Digital world is a like a two edges sword as one side it
offers great opportunities to the humans and businesses but on the other side
in terms of cyber-attacks it has the most dangerous faces. Hackers are the evil
generous and they are all the time in search of a loop holes to breach the
sensitive information. Therefore, a large number of business organizations have
faced serious hacking attacks that have ruined their businesses. Therefore, for
the company the Malicious hacking is one of the major issues to address for
their IT system.
Viruses of Digital world
viruses are evolving constantly and entering into the internet that can totally
denature the IT programs. Its introduction in John Dough’s computer can damage
its computer either can slow down it or can cause loss of important files. As
it provided its services online also and all of the data is saved in its
computer system so the viral attack can lead to loss of data which can cause
inappropriate harms to the company. Detection of viruses and monitoring is
required so that data can keep secure. IT departments are supposed to handle
problems for the avoidance of a critical time period. It is becoming necessary
to get anti-viruses solutions so here it is mentioning a draft plan for
protection against viral attack in the computer system of John Doughs.
Phishing attack of Digital world
Phishing is another dangerous threat for the IT system that
might create great issues for the IT system of John Droughts therefore, to
protect the information from the attackers there is need to take serious steps.
Confidential information of Digital world
The John Doughts will have to deal with the confidential information
that could be in the form of the financial information and personal information
of their clients. This is very sensitive issues the company has too deal the
confidential information with great care.
Draft plan of Digital world
Installation of antiviruses programs of Digital world
must be the installation of antiviruses programs and firewalls that must run in
the computer for protection against viral attack at first. There is the
availability of a variety of antivirus programs in the market such as Norton which
aimed to provide 100% protection. TOTAL AV is an antivirus program which aims
to provide 97% protection to the system. After it, Panda is providing 97% of the
security from viral attacks.
Latest virus signature files of Digital world
company must get the most modern and latest identified DAT or latest signature
files as it helps in identifying the specific virus. The scanner is used in it
which scans the specific type of virus in a unique way and the efficiency of
identifying scanner depends on the type of scanner installed. It can scan all
the threats expected from viral attack (Landesman, 2018). According to the associated viruses,
scanners must install in the software. The installation must be automatically
updated that if an operator is not available to use a computer in some cases
than it can automatically update or scheduled to download these programs on a
regular basis.
Do it for some days of Digital world
the viral attacks are very common to attack with new and different types of
viruses and these viruses are threatened to introduce every day than the safest
thing a programmer or safety measure of IT of Johns Dough can do is the proper
maintenance of current software and programs which are usually an easy process
on daily basis. In that way, new upcoming viruses can stop to enter in the
programs and protection can be done against diminishing of John Dough data.
There must be automatic settings of goals with ROI thresholds. These updates
can optimize control.
Detection and recovery of viral incident of Digital world
Identification of virus of Digital world
of the attack by the virus must determine after the virus entrance into the
computer. Tools such as handle.exe can be used to gather information from the
infected system and identify the common problems of all the affected systems (Tarng & Wernhuar, 2011).
Assess the scope of the issue of Digital world
inventory must be done to identify the harm that has occurred to the environment
and the total impact that the virus did to the system and information in the
system of John Dough. Assess the availability of computers that are in case of
Coordination of response of Digital world
the attack has been identified, the proper and effective team must be gathered
to deal with that viral infection that is capable of giving recommendations and
implementing proper solutions.
Isolation of the system of Digital world
After a
viral attack has been specified and the team has been selected, isolation of
the system must be done so that viral attack no more capable to attack other
systems. This can limit the spread of the virus if it is not yet affected all
the computing and IT systems. The response of the team of incidence must stop
working. There must be blockage of the connection at first.
financial impact must be observed related to the data that is destroyed by the
viral attack and forensic investigations must be done. The determination of the
cause of virus must be done that either it is caused by employee fault as by
violation of policy.
Setup of command center of Digital world
must be a command center in John Dough in respond of viral attack. Few items
are required for it:
must be accessible to all the persons who are involved in the inspection team.
If the
problem exceeds, there must be access to professionals (Taylor
& Laurence, 2012).
must be a connection to telephone equipment and dedicated telephone lines with
connectivity to LAN lines.
from viral attack:
must be an immediate response by updating antivirus software at an authentic
the operators who are operating as an incident can occur due to lack of
updating or operating the software.