Additive manufacturing and 3D
printing are referred to as the process of the manufacturing of the solid
object from digital file to three dimensions. The additive processes are used
to achieving the creation of 3D printed objects. It ever layers can be shown as
the delicate sliced in horizontal cross-section to the eventual object. The 3d printing is against the subtractive
manufacturing that is related to the cutting out the piece of the plastic or
metal such as the milling machine. The
complex functional shapes can be produced by using the 3d printing and it
requires less materials as compared to several other traditional manufacturing
Why 3d Printing is useful
The architects are used 3d
printing for generating the process for creating the tools as well as for creating
the mockups. The 3D printing is the ways of producing the more I innovation in
the object and images. It is usually used to creating spare parts as well as
personalized items. It is also required to manufacturing other products with
minimum waste.3D printing is referred to as the inexpensive and prosthetics
3D printing and materials is used
The software of the solid works is
used by Aerospace engineers. It is also utilized to building the prototypes, Stratasys
and Additive Manufacturing
Technology. The 3D printing is usually used in several fields such as; Automotive,
Education, Agriculture, Consumer Products, Architecture, High Tech, Engineering
& Construction (AEC) and in the Industrial Equipment.
Advantages of 3D printing
The concerns of the benefits of
the 3D printing permit the designers to take a quick decision at the time of
the selection of the manufacturing process. It allows for delivering an optimal
Speed of 3D printing
The major main benefits of 3D
printing are the speed of producing parts that is much better than traditional
manufacturing methods. The CAD model is used in the complex design and it can
be printed in a few hours.
Single step manufacture of 3D
For designers, the major concerns are the ways of making the parts as possible
as efficiently. A large number of manufacturing steps are required in its major
parts that can easily produce in traditional technologies. The
manufacturability of the design and quality of the design can be affected by
these steps that occur in it.
Cost of 3D printing and
There are three major categories in which the manufacturing cost can be broken
down these categories are; labor cost, machine operation cost, and material
cost. The brief explanation of the machine operation cost is given as; the same
amount of the power is used in the 3D printers on most of the desktop such as
the computer and laptop. The high amount of energy is consumed in the 3D
printing technologies in industries for producing a single part.
Risk mitigation of 3D printing
and materials used in SLA
The risk mitigation is another
major benefit of the additive manufacturing technologies the faulty sample can enhance
the cost of the designers as well as wastage of his money and time. Even there are
huge impacts of the small changes on the large financial impacts and
fabrications methods.
Complexity and design freedom of
3D printing and materials used in SLA
By using the traditional manufacturing the various restriction is imposed
that is related to what things can be made easily and these are relevant to the
additive manufacturing. There are various components that are built on one
layer at a time.
Materials used in SLA of 3D printing and materials used in SLA
The parts of the plastics can be produced by the Stereolithography
(SLA) along with the fine details, high accuracy, and high resolution. These
parts are also produced in the smooth and finish surface. It great fullness for
the occurrence of the huge variety of the resins that are available for the
SLA3Dprinting. In diverse industries, several applications are founded in this
process. There are various kinds of materials of the resins that are commonly
sued in the industry.
For general prototyping the
standard are resins are usually used
The particular thermal and mechanical
properties have occurred in the engineering resins.
The bio capaitibilty
certifications are founded in the medical and dental resins.
After the burnout, the zero ash
content occurs in the castable resins.
Standard SLA resins of 3D printing and materials used in SLA
Standard resin of 3D printing
and materials used in SLA
The high stiffness is produced by the standard resins and the standard
resins are also produced the prints in the high resolution along with the modeling
of the smooth injection like finish. For the applications of the prototyping,
its lower cost makes it ideal. Its properties can be effects by its color of
resins such as; the grey resin is the best match for the parts of the fine
details. It is ideal for art modeling, concept modeling, and rapid prototyping.

Clear resin of 3D printing and
materials used in SLA
The similar mechanical properties
occur in the clear resins meanwhile it may be post-processed to near optical transparency.

Engineering SLA resins of 3D
printing and materials used in SLA
A range of injection is simulated by the engineering resins and the range
of the injection molded plastics is required is offering the widest choices of
the materials to engineers. Its properties are required for manufacturing,
prototyping, and testing. The post-curing is required under the UV light to all
engineers for reaching towards their maximum mechanical properties

Tough resin (ABS-like) of 3D
printing and materials used in SLA
The applications that are requiring
the material that is withstanding with the high strain and high stress the
tough resins are developed. In tough resins the parts that are printed it has
tensile strength of the 55.7MPa as well as the elasticity modules 2.7 GPa which
is comparable to ABS. it's considered as ideal for the mechanical assemblies
and functional prototypes.

Durable resin (PP-like) of 3D
printing and materials used in SLA
The durable resins are considered as the flexible material and
wear-resistant along with the several mechanical properties for the Polypropylene
PP. these resins are used in the parts which are required high flexibility,
smooth surface finishing, and low friction. Durable resins are referred to as
the specific fitting for prototyping consumer products, low frictions, ball joints,
snap fits and moving parts of low frictions. These resins are useful for the