to Rajesh
Sinha and Vijay Kumar Dada (2017), there some reasons that make the
people prefer to wear contact lenses rather than normal glasses mentioned such
as contact lenses are able to adjust with the movement of your eye, contact
lenses give a normal pitch of view, contact lenses contain no frames to block
your vision and will significantly decrease misrepresentations. Not like
glasses, contact lenses do not fog up or become splashed because of rain, dust,
or mud. Contact lenses are also proven to be brilliant usage for sports and
also other physical outdoor activities. A lot of people sense that their
appearance look better with using contact lenses rather than normal glasses. If
we compared contact lenses to normal eyeglasses, they might provide a better
and also more natural vision (Sinha & Dada, 2017).
Efron (2018) explained that if we compared contact lenses with normal glasses,
contact lenses have need of an extended preliminary inspection and also extra
supplement visits in the direction of preserve the health of your eyes.
However, it requires extra time to take care of contact lens care. Therefore,
if the people are wondering how to wear contact lenses effectively, they will
need to make sure on the cleaning processes and also store the contact lenses
appropriately, stick to the schedules of using contact lenses and also do not
forget to make appointments with the doctor for maintaining the eye care. The
people who are wearing disposable or prearranged replacement contact lenses
will need to do careful treatment and keep an eye on the schedule for replacing
the used lenses (Efron, 2018).
to W. A.
Douthwaite (2006), there are five categories known for contact lenses,
which divided based on nature of lens material that produced them. The five
categories of contact lenses are mentioned as Soft lenses which are produced from material which similar to
gel, plastics which contains water inside and named with hydrogels, silicone hydrogel lenses which are
a progressive category of soft contact lenses that claimed to be more permeable
than the steady hydrogel lenses and also let more access of oxygen to touch
the cornea, hybrid contact
lenses which are deliberate to deliver the comfortable for the
people who wear them which also considered as opponents soft or silicone
hydrogel lenses, united by the crystal-clear optics of gas permeable lenses. PMMA lenses which are produced
from a translucent inflexible plastic substantial named with polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA), which also known to use as an extra for glass in
unbreakable windows gas permeable
lenses or also acknowledged as GP or RGP lenses which considered to be
fixed contact lenses which give the look and feel like PMMA lenses, but are
permeable and let more oxygen to get throughout them (Douthwaite,

Milton M. Hom and Adrian
S. Bruce
(2006) said that contact lenses are able to create enhanced vision along with
certain further advantages for a wide-range of ages, including the children as
well. In fact, contact lenses provides benefits for the children and not only
aim to give a better vision, instead, by using contact lenses, will develop the
children’s sensitivities of their physical performance a lot better than using
normal glasses which will lead to their self-confidence in the daily
interactions and encourage them to take part in sporty activities (Hom &
Bruce, 2006).
According to Nathan
Efron (2010), a lot of people who use contact lenses seem do not realize that
contact lenses mixed with water will be a wicked amalgamation, included even
when they take bath, swimming, or maybe showering in a hot tub. Water is able
to cause the change of shape in soft contact lenses, it could make the contact
lenses to become swell and twig to the eye. This condition will make the people
to be sore, and also could trigger them to scratch the cornea which actually
only make it easier for the germs to access the eye and make some infections.
For that reason, the people who are wearing
contact lens suggested to take out their contact lenses before they go to bath,
swimming, or going to shower in a hot tub. Plus, keep in mind that contact
lenses must never be washed or stowed in water. The contact lenses users also
need to wash and make dry their hands well before they will touch the contact
lenses. It is suggested to clean the contact lens bags with solution than using
water to prevent the contact lenses to get contaminated with germs which spread
out inside the water (Efron, Contact Lens Practice
E-Book, 2010).
Gregg T. Lueder
(2010) stated that the children are logically considered as great contact lens
users if they could receive the responsibility along with the concern for
contact lenses. Children are naturally greatly interested to use contact lenses
and typically will get used to with them. One more motive to be considered to
make your children match with the contact lenses is that, with wearing contact
lenses, it will able to leisurely the movement of myopia or also known as
nearsightedness in children. In actual fact, a number of current revisions
mentioned that particularly deliberate gas permeable contact lenses and also
multifocal soft contacts are able to offer an important quantity of myopia
controller in a lot of nearsighted cases which found in
children (Lueder, 2010).
According to Andrew Gasson and Judith
A. Morris (2010),
there are some disadvantages of using contact lenses as well. The disadvantages
of wearing contact lenses are mentioned such as (Gasson &
Morris, 2010):
The process of cleaning and sterilizing
of contact lenses could be complex and also troublesome
The people who wear contact lenses need
to have a decent hand-eye management to clean, put in the contact lenses, and
also take out the contact lenses
There is also an enlarged hazard of
corneal contagions, abrasions, and scratches.
Contact lenses might be effortlessly
broken or nowhere to be found
A number of people unable to use contact
lenses at ease
After experiencing through the first
inconvenient and also recognize the expenditure of contact lenses, a number of
people endure to feel more inconvenient or else then insufficient
By using contact lenses will cost as a
minimum $150 for each year, as well as the prices for cleaning and sterilizing
People who need to switch their contact
lenses or change recommendations usually might have to spend more cost
The price of the contact lenses diverges
rendering to the category of contact lens
In certain work ranges, the people who
wear contact lenses will must to use shielding eyewear on the top of contact
Babak Amirparviz, Harvey Ho, and Ehsan Saeedi (2012) stated that the people who are
using contact lenses no need to have any worries since contact lenses are
considered to be very safe. However, there is a fact that using contact
lenses might able to hurt your eyes
in case if you wear them for long period, unable to clean the contact lenses
accurately or maybe you do not store them as the instruction which given by
your eye doctor. For the reason that contact lenses rest in a straight
line on the eye and also shelter the overall cornea (for the case
of gas permeable contact lenses, only a share of the cornea), they able to
decline the quantity of oxygen which touches the eyes. Keep in mind that a
proper supply of oxygen supply is vital to keep the eyes healthy (Amirparviz,
Ho, & Saeedi, 2012).
According to Jennifer R. Cope (2015), the general
direction for the people who use contact lenses is that, they could wear
contact lenses for a complete one day without any issue. The dimension of
period could be approximately 16 hours per day for a number of people, but
might merely be eight hours per day for other people. The variance stuck
between the dimensions of period be different for each person, and also could
be because of certain personal aspects such as dry on the eyes, work
surroundings or also enlarged compassion. Naturally, the people with dry and
sensitive eyes unable to use contact lenses for approximately period compared
with the persons who does not undergo from these warning signs. One more
significant aspect to think through in defining on how long people could wear
contact lenses every single day is based on the category of contact lenses that
they have been recommended. Furthermost contact lenses must not be worn out
overnight, since it might able to rise the hazard of infection on the eye.
Contact lenses which meant for everyday or one-time usage could in general be
worn up into 14-16 hours without any issue. However, the eye doctor might
suggest one or two hour for your eyes to be contact-free before sleeping time
to give rest for your eyes (Cope, et al., 2015).
Thomas Steinemann (2005) said that, the people who
use contact lenses should be examined once in a while by their eye doctors to
assure that the contact lenses fit and match as they should be and
also to make sure that no infections found due to the usage of contact lenses.
Both contact lenses along with infection which do not fit as they should be are
able to make injury for the cornea. Some people might have allergic to some
solutions which are necessary to clean or grease the contact lenses. Therefore,
people who are using contact lenses must not casually change the products
except if they have discussed with their eye doctor first. The people who wear
contact lens have to search for instant care if they found out that they are
experiencing pain on their eye, or maybe a burning sensation, red eyes,
insufferable compassion to the light, blurred vision, or any incapability to
make the eyes keep open (Steinemann, et al., 2005).
According to Nicole A.
Carnt (2009), to evade for any infection to be occurred, it is significant for
the people who wear contact lenses to accurately keep an eye on the directions
for how to put in and take out the contact lenses, and the cleaning processes
as well. Foe persons who wear soft contact lenses, they should certainly not
use any kind of water to wash their lenses or to modify the solutions. Each
person that wear contact lenses also must always have another pair of glasses
along with a carrying case of their contact lenses and bring them wherever they
go, if in case if the contact lenses need to be detached because of the
irritation they might feel on their eye. The people who wear contact lenses
also must realize that wearing contact lenses will rise the hazard of corneal
injury and also the infections for the eye (Carnt, et al., 2009).
Phil Lieberman and John A. Anderson (2007)
explained that certain eye allergies or dry eyes condition might distress the
ease of the contact lenses or maybe border the capability for some people to
use contact lenses. Therefore, every person needs to discuss with their eye
doctor before decide for which contact lenses fit with their condition. Regular
disposable contact lenses are able to assist for decrease the allergy which
might occurred by using contact lenses. Plus, there are precise products
of contact lenses nowadays for the people with dry eyes conditions
which will help them to wear contact lenses more conveniently (Phil
Lieberman, 2007).
Stephen Kwok (2003) have connected ultraviolet (UV) bright to the
construction of cataracts. Contact to the extreme UV light also able to
outcome in a situation named photokeratitis. For that reason, a number of
contact lenses nowadays comprise a UV-blocking device. It is claimed to be
quite essential to consider that UV-blocking devices are not intended to change
sunglasses. Contact lenses shelter merely just for the cornea and not for the
entire eye. On the other hand, contact lenses which supported by UV-blocking
really help to shelter the white part of the eye which is protected from
construction of developments to be occurred such as pterygia and
pingueculae (Kwok, Kuznetsov, Ho, &
Coroneo, 2003).
According to
Barry A. Weissman (2002), the furthermost severe eye infection found is
mentioned as keratitis which triggered by bacteria and some other viruses which
influenced the cornea. Revisions recommend that the infections appear due to
the people pay no attention to their opticians’ instruction. Seeing the fact
that eyes are quite valuable, it is really unexpected to know that 45% of people do not
aware to wash their hands before they will put in or take out their contact
Further studies also present that once-a-month contact lenses are for one time
used and a half times lengthier than suggested. Two-weekly disposable contact
lenses are for the usage of further than two and half of the approximate
duration that they must be (AWeissman & Mondino, 2002).
to Benjamin
Boyd (2011), modern CL (Contact Lenses) investigation purposes to
deliver better treatments in ophthalmic or advance the current matters around
contact lenses. Generally, modern CL resources are defined as an advancement of
the famous materials of lens which based on HEMA along with the silicone
hydrogels. These types of hydrogels imbedded numerous bioavailable elements,
like “PEG,
HA, chitosan, β-cyclodextrin, cellulose, and other moieties” which are
quite biocompatible because of their characteristic chemistry.
biomaterials area is considered to be stimulating and active, where innovative
and enhanced biocompatible, drug-shipping materials are continually get
settled. One point that might be the largest obstacles to overwhelmed is from
the price and realism of integrating a class to an innovative lens. Certain
highlighted developing fields associated to CLs because the materials elaborate
or might just have been installed to CLs. The implementation of new developed
procedures could deliver for further solutions to precise issues for CLs: fresh
growth materials, exterior contouring, etc. The CL materials are currently
strong and adaptable, and are therefore fit for the enlightening the built-up
procedures. In conclusion, upcoming CL materials expected to endure to drive
the limitations of the biocompatibility along with the skills of materials to
better modify to the requirements of an increasing people which are using CL (Boyd, 2011).
References of contact lenses
Amirparviz, Babak, Harvey Ho and Ehsan Saeedi.
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Boyd, Benjamin. Modern Ophthalmology: The Highlights. JP Medical
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Carnt, Nicole A., et al. "Contact lens–related adverse events and
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Cope, Jennifer R., et al. "Contact lens wearer demographics and
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Efron, Nathan. Contact Lens Complications E-Book. Elsevier Health
Sciences, 2018.
—. Contact Lens Practice E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010.
Gasson, Andrew and Judith A. Morris. The Contact Lens Manual E-Book:
A Practical Guide to Fitting. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010.
Hom, Milton M. and Adrian S. Bruce. Manual of Contact Lens
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Kwok, L. Stephen, et al. "Prevention of the adverse photic effects
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Lueder, Gregg T. Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology. McGraw Hill
Professional, 2010.
Phil Lieberman, John A. Anderson. Allergic Diseases: Diagnosis and
Treatment. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.
Sinha, Rajesh and Vijay Kumar Dada. Textbook of Contact Lenses.
JP Medical Ltd, 2017.
Steinemann, Thomas L., et al. "Over-the-counter decorative contact
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