are immersed. Sensing is used in solving or focus the present problem that present in an organization. While intuition focuses on the future problems of an organization. The third criterion, is thinking-Feeling describe how people processes information. Through logic person makes a decision and we take feeling as someone take decision that is depend on emotion.

Last but not the least judging-perceiving all the event of his life organizes is describe as judging and stick to his plan. To improvise as well as explore the different approaches perceiving means that he/she is inclined.  Moreover, people are born to be a problem solver; to overcome the tendency to immediately come up with the solution is the biggest challenge. In problem solving the most common mistake is trying to figure out the solution.  Because at the beginning of the process it tries to put the solution that’s a mistake, at the end of the process we need is a solution. Here we explained the seven different approaches to solve the problem. The first step is to Define the problem, Analyze the issue, potential solution generates, determine the most viable option, for the issue select best solution, implement the solution shown in the appendices 2.

Define the Problem of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)


Therefore, you wish to solve the problem maybe you have the general idea of the issue. So, what the problem is you have to sure about that. There is also possibility that different people have different views regarding the issues. As in Apple Inc. Company the issue that is defined in the above section that is related to bring the latest innovation in iphones. Here we define the problem of Apple Company that is presently (Big Think Edge, 2018).

Analyze the Issue Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)


First, we should analyze who is mostly affected by the issues of innovation. Apple customer faces these issues of innovation. They want some latest innovation in the products of Apple. As everyone knows that Apple is a well known Company. Apple Company should think about the changes in their product shown in fig.1. in the appendices.

Potential Solution of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

As in Apple Company no one come up with only one solution to come up with various alternative take time to help in enhancing your skills of solving problem. Create a standard it’s an essential according to the ASQ (American society for Quality) in which you are compare the result of different proposed techniques. At this stage you just come up with the potential solution, also don’t judge use such standards to judge that which solution is best for the Apple. Moreover, the management of apple work very hard for this as this is difficult for them to overcome with such types of problem (Satell, 2013).

Determine the most viable option of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

After the potential solution the Company should know the pros and cons of the every proposed solution this is important because you can also think about the solving creative problem. The Company should note that the solution which is identified weather it’s solving the problem without creating any problem. Also notice that within the Organization culture the solution is fit or being processed.

For the issue select the best Solution of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)


As a whole to determine evaluate each solution whether its fit for your employees or it’s right, organization, as well as a whole operation.  On a set list of factors the decision could be based or else this is also based on the Company professional experience. Apple Inc. Company work very hard to getting the best solution for the issues about the innovation. Apple CEO is the biggest chief executive in the history.

Next course of action plan and the solution implementation of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

In this approach the Company write about the solution of the problem as well as also plan that how they get this by this. It’s a very lengthy process and for Apple it takes years to overcome with the innovation in the product. We call it’s a long time process to get this achievement in the field of technology.

Solution Implementation of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

To put your plan into action is all left as well as problem solving skill result also showed. The plan is set by the Company and their team should follow and also ensure that the plan is properly working. Like the US government, Apple, new approach needs to the world developing as well as vision need that is related to the tech Company leading worlds (Shaughnessy, 2013).

4- Paradigm-breaking techniques of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

Brainstorming sessions are the paradigm preserving techniques useful and also to change the world doesn’t require solutions and idea. Moreover, here we describe the Apple’s paradigm breaking techniques. We demonstrate here the seven major technologies that are brought to the mainstream. With the iPhone 7, with news that Apple, the time tested 3.5-millimeter earphone jack may totally desert, about surrendering mechanical benchmarks we're reminded that the organization has positively no second thoughts, regardless at the time of how insane it might appear. In fact, Apple's propensity for hurling aside the old and introducing the new, while on occasion disappointing and twisted, is additionally what makes the organization extraordinary (SEITZ, 2018).

     Through the span of Apple's history, the organization has promoted over the business various innovations rapidly ended up ordinary. While new advancements out of nowhere Apple doesn't regularly create, in manners it has a long history of refining as well as re-purposing existing innovations that on a very basic level reverberate with end clients, and accordingly to take action eventually provoke contenders. As talked about wishful thinking it’s about what you feel or with what you feel comfortable. Do those things which you like not according to the evidence or proof.

Multi-touch of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

To begin multi-touch innovation is an undeniable place. While presenting the first iPhone in 2007 presently in spite of what Steve Jobs may have said, inside Apple's R&D labs multi-touch was not some supernatural innovation concocted profound. A remarkable inverse, some time before the iPhone the innovation existed and was even freely demoed back in February 2006 too much recognition during TED Talk by Jeff Han.

In any case, the first iPhone brought multi-touch innovation into the mainstream it's undeniable. From a wide range of handset producers it wasn't some time before we started seeing multi-touch cell phones, following the iPhone. At Apple multi-touch might not have been an element created, but rather on the iPhone the organization's usage of the innovation is the thing that really made it a commonly recognized name along with open to the majority is more significant.


Another technological innovation is the computer mouse that is not yet represents as well as by the Apple also not invented, by an apple product was popularized. Through a command line mostly people used the interfacing techniques back the 1980s mid, world of computing is changed by the help of Apple when the original Mac is introduced. Using the mouse is the popular idea as it’s the basic way to interact through computers.

Trackpads Laptop

Nowadays, on about any laptop trackpads come standard you're probably going to run over. In any case, to recall the mid 90s for those mature enough, that wasn't the situation generally. As the essential info mechanism numerous utilized the computers notebooks a somewhat massive trackball. In any case, in May of 1994when Apple discharged its arrangement of 500PowerBook scratch pad, registering could never be the equivalent. Apple's PowerBook 500 note pads got rid of the trackball as well as supplanted it with a significantly more exquisite along with effective trackpad of two-inch square.

Fingerprint Sensor:

In 2012 the technology of fingerprint sensor was hardly new, until with the 5s the Apple rolled out TouchID vast majority of consumers had never used this before. On their own devices to implement biometric technologies other handset manufacturers began screeching.

Think about this: all at once, Apple figured out how to standardize an innovation that, at the time for many people, consigned to TV shows or motion pictures was simply a cool innovation.

What's more, in what might be something of a subject here, it's important, once more, with all alone the Apple didn't mysteriously think of touched. Or maybe, behind TouchID in-house the organization brought the essential innovation when back in 2012 acquired the firm of mobile security. Therefore, Apple didn't imagine unique mark of innovation acknowledgment, at last carried it into the standard its very natural usage of the innovation (Elmer-DeWitt, 2018).

User Interface graphical:

The historical backdrop of the Graphical User Interfaces during the 1970s broadly extends back to the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. Also, in 1983there it stayed until the Lisa PC presented by Apple, by the Mac in 1984before long pursued. Despite for a considerable length of time past the fact that the innovation had existed, it wasn't until its own PCs Apple joined it into that the idea of a Graphical Users Interface really started among standard PC customers to picked up footing.


While from Xerox a few naysayers still prefer to guarantee that Apple "stole" the Graphical User Interface idea, there are a couple of key certainties worth referencing. To start with, from Xerox Apple authorized numerous GUI highlights. Second, over the span of building up the first Mac by Apple engineers a portion of the more typical Graphical User Interface ideas that are presently viewed as standard as well as fundamental parts of the figuring background were produced. In any case, the Graphical User Interface on the first Mac speaks to a great and milestone crossroads ever of it's difficult to deny that.


A strong and goal-oriented was the first item known as Bondi Blue iMac, as well as for Apple to launch arguably risky computers. Without a floppy circle drive not exclusively did the iMac come, to send only with USB ports it was likewise the principal of computers. All the while, ports like ADB along with SCSI as well as at last changed USB Apple got rid of inheritance into a defacto fringe standard over the business.

In spite of the fact that a few PCs with USB ports at the time came, the iMac, once more, in reverse to totally break was the principal PC similarity with more established ports. Subsequently, across the board selection of USB the iMac helped increasingly the kickstart. When the iMac started dispatching, to increment significantly the quantity of USB perfect peripherals started. What's more, thusly, that bolstered USB started to develop also the quantity of PCs.

3D Touch

In a long while 3D touch is one of the additionally fascinating as well as energizing cell phone advancement we have seen. As another innovation, Be that as it may, how 3D Touch will change we won't completely have the capacity to acknowledge the manner within which we utilize our gadgets until more designers start exploiting it. All things considered, how much potential the innovation has as of now use 3D Touch a portion of the ways that iOS applications serve to demonstrate. It in this manner makes sense that soon weight touchy multi-touch shows turn into the standard on cell phones no matter how you look at it. Not very shockingly, in 2016 at some point we've just observed reports that 3D Touch-esque innovation is probably going to hit lead Android gadgets (Heisler, 2015).

 5- Examples of step 3 & 4 in your work place

In my own organization named company A, most of the operations and functions in the company are technological. Many of the times my organization face difficulty to solve the problem that can be related with innovation, productivity and technicality. But now my organization started to involve with innovation as well as in employee’s data management establish the program. The example of solving the problem used in my organization is as follow:

Whenever there is any problem occurs in our organization the first step is to identify the issues and be very clear regarding the problem that is to be solved. Our managers in the organization always take the opinions and suggestions from the employees to solve the problem. After getting the suggestion all of the best solution of the problems is listen to choose the best among them. For example, a few months before our senior IT manager discuss with us that they are having difficulty in data management and there are also many of the security threats to the private data of the company. The manager takes suggestions from the employees about most excellent solution to deal with that problem. Some of employees suggested to implement more effective and new technology that is more effective to manage the data and some employees recommended to hire more experience staff that can effectively manage the data. Eventually IT manager choose to implement new technology that although need more cost for implementation and training existing employees about using that technology. The IT manager for the implementation of the new database technology signed contract with some shareholders and CEO in company A.

A few years back in my organization A, the Paradigm shift when managers in my company decided to reduce the use of paper to reduce the annual trash of the company. At that time many of the companies are producing thousands tons of trash annually.  I think this creative and sustainable decision of manager shift the Paradigm and after that many companies in the countries start following our path to be more sustainable.

 6- What have you learned and how you will use it

By analyzing the creative problem solving in global organizations, methodological, approaches to problem solving and Paradigm-breaking techniques. I got to know a lot of about the concept of problems solving and creativity in the global organization. Every global organization has a very creative and innovative approach towards its products. The decision making and problems solving pattern is also very creative. There is no doubt that it is the creative and innovative problem solving always keep companies one step ahead of the competitors in the market.

The creativity and innovation is always been its competitors advantage. I also learnt about all of the major methods of Paradigm shift and breaking techniques. as it was one of the first company who introduced the user-friendly interface that is very interactive to use.  So it can be said that Apple problem solving methods and creativity have a lot to learn and I personally is very inspired by the creative problem solving techniques used by global organizations.

7- Conclusion on Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

Summing up the discussion it can be said that the Creative ideas are not likely to appear abruptly in the minds of people for no deceptive purpose. Huge amount of intellectual problem solving to close a discrepancy among the laws of electromagnetism and physics laws. It is not very informal for the company to bring creativity and innovation in the product that is desirable for many of the customers.  It’s also recommended that with outside entities for Apple to create truly collaborative relationship to their famously prickly culture they will have to have made serious adjustment. It is also concluded that the Apple’s Company brings the innovation and also make new strategies for the coming years to bring some more technologies into their products and know the needs of the client. As this is the world’s best brand any sort of problem is solved immediately or focus on the problem solving.



Fig.2. problem solving model


Fig.1. Solving problem cycle

References of Theories of Creativity and the Creative Problem-Solving Process (Apple Inc.)

Big Think Edge. ( 2018, September 06). 7 Steps to Better and More Innovative Problem Solving Skills. Retrieved from https://www.bigthinkedge.com/blog/steps-to-innovative-problem-solving-skills

Elmer-DeWitt, b. P. (2018, May 11). Munster: Apple’s Paradigm Shift. Retrieved from https://www.ped30.com/2018/05/11/munster-apple-paradigm-shift/

Heisler, Y. (2015, December 2). 7 technologies Apple brought to the mainstream. Retrieved from https://bgr.com/2015/12/02/apple-innovations-technologies/

Satell, G. (2013, April 17). Apple’s Innovation Problem. Retrieved from https://www.digitaltonto.com/2013/apples-innovation-problem/

SEITZ, P. (2018, MAy 11). Apple Services Called 'Next Paradigm Shift' For Company's Stock. Retrieved from https://www.investors.com/news/technology/click/apple-stock-aapl-services-shift/

Shaughnessy, H. (2013, Feb 8). Solving Apple's Innovation Problem. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/haydnshaughnessy/2013/02/08/solving-apples-innovation-problem/#5d2b196a6698



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