Mobile social network systems, with the
wireless technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices, are increasingly
available. An essential role is being played by the mobile social network in influence
in the “word of mouth” form and spread of information. Finding a subset of influential
individuals is a fundamental issue in the mobile social network such that initially
targeting them will contribute towards maximizing the spread of influence. Influence
maximization in mobile social network aims to look for the small individuals’ group
having maximal influence cascades. Precisely, influence maximization is itself a
problem of a small subset of nodes' finding in a social network that is able to
maximize a spread of influence. Unfortunately, the problem is NP-hard of
finding the most influential nodes (Song, Zhou, Wang,
& Xie, 2015).
It has been shown that good approximation can
be given by a Greedy algorithm having provable approximation guarantees; however,
if it is not prohibitive then it is computationally expensive to implement a greedy
algorithm on the large mobile social network (Bhosale & Kulkarni,
This study has adopted the divide and conquer strategy with mechanisms that are
parallel computing. First, an algorithm is proposed called Community-based Greedy
algorithm so that top-K influential nodes could be mined. Two components are
encompassed; selecting communities to so that influential nodes could be found by
a dynamic programming and taking into account information to divide large
mobile social networks into various communities. For further performance
improvement, influence propagation is parallelized based on communities. Moreover,
a precision analysis is given in this study to show the approximation
guaranteed of proposed models.
References of Influence
Maximization in Mobile Social Network
Bhosale, S., & Kulkarni, D. (2015). Influence
Maximization on Mobile Social Network using Location-based Community Greedy
Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887),
Volume 122, Issue: 19, 28-31.
G., Zhou, X., Wang, Y., & Xie, K. (2015). Influence Maximization on
Large-Scale Mobile Social Network: A Divide-and-Conquer Method. : IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 26, Issue: 5, 1379
- 1392.