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Assignment on critique the research design plan

Category: Arts & Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: MLA Words: 1200

        For a research paper and report, a research design is a detailed and proposed plan. An effective and attractive design include many things like conclusion that combine the everything together, interpretation of data, data collection and analysis, previous research, theoretical framework and questions. For research it is consider a big challenge. The critiquing of design in the best possible way is to perform all the steps one by one and observe all the performance of variables that whether they are reasonable for the project and well defined or not.

        The first part of this is the research questions; understand the research questions with effective reading, then move to theoretical section for further reading, in this part the basic introduction of the project going to be discussed. The research questions explain the entire project in detail. The theory section includes all the main idea of the research through its questions. We consider here that how much the questions explain the idea and provide proper information about the idea of the project. At this stage the critique is that how the questions explained by the theory. Then move to literature review and the theoretical design must reflect the usage of books and articles in the proposed report. (SSDS)

        Carefully observe that recent paper must include in the research so the latest and updated information are easy to use and understand. The complete literature must be relevant with the questions and theory. Then consider all the variables that are dependent and independent with each other. Define properly each variable and proper explain all the need of variables. So explaining the variable with proper boundaries is very important as must be relevant to the theory and literature review. Then used proposed methods for analyze the research. Statically diagnostic programs also going to use for analysis the research. These program help to detect the issues in the analysis and consider the factors. Then move to interpretation that belong to the overall research of the project and at the end conclusion explain that the whole idea of the project and its research in few words so the reader can get quick idea by reading conclusion. (Johnson)

Strength and weakness of the research design:

        The strengths and weaknesses are the part of the research design because not always every element is successful or provide full information of not always that element becomes the cause of loss. We have to consider the sample and its size. Because for research study we have to consider that what sort of data sample we are going to consider and what are the methods we are going to use to collect the data or sample for the research. Quantitative research the sample size is also very important as they are provide a lot of information related to research and if the size of information is not suitable then the research has no benefit. (Michaei Coughian)

        We have to follow ethical consideration while writing or conducting the research designs. The four fundamental principle for the ethical consideration are used; beneficence and justice, non-malfeasance, and autonomy. Before conduction the research, the approval must be taken from ethical committee or institutions. They consider all the principles related to ethical must be consider and applied in taking the research. The researchers must consider that the reader understands all the terms and concepts that are explain in the research. All the new terms and concepts must be clearly defined. There are number of elements are consider and the most important is to design the research. There are many quantitative methods are going to used for design the research like quasi experimental, true experimental and non experimental designs. Because without effective design, no any research be attractive and capture the attention of reader. Then the data collection is the major methodology used in the research that provides all the indepth information related to project. (uh.edu.com)

        Many tools are going to used to collect data from different resources and then the proper process of research going to started. There are many ways to present the data in more attractive way so the instrumental tools are going to use in the research to make the research study more attentive. The validity and reliability of data is also very important as the authenticity of information make the research study strong and verified. With these strengths, there are also many weaknesses like the out dates data collection or project study not done in effective manner will never give effective results. Sometimes, unnecessary tools also going to used for the research so they make the research study long and interest going to vanish.

Conclusion on critique the research design plan

        As w observe in the above study that there are many elements that are consider very much important for the research study and make the research effective and attractive but we have to follow all the steps with great care. Proper time management and detailed study must require at every step so they give many benefits to researchers. The reason behind conducting the research is to collect proper and detail information about any element or project. Because we have to collect the each and every thing about that project and then discuss in detail because when we start research about ant thing then we observe all the attached facts about that project which may negative or positive. And it’s up to reader to how he present all the information that he collected from different resources because the resource of information is also very important as they are very much concern about the project and these information definitely effect the study of the project. All the resources of the information also mentioned in the research study so that a proof must be present that elaborate the source . then the methodology also very important part of research as effective methods modified the data into more informative form so the reader can get the idea of research in the first look. Because the reading of boring research remove the main idea of the research so the effective methods that make the research more attractive must be important. The research study must contained all the basic elements that make the research attractive because when more efforts shown on the research design and study then the research study become very interesting and also presented the data in most effective manner that explain the interest of researchers and its hard work related to its research study. (Data)

Reference of critique the research design plan

Data, WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication. Developing an implementation reserach proposal. 2014. <https://www.who.int/tdr/publications/year/2014/participant-workbook2_030414.pdf>.

Johnson, Walter. How to Critique a Research Design. 21 feb 2017. <https://penandthepad.com/how-7448552-critique-research-design.html>.

Michaei Coughian, Patricia Cronin, Frances Ryan. Step'by-step guide to critiquing. 2018. <https://www.unm.edu/~unmvclib/cascade/handouts/critiquingresearchpart1.pdf>.

SSDS. Research Skills. 24 jan 2010. <https://www2.le.ac.uk/projects/oer/oers/ssds/oers/research-skills/Research%20skillscg.pdf>.

uh.edu.com. A Sample Research Proposal with Comments. 2018. <http://www.uh.edu/~lsong5/documents/A%20sample%20proposal%20with%20comment.pdf>.

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