owner must consider all the
expenditures of the institute at very first because for maintenance and for starting
the institute the main expenditure must be bear by owner and for this he has to
prepare a huge amount which he take from banks as loan and also invest its
personal capital in the institute. Because he want to recover the entire amount
from the students and from administrators of the institute that are going to
run the institute with their effective management and make smooth strategies
for recovering all their expenses. All those areas that are going to involve
including students must be allocated all the expenses according to their usage
and their worth. The capital structure
of the college must be strong and must be depend on the strategies that are
helpful in recovering all the expenses and also help to maintain its profit and
earning among its shareholders. The assets and liabilities of the college must
be maintained in balance condition so that their utilization must be beneficial
for the college and for the owner also. Owner has to consider all the resource
of payment carefully and also determine what are the effective methods that are
helpful in recovery all expenses and how college can generate revenue through
admission of students and also bear all its expenses because at annual basis
some expenses are occur and some occur eventually. So it’s the responsibility
of the owner and then its management to make such as effective strategy that
are supporting hand for the institute and also provide better path to manage
all its expenses because all expenses are important and also compulsory for the
Critically analyzing the
financial sources and DPC optimum capital structure we can advise owner that
his decision of acquiring building as asset of the company is not right if he
is going to finance this transaction from the college assets. Somehow, if they
are interested to invest more capital in the business from his personal assets
to make college generate more profit then decision is right. Making huge
transaction from assets could cause liquidity or solvency related problems.
Somehow, other than decision of acquiring building is good as it can lower huge
expenses and cost of operations. Moreover, building acquisition is also capable
to deliver high profit or return on investment to DPC Company. Total expected
increase in revenue is 3%. While during this expense of depreciation and
interest would increase by 2% but financial situation will remain in profit as
acquiring building will remove rent expense. Reduce in rent expense can provide
high profit margin therefore owner don’t need to worry about increase in
depreciation expense. Moreover, college also have an opportunity to sale out
building at 700000€ after 5 years. Therefore
there are chances that owner can sell out building and earn profit in case he
fails to maintain net income of college operations as a result of this