In the United States sports and media are
interviewed extensively which is too difficult to thinking about the two
different industries. These both variables have reciprocal and complex
financial relationship. Mostly the media enterprise broadcast the stations of
the cable television and it includes web based. The sports leagues paid
millions of dollars for broadcasting of the rights of their games. The
distribution of the money occurs by the teams members.
The peoples are together by the binding of the
sports because it’s playing a role of food for the tribal nature of man. The
enthusiasm with the common goals can be providing by the belonging with the
sports team. The results of the statics shows, the survey concerned with those
people who enjoys watching the sports in 2014. From the male respondents 63
percent peoples are involved in watching the sports, this was due to the
rivalry between the teams.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to finding the
relationships of the sports and media.
The objective of this study is to knowing about
the reason for watching the sports.
The major purpose to conducting this research
study is to finding out why do people watch the sports?
Source =
Literature review of Sports and Media: Why Do People Watch Sport?
The selected sources are the good match for the research topic because
it provides a lot of knowledge proving that why the people watch sports and it shows the reflection of the peoples
thought why they likes sports and why the sports are important for them. The
theories of the many expert researcher’s in these sources provides a different
concept for knowing about the thoughts of the people who wat5ch the sports. The sources which are selected for this
research are mostly linked with each other because these are defined about the
some of the purpose of this research study. Moreover this study has conducted
by using the synthesis sources.
According to Apostolou,
M and Pavlidou, A. (2014) there
is popular entertainment activities watching and participating in sporting
events. People have devoted a lot to watch sports on television, played a
ticket to get athlete competitions and sports which are buying the magazine and
so on.
For example, Super Bowl after years collected the largest
television viewer of American television, which resulted in a high bid for
players' rights, any other program, high demand, people's desire; the players
intend to take over. For example, in December 2004, PTV platform Canal Plus
played 2.3 billion dollars for French League 1 for 3 years. Especially,
modern athlete competitions usually occur in large cities where the majority
live in people. Nevertheless, man's mind is very different from a modern one in
a context. Particularly, due to evolutionary change there are several
generations, evolution patterns evolve from the earliest period, despite
extreme environmental changes in recent times (Apostolou 2014).
The studies of the Martin
Fitzgerald, (2014) depicted the
formulation of the distribution of money varies according to the sports. After this; the money is transfer in the form
of salaries to the players. Huge expenditures of the media outlet are tried to
recover through their advertising selling time, at the time broadcasting sports
to the companies which have believe on their products can be sell to these
various kinds of people who are involved in to watch the sports on television (Fitzgerald 2014).
According to Kerry, K. M., and
Mason, D. S. (2016) Explanation of Framing theories explains how News Media
organizes stories of public opinion about an event or problem. A frame
"provides a connection between the main organization and the line of story
that provides meaningless clues to events. Frame shows that the dispute what is
the matter, the main purpose of this problem. “Definition frames are not
neutral, they are determining how the public should think about it, and that
the public should react (Carey 2016).
Many peoples watch the sports
they want to observing the people are they brilliant or not at sport and they
wants to know how much they have knowledge about the sports and how they are
According to Darvin and Sagas,
(2017) regardless of
the colossal increment in female interest many have contended that game as a
foundation keeps on sustaining male strength in the public stadium. Besides,
specialists have battled that game regularly serves to imitate man centric
relations through procedures of trivialization. These procedures can be
sustained using sexist language and symbolism in the intervened portrayal of female competitors,
which therefore increments both the underestimation and the subordination of
female members in game. The previous studies have identified two repeating
topics for female competitors in the predominant press (Darvin 2017).
According to Hamari, (2017) to begin with, the
measure of inclusion dedicated to female sports is definitely lower than the
measure of inclusion their male partners get. The second subject describes as how
female competitors who do get media inclusion are frequently depicted in
manners that serve to accentuate their gentility and heterosexuality instead of
their athletic accomplishments. Given the commonness of sexualized portrayals
of female competitors, past research has explored the effects of such
depictions, confirming that these sexualized competitor pictures are regularly
tantamount to sexualized non competitor pictures (Hamari 2017).
The studies of the Brown Devlin, N.
(2017) now a days the researchers of the media are regularly strive for the
identifying the those variables which are affecting on the viewers for
consuming the content of the sport media. There are three broad themes
identified for observing the overall literature why the people are consuming on
the sports media. From which first one is described about the emotional
responses which are discriminating by the dispositions of the peoples. The
second defines the aesthetics content and all the drama which is created
for this game. Third term is involved; in the fulfillment of social and cognitive
needs. These ranges of the themes are suggested the broad variances in the
existing sports fans (Devlin 2017).
According Harris, (2013) the
researchers are forcing to reduce difficult vari8ables ranges in to least
homogeneous traits set in sports-related literature, the research has
examined that the Role Personality, it shows that it encouraged needs a lot of
team recognition. Scholarships have also pointed out social interactions with
family and friends for many reasons. Easiest, and the own Self Encouraged
sports consumption for sports. Experts have reviewed the relationship between
personality and team identification and team identification and consumption of
sports media. This study suggests the presence of direct relations between the
first personality and the media consumption of the game, and then tries to
identify that personality symptoms can be done by team identification (Harris 2013).
According to the Forde and Wilson,
(2018) at the same time, at least it is mentioned in the game by people
who study alternative media. This is because of the play of journalists in media
and media studies. Treatment or more accurately, lack of treatment will be
reflected. In addition our study, 'seriously playing the game accurately', we
also want to consider what to learn by focusing on those creations and people
who participate in this forum. It includes motivating about new directions to
improve, more and more malicious sports journalism progresses. In the same way,
an activist project can be estimated that we are under the SMA umbrellas with
the intentions of our goals and goals we think that 'alternative' or 'radical'.
Consider historical links between a variety of alternative media projects for
example, Zee news and every kind of variable and popular cultural historical
Woratscheck, (2017) claimed as since
the 1980s, key scholars of the game, media, and culture have shown that modern
games cannot be separated in a variety of ways in which they are interfered
between the audiences. The scholars have expressed concern about how the game
is compared and how to produce and consolidate the form and consumption of it
in a powerful and cultural context, in which this game and the media are
appreciated. It is generally thought that many interests and preferences are in
the game within the media's media culture, and between mainstream and
alternative feature of a difference is less
important than the others, that particular fiction, behavior, and cultural
truths may prevail (Woratschek 2017)
this context, research on people who create media often mediates between
journalists and other sports media producers as a mediation game. Other
scholars have described how sports journalists are often considered unusually
in their reporting, appear in the sports industry, do not reduce the main point
of view, and more 'traditional' submissions of journalists There is no
restriction to follow their moral practices in areas. It is based on his
criticism in mind and his extensive research with sportswriters, which is concluded
that sports journalists do not have the opportunity to expand the access and
depth of the sports media (Forde 2018).
studies of the Hamer, Weiler
and Stamatakis, E. (2014) depicted about the Physical
activity freely connected with the BMI and waist frames in the TV, connected to
TV-related health risks, such as most flow behavior, such as television (TV). To
watching the sports either it’s on TV or place, mainly for a long time, in
which some games have become more widespread with the introduction of all the
stadiums. Despite the effects of specific TV content practices, food and
legitimate advertisements are generally common in sporting events. Food habits
and obesity however, it has been suggested that sporting events such as
Olympics can be encouraged to take sports, physically actively activate, and
with such promise to inheritance of physical activity Stabilize.
study aims at the examination of the association in the UK's old sports TV,
physical activity level, and a sample pattern. Most people were likely to see
the participants who viewed the game, more TV shows, reported problems and
their health was considered poor. As reported by the study 69.9 percent in the
week to participate in the most moderate or mutual activity weekly and actively
activated 21.6 percent of the sample more than once. There was no link between
seeing sports and physical activity levels (Hamer 2014).
to Gantz and Lewis, N. (2014)
in previous work, it is likely to influence
the use of the game fans of the traditional and modern media platform. Platform
factors include control area, interactive level, temporary barriers, sincere,
screen size presence and access. In order to see the reception experience, fan
encouragement, group contact, companionship and identity, and desire for
lifestyle was included. Almost at the same time it is added new media modesty,
interactive. It describe four affordance attached to the agency and navigation.
previous literature uses the least of the factors from these two articles and
reviews how to use the media of every possible sports fan to follow their
favorites. Since print media are also available online, we have chosen to focus
on electronic media in this article. The traditional media platform includes
broadcast, cable and satellite television, and radio. Modern media platform
includes computer and mobile based devices (Gantz 2014).
research gap of this study is; to find out the reason for watching the sports
and to knowing about why people want watch the sports. The research study is
varied about its association of the sports and media. This study also
identifies the relationship between sports and media. The research study
follows the previous studies to proving the relationship of the sports and
research question is why people watch sports. This questions is clearly
identified the relationship of the both variables as well as it shows either
watching the sports are beneficial for the media companies or not.
Conclusion on
Sports and Media: Why Do People Watch Sport?
The literature review of the research study describes the all
theories and studies which are related to media and sports. Many journal and
research articles depicted the relationship of the media with sports but there
is little gap to finding out that reasons which are enforced to peoples to
watching the sports. There are couples of reason for watching the sports and it
can vary according to the person or sports.
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