1). Esch, T., & et.al. (2010). The neurobiology of stress
management. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 31(9).
The articles are
l about the management of the stress, and
the pressure is natural effects which can
affect the life of the human and it can be due to the several aspects as well
as the lifestyles of the men. This article describes the several stress management
training which is provided by the
professionals. Few of these methods are endogenous, mind-body
medicine' and automatically through autoregulation.
For explaining all of the processes, the concepts of the stress and stress management are illustrated soundly.
This article concludes that there seems to exist a common neurobiological
mechanism, for example, involves
dopamine, endogenous signaling molecules, limbic autoregulation, and many
The concept of the stress management as well as stress in the neurobiology; is
explained along with connected by the pathways of neurobiology and underlying
of molecular pathways. Stress explain the mechanisms plus capacity to tolerate
and regulate the internally as well as externally
challenging situations. On the ability
of the endogenous, the organism is relying and its self-regulate the stressors,
stress and the autoregulatory stress management.
Stress management is consisting of the activities as well as the lowing instruments.
Within is the neurobiology stress management the demonstration is the opiate,
dopamine and related of the selected ways of the column of stress management. The techniques of stress management
might be possessing physiological effects.
The main principle of the neurobiological for the autoregulatory response of the stress mechanism is the endogenous stress management to terminate initial stress with the recovery of systems. (Esch & et.al, 2010)
2). Wetzel, C. M., & et al. (2011, March). Stress
Management Training for Surgeons—A
Randomized, Controlled, Intervention Study. Annals of Surgery, 253(3).
In this article evaluate the novel interventions of stress management for the Surgeons. As the stress is the
influences performances of the randomized controlled. The methods which are sued in this article is the randomized control group and its designed. There are
approximately 18 surgeons who are
allocated in the control group wither in the interventions. Whereas the group
of interventions is received the training on the mental rehearsal, coping strategies, as well as the relaxation.
During the operations of simulation, the performance measure was obtained; involving assessment structures for the technical skills. By using the state-trait
anxiety, the stress is assessed, as the
observer rating where the coefficients of the heart rate are the variability as
well as the salivary of the cortisol. On the non-technical skill as well as the
coping stress in the simulated surgery, the intervention has beneficial effects. (Wetzel &
et.al, 2011)
Shiralkar, M., & et al. (2013, May). A
Systematic Review of Stress-Management Programs for Medical Students. Academic
Psychiatry, 37(3).
The article explains about the experience of the considerable
amount of the stress for the medical students through academic leaders and training,
and it also used to recognize the
importance for developing the programs of the stress management for the
students of the pharmaceutical. The
articles are searching about the PsycINFO and PubMed by using the combination
of the few term’s burnout, stress management,
medical student, distress and wellness. The study is concluded the
significant opportunities for advanced education
research in the field by developing high-quality
studies for managing the stress.
Now this article is about the program of stress management systemic review for the
Medical students. Because the medical students have considerable experiences with the amount of stress in training, academic;
leaders should have recognized the importance of stress management program on behalf of the medical students. To identify
the controlled trails for the intervention of stress
management as well as determine the
efficacy of the interventions. In this article the significant opportunities
for the advanced educational research through developing the studies of the
high qualities by the particular attention
for the randomized methods as well as the outcomes measures of standardizing. (Shiralkar & et.al, 2013)