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Executive summary of Grapes and citrus grower

Category: Operations management Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: MLA Words: 1100

        The united state of America also faces many problems related to operational management. Because different industries are work according to their setup so the grapes and citrus company is working on its operational set up to enhance their sales and also going to be profitable in the united state of America. There are some operational models are going to discuss like sales and operational planning, go to market, price management and research and development. Also, consider the PEST analysis for the company and also further calculations. Sales and operational planning are the main part of the business that reviews on a monthly basis according to demand and production in the business. This is the main part of the business management process and it focuses on the key management areas like new product introduction, inventory management, production, demand management, marketing, and sales. (Anaplan)

        Go to market is also an effective operational model that directly capture the customers and obtain competitive advantages of the company. This model considers the factor of pricing and delivering the product directly to the customer and gets the maximum market share effectively. This model is normally used at the time of launching of the product through target channels. Because thy directly related to customers so in the market of customers they offer such product or service that captures the customer according to the sales point of view and try to maximum target customers. (Rouse)

            In the operational model of pricing management, all the integrations and necessary information must be considered to get maximum pricing decision related to the product of the company. The capabilities of strong pricing management are very much useful for the revenue of the organization and also manage the financial risk of the company and help the company to achieve the profit objectives. The research and development sector is very much important in the organization as it required the effective usage of latest and advanced technology and also introduce new and innovative techniques and methods that are very much beneficial for the organization and also provide advanced technology to meet the requirement of the market and also compete at international level by using new and innovative techniques.

            With different internal models, the organization has to manage the external factors of organization and for this normally PEST analysis is used that provides better information related to politics, economics, social and technology that provide help and support to the organization in a most effective manner. (Contributo)

Explanation of Grapes and citrus grower

Answer the following question

1.  How would you incorporate freshness and brix ratio into the S&OP process?

Ans. freshness and brix ratio is very critical in the company as brix ratio must be measured with proper experts and their guidance and freshness can be maintained through proper packaging system so the grapes can be fresh in a long time they properly packed and keep in cool places. The sales and operational planning is very much important to consider all these factors and maintain the brix ratio through operation and also consider the shelf life of the grapes so that the sales will definitely increase if these factors must be considered according to demand and usage of the product and also affect the sale of the grapes due to their multiple usages.

2. Research and state your conclusion about product pricing for grapes in today market. What are the implications for the company?

Ans. the price of the product must be settled according to pricing management as to how the price will be determined that give long term benefit to the organization. Because the current pricing policy is very crucial so new operational model help to implement an effective pricing strategy that cover the cost of the company and also offer reasonable price of the grapes and its all substitute products to cover the price of the product and also become profitable for the company and help to avoid the bank corruptly after every period of 15 years that affect the sales and revenue of the organization.

3.  How would you manage to package?

Ans. the inventory management also consider the packaging of the grapes and give more focus on proper packing because to keep them fresh and maximize their shelf life the grapes must be kept fresh and give maximum profit and also increase the sales because their use in other product not a highly profitable part of the company so if the product must be kept in proper packing then the company will achieve its sales targets and also enhance its major product sales and its inventory management also give extra efforts to achieve their targets.

4.  How would you handle the research and development activity?

Ans. research and development sector is a very important part of the company and this company spends a huge amount on this sector. But this is not giving enough return according to the requirement of the company. The company utilizes a major part of its profit on the research and development of the product and its supply because the product of the company has less fresh life so different techniques and methods but be utilized to enhance its life and also give more focus on its packing and supply. Because research and development enhance the performance of every sector so the company must follow the research and development sector for enhancing profitability and improve its sales.

5.  What change to the business model do you suggest?

Ans. company has to consider their all problems and do additional work on the pricing of the product and set the pricing management of the company, maintain the brix ratio in their juices so the planning process should give more focus on the brix management, the inventory management also give more attention on their performance and also give extra attention on the packaging of the grapes, and all other products. Because through research and development a huge variety of packaging can be utilized in the organization and the most important point is that company has to give extra attention to enhance its profitability ratio and also enhance the revenue and sales of the company that generates more profit and maintains the long life of the organization.

Reference of Grapes and citrus grower

Anaplan. What is Sales and Operations Planning? (S&OP Ultimate Guide). 30 oct 2018. <https://www.anaplan.com/blog/sales-operations-planning-sop-guide/>.

Contributo, PESTLEanalysis. How to Perform a PEST Analysis in 5 Easy Steps. 24 nov 2014. <https://pestleanalysis.com/perform-pest-analysis-5-easy-steps/>.

Rouse, Margaret. go-to-market strategy (GTM strategy). 2019. <https://searchitchannel.techtarget.com/definition/go-to-market-strategy-GTM-strategy>.






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