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Analytical Assignment about Democratization power

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1050

            In the ted talk the speaker Eric Leu talks about the democratizing power. In starting of his lecture he stats that every citizen has some civic responsibilities that are ultimately important to make the society a better place to live therefore, instead of just relying on the government and waiting for the miracles to happen, it is more important that every citizen be a part of the social betterment. He states that in a self-governing community the word civic is taken as contributing role in problem which means that every members of the community has to address his responsibility in resolving issues of the society (Liu, 2018).

                Further he states that we found it difficult to talk about the power because it is the states that make others to rule over you or the capacity the others are given by you. Further he states that in this sense of authorising others over you gives a negative side of the power. In terms of government the power is given to the government in terms of dictatorship or democracy. Therefore, he claims that it is important to understand the capacity of power and the ways to democratize it but it requires very deep knowledge and understanding of the concept of civic because due to the low civic engagement, knowledge and awareness, we are deprived to hold the power of democratizing even in living with a system where government is said to rule through democratic system.

                The speakers claimed that when civic engagement start to disappear among the common people then the opportunist try to manipulate things and start to do the things in their own way. Therefore, when they feel that there is no one to raise voice against their action and they have the manipulative words to justify their action and in case if some raise voice against it then they know that they also have the power to stop the raising voice (Liu, 2018).

                In this situation, the speaker claims that we have be civic and we all have to take the responsibility by understanding the meaning of power and by realising the importance of civic engagement. Subsequently, he claims that everyone should have a voice to practice the democratizing power because the power that is being practices in the hands of some should not be manipulated in this way but it should be practice in way that is acceptable for the majority and that justifies by the mean of justice and logic. Further he explains that the power democratizing could be practiced in real manners when people start to understand the concept of civic and by realising their civic responsibility they take active part in the matters of their community. He states that instead of just being called to have a democratic government, it is the time to practice the democratizing power to value the lives of everyone and to avoid the power just being manipulated in the hands of some (Liu, 2018).


            The 1950s and 60s civil rights movement of America is centuries long struggle of Blacks community of America against Racial discrimination and Whit supremacy  specially in southern region of United states. Movement had roots go back in decades long mass struggle and protest of African slaves and there predecessor to abolish slavery. Rosa Parks, John Lewis, Martin Luther King was key figure of this civil movement. (Santoro, 2008)

Civil rights movement of America brings significance changes in the history and politics of United States of America. The country started to address common and human rights mishandles that had waited in American culture for a century.

        The US government courts and congress in the end gave increasingly complete political rights to African Americans and started to review longstanding monetary and social imbalances.

         During 1960s hesitant Congress has to pass milestone social liberties enactment. United States congress members of this era played prominent roles in advocating for reform.First Black American president Barack Obama is the striking indication of these struggle and reforms. (history.com, March 18, 2019)

        Civil right movement of America played a significance role to show the nations of modern world that the power to alter in reality reside within the will of the people. It create spark in heart and mind of other depressed nations around the world to fight for its rights. It was the base and inspiration for all Revolution, Movement, Activities, and Actions emerged for the rights of pressed peoples and nation.

             The 2011 and 2014 Libyan civil war and revolution has many similarities where Qadhafi 40 year’s regime ruthlessly restricting any individual or gathering contradicting the belief system of his 1969 insurgency. At last people start demanding for to safeguard of their universal rights, for justice, political freedom, opportunity but instead of accepting there demands Qadhafi started brutality against the Libyan individuals, utilizing each device available to him, from gunnery blasts, to airstrikes. After long struggle people of Libya get there freedom they demanded. (Cottle, 2011)

             Overall, the 20th-century struggle for civil rights created a suffering change of the legitimate status of African Americans and different victims of discrimination around the world. So civil right movement‘s outcome was that the individuals have come to live in harmony with one another. Harmony and concordance are one of the best and hardest accomplishments one could make and to see an entire network accomplish this is tremendous. (Morris, 1986)

It additionally expanded the obligation of the legislature and different governments to uphold social liberties laws and the arrangements of the Civil War-period constitutional amendment.

References of Democratization power

Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab uprisings of 2011. Journalism, pp.647-659.

Liu, E. (2018). Why ordinary people need to understand power. Retrieved 2019, from https://www.ted.com/talks/eric_liu_why_ordinary_people_need_to_understand_power/transcript?language=en

history.com. (March 18, 2019). Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/civil-rights-movement

Morris, A. (1986). The origins of the civil rights movement. . Simon and Schuster.

Santoro, W. (2008). The civil rights movement and the right to vote: Black protest, segregationist violence and the audience. Social Forces,. pp.1391-1414.


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