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Introduction of Brain computing interface for home automation

Category: Business Communication Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: N/A Words: 320

            With the rapid growth of technologies the communication among the people has become the most quick and  the ways of spending the life is converting towards the robotics lives The man of today’s is totally depending upon the mechanical life by relying on the various types of the machinery in all kinds of the area of their lives. The use of emerging technologies becomes common for the human beings and there are several kinds of the emerging technologies that are sued by the human beings for various purposes. For all of these emerging technologies the one of these is selected for exploring the various concepts in this study.

            The technology that is selected in this paper is related BCI (brain computing interface). BCI (brain computing interface) is considered as the innovative communication channel among the digital computer and human brain, and this technology is commonly used for the environmental and communication control and restoration of movement for the peoples who are disables and cannot perform for their self (Ghodake, 2016). It is also referred as the communication channel that is send to aiming the interaction among the digital computer and human brain for operating and controlling the external devices without touching the muscular body parts (Pantechsolutions Net, 2019).  

            The brain computing interface is considered as the direct connection among the human brain and computers and it reads waves easily that are generated by the brains at various location in the head of the human than these signals are translates in the command and actions that are control by the computers (Nataliya Kosmyna, 2016). This paper proposes the integration of the BCI with the home automation and this proposed system is useful for locked-in individual which are unable to move along with the no reliable muscular control over their parts of body for the interacting with the peripherals surrounded. 

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