The mobile social network has a
lot of influence on the communities. The information on social media spread
very fast and in has a lot of influence in the lives on individuals in
community. In this report, there is a discussion on finding the most
influential nodes. The community based greedy algorithms is used to forming top-k
influential nods that have maximizing impact on communities. Mobile social network systems, with the
wireless technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices, are increasingly
available. An essential role is being played by the mobile social network in
influence in the “word of mouth” form and spread of information. A technique
of divide-and-conquer with mechanism of parallel computing has been used (SONG, Guojie
et al., 2015).
Algorithms of Influence maximization in mobile social network
Community based greedy algorithms of Influence maximization in mobile social network
It has been shown that good approximation can
be given by a Greedy algorithm having provable approximation guarantees;
however, if it is not prohibitive then it is computationally expensive to
implement a greedy algorithm on the large mobile social network (Bhosale & Kulkarni, 2015).
First, an algorithm is proposed called Community-based Greedy algorithm so that
top-K influential nodes could be mined. Precisely, influence maximization is
itself a problem of a small subset of nodes' finding in a social network that
is able to maximize a spread of influence. Unfortunately, the problem is
NP-hard of finding the most influential nodes (Song, Zhou, Wang, & Xie, 2015).
Community Greedy Algorithm Based on Location of Influence maximization in mobile social network

Goals of Influence maximization in mobile social network
The main goal of the social media
network influence is to parallelize propagation based on communities and
consider the influence propagation across the communities. The goals of using the design approach and greedy
algorithms are to use both the global structure that contain the network
information and local attributes for the analysis of social influence (SONG, Guojie
et al., 2015).
Encompassed of Influence
maximization in mobile social network
Further improvement performances of Influence maximization in mobile social network
Two components are encompassed; selecting
communities so that influential nodes could be found by a dynamic programming
and taking into account information to divide large mobile social networks into
various communities. For further performance improvement, influence propagation
is parallelized based on communities. Moreover, a precision analysis is given
in this study to show the approximation guaranteed of proposed models. The Performance can be augmented by increasing the propagation
of influence hold up communities and take into account crossing communities influence
Dividing the large scale mobile network of Influence maximization in mobile social network
For large scale mobile network division finding a subset of influential
individuals is a fundamental issue in the mobile social network such that
initially targeting them will contribute towards maximizing the spread of
influence. Influence maximization in mobile social network aims to look for the
small individuals’ group having maximal influence cascades. The large-scale mobile social networks experiments demonstrate
that planned algorithm is faster as compare with any past algorithms (NGUYEN, Dung
T. et al., 2013).
Influential nodes by dynamic program of Influence maximization in mobile social network
The formula of dynamic
programming is used for selecting communities to locate nodes that are authoritative.
The LCGA algorithm believes both significant factor of time & location. The
mobile social network experiential studies demonstrate that LCGA algorithms
have development on both effectiveness and correctness compared with methods of

Divide and conquer of
Influence maximization in mobile social network
This study has adopted the divide and conquers
strategy with mechanisms that are parallel computing. For mining top-K
influential nodes greedy rule based on community is used primary. It has two divisions:
large- scale mobile social network division into a lot of communities by taking
data diffusion under consideration. The Communities are also likely to select significant
dynamic programming nodes (SONG, Guojie et al., 2015).

Parallel computing mechanism of
Influence maximization in mobile social network
The Parallel computing mechanism
is also used in the algorithm for maximizing the influence of mobile social
network. A model of parallel programming is a concept of parallel
computer structural design, by using this it is suitable to articulate algorithms
and the composition in the whole program. The programming model value can judge
on its generalization: to know how well different problems range
can be uttered for an assortment of diverse architectures: and how proficiently
the execution of compiled programs. The parallel programming model implementation
can get the library form appeal to a sequential language in the
algorithm, as an addition to an accessible language, or as new language (BHOSALE,
Smita and Kulkarni, Dhanshree, 2015).
Conclusion on Influence maximization in mobile social network
Summing up the discussion it can
be said that the Mobile social
network systems, with the wireless technologies and the proliferation of mobile
devices, are increasingly available. Influence maximization is itself a problem of a small subset of nodes'
finding in a social network that is able to maximize a spread of influence. The
precision analysis is given in this study to show the approximation guaranteed
of proposed models. Influence maximization in mobile social network
aims to look for the small individuals’ group having maximal influence.
The Communities are also likely to select significant dynamic programming nodes
References of Influence
maximization in mobile social network
Smita and Dhanshree KULKARNI. 2015. Influence Maximization on Mobile Social
Network using Location based Community Greedy Algorithm. International
Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 122, Issue: 19.,
Dung T., Soham DAS, and My T. THAI. 2013. Influence Maximization in Multiple
Online Social Networks. IEEE., pp.3060-3065.
Guojie, Xiabing ZHOU, Yu WANG, and Kunqing XIE. 2015. Influence Maximization on
Large-Scale Mobile Social Network: A Divide-and-Conquer Method. IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume: 26, Issue: 5.,
pp.1379 - 1392.