It is
important to know that in last five decades, the use of robots in industrial
production has been increasing with the passage of time. Different
manufacturing industries such as packaging industry and automobile industry
etc. have included robots in its production systems so that processes can be
more quick and efficient. There was a time, when robots were used without any
considerable human access, but time has changed now, and robots are being used
in business processes, where human interaction with robots is getting common.
Keeping this interaction at workplace in mind, it is important to understand
that some risks do arise due to this interaction, and if things will continue
in this fashion, then more risks can be there for humans at work. It means that
industrial robots as well as other robots need to follow some safety standards
and guidelines so that process can be risk free for everyone. It has been
observed after doing research on industrial robots that if humans and robots
work together on any task, then there must be some safety measures to follow.
The robots should use technology and sensors to ensure that all kind of risks
are avoided and if anything goes wrong, then robots should stop working (Fryman & Matthias,
According to Chinniah (2016), it has
been observed that when robots are used in industrial production processes, the
workers have to deal with various kinds of risks and injuries. They used to
face these risks during the maintenance of these robots, or doing setups,
adjustments in the processes etc. That’s why it is required to have a proper
risk assessment so that processes can be risk free in industrial units. A case
study of collaborative robots was presented by Chinniah and all elements were
analyzed in detail to see that what risks are there, and how risk assessment
can help in developing relevant safety measures. The case study came with
various techniques to adopt for risk reduction while working with collaborative
robots. These kinds of findings are important for the future strategy of
developing strong safety standards in use of robotics in business processes (Chinniah, 201).
It is
a fact that modern manufacturing processes and system do need the essence of
technology like robotics so that they can make their processes more quick and
efficient with automation. A study was conducted in 2019, where a
cyber-physical system with optical sensors were used to monitor the robot work
space which has been predefined into three safety zones for human presence and
for any other moving machinery like AGV’s. The system uses depth data and TCP
coordinates of the robot to calculate distance between the robot and humans in
the workspace and speed of the robot after which the central node sends
notifications or alerts to the mobile devices workers carry and to the robot
system to avoid collisions. This study was able to determine safety measures on
the basis of human robot collaboration in a workplace that what could be the
safety zone, and how sensors can help in this regard (Nikolakis, et al., 2019)
The installation of robots in an
industrial unit is not an easy process to do, as it is not only time consuming
task, but it is also costly as well. It has been observed that when
collaborative robots are used in the industrial processes, they may offer
considerable solution for the process, but their safety always remains a
question mark, and it is often found that these robots come up with good safety
standards, when their speed is reduced during their operations. If speed is
fast to complete tasks quickly, then risk factors of these robots are more
severe. A research was conducted to develop as well as implement a system,
which is based on novel security while dealing with coexistence of humans and
robots in a workplace. Three modes were used as an approach in this study and
these modes were gravity compensation mode, coexistence mode, and nominal mode.
Then Built
a 3D dynamic zone security system consisting of collaborative robot UR1 0, which
has a certified post-collision safety system with three exteroceptive sensors,
three SICK TiM551 lasers. The three lasers are used a s detection plane. Out of
the three lasers two are attached to the robot mechanically to create two
vertical planes and the third laser is used as a horizontal plane to detect the
legs of the people entering the zone. When there is a human or object detection
in the zone the robot security modes (Nominal mode, reduced mode and Passive
mode) change automatically according to the distance. The study came with
useful findings like it was found that robotics used in this study were related
to industrial material, but overall novel system developed in this study was
good enough for generating safety zones at workplace while using other
collaborative robots as well (Long & Girin, 2018)
There are various international
bodies, which are playing its part in developing robotics safety, and one of
such organizations is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The need for robotic systems is increasing with the passage of time, so as the
need for handling its complexities. So, all stakeholders in this regard should
play their part in developing safety standards, which are acceptable and
applicable in all kind of scenarios in different industries. The international
safety standards regarding use of robotics should be develop with the help of
ISO. In 2006, ISO came with its first updated safety standards on robotic
safety with the name of ISO 10218-1. This published document came with so many
useful ideas and guidelines.
publication not only talked about safety of robotics use, but it also provided
guidelines that how safety and measures can be ensured while designing and
constructing robots itself. The second part of this publication then focused on
safety standards while using these robots. The need for smarter robots is
increasing for businesses, because it has been found out that if robots are
smart and equipped with good sensors and technology, then they can be safe for
humans at a workplace. For instance, there was a robot technology named Teach
Pendants, which had cables attached with them, but now Teach Pendants
technology has become cableless, which means more safety and less complexity in
the processes (Schuster & Winrich, 2009)
The things have always been
difficult in adopting a new technology or system, because initial stages are
not streamlined and processes are not that advanced. But as technology grows
bigger and more efforts and research is put in, then things start to get
better. This is what has been the story with use of robotics as well. It has
been observed that when robots were started to be used in workplace having
interaction with humans, many safety issues arise as various incidents happened
where humans were injured by these robots. It was a clear signal that more
efforts are needed for this field of technology so that processes can be made
safer and secure for human use. The human-robot interaction on physical basis
is still a danger for humans in so many ways, especially when environment is
not following proper structure and guidelines. A study came with a hypothesis
that traditional techniques and system design of robotics is not good enough to
deal with the complexities of dynamic and different environments.
study came with a safety protection and control system, which can be
implemented in the process, when robotics is used. The analysis for hazard
stages was done while implementing this system so that personal robots safety
can be ensured after identifying various faults. To see that how effective this
safety system is, different experiments were carried out by the researchers by
using a process named “MobileRobots
PeopleBot”. The experiments injected various faults into the system of
controller to see that how this safety system detects those faults and handle
them accordingly so that safety can be ensured. The safety control design
proved effective and efficient in identifying faults and providing safety
measures (Woodman, et al., 2012)
The researchers and technology
experts have been constantly looking at the technology of robotics that how
this technology can be made simple and more useful with less risks and hazards
for the businesses. The businesses have to realize the fact that robotics
cannot be used in their processes without an interaction with humans, as at
some point, humans do interact with these robots to complete the process. But
this human-robot interaction poses various safety risks at workplace, but it
has been identified that if robot behavior is properly designed and managed by
the developers, then human-robot interaction can be made safer as well as more
effective for business organizations to get as many benefits as possible.
Different industries such as entertainment, services, transportation, and
manufacturing industries are looking towards robotics for gaining business
benefits, but they are certainly concerned with the human-robot interaction,
which can be fatal in many circumstances.
thesis was presented by Liu (2017) to come up with a design of robot behavior,
which can be safe for human-robot interaction. The thesis study came up with a
proposal of using three component behavior system including three elements of
learning, logic and knowledge. To make sure that robot does response in timely
manner and it comes with perspective of a global scale, control architecture
along with parallel planning was developed which used short term and long term
safety and efficiency planners. The overall design for robot behavior proved
good enough regarding safety of human-robot interaction, and it also proposed
some future course of actions as well. The future research can develop behavior
of robot by keeping diverse interactions’ modes in context. The computation
efficiency can also be improved and complex human-robot interaction systems can
also be analyzed in future research. These recommendations and consideration
for future research can be quite crucial to develop more systems (Liu, 2017)
technology of robotics is important for businesses as it can come up with so
many advantages. A robot may perform better than humans in many instances,
because they cannot get tired of any repeated work, because they have no
emotional perspective, rather they are designed to do tasks, and they are
operated by humans to keep doing those tasks. Moreover, their use can be
beneficial as employers don’t have to give any perks and privileges, any leaves
or medical insurance to these robots. It does not mean that robots are not
costly, they are costly as well, but their advantages are more than their
disadvantages. The businesses have been transformed by robots especially the
industrial businesses, where use of robots has become common and important to
perform so many automated tasks. This demand for robots is going to increase in
the future as automation is getting more space in business processes, which
means that importance of robotics is also going to increase with the passage of
time (Nichols, 2018)
It has
also been observed that use of robotics in businesses have made a huge impact
on employment opportunities for humans, because more robots and automation
means less jobs and space for humans in business and manufacturing organizations.
This impact has not been analyzed properly yet. But it is obvious that boom of
robotics in different industries is posing threats for human employment. A
report was published by Price Waterhouse Cooper, which revealed that if
automation will continue on current rate, then 38% of jobs in United States
will be lost for humans till 2030. The robots are being used in various
processes and they are coming with different types such as Warehouse &
Logistics robots, Telepresence robots, Collobortaive robots, self driving
vehicles as well as robots used in healthcare industry. All of these factors
are clear enough to show that importance of robotics is certainly increasing,
and this trend is more likely to continue in the future as well (Nichols, 2018)
various studies as well as literature has established the fact that robots and
humans coexistence is going to be the future for many industries in the future,
and this thing cannot be avoided by any means. The business industries are
always looking for cost effectively and efficient processes to benefit their
businesses so that they can decrease costs and increase profits. If trend will
continue like this, then world is certainly moving towards a society, which
will be based on coexistence of humans and robots. This coexistence is great in
so many ways, but fact of the matter is that it is also coming with various
threats and risks for safety as well. There are developed countries like South
Korea and Japan, who are quickly moving in the direction of developing
societies, which will experience coexistence of humans and robots. It has been
estimated by experts that the way things are happening and developing in this
regard, the robots will be included in our lives and unstructured environments
to work along with humans after two decades. The next generation robots will be
more advanced as compared to robots used in industrial processes, and they will
come up with more autonomy, but this autonomy of robots will be a serious
concern for the safety of humans. The study concluded that if society with
coexistence of robots and humans is going to be developed in next decades, then
there are various issues to be looked at, and world will need a proper concept
of Safety Intelligence so that human-robots coexistence does not come up with
any serious safety risks for the human and society as a whole (Weng, et al., 2009)
coexistence of robots and humans in workplaces is getting common, and this
trend will be asking for collision avoidance techniques and measures so that
this coexistence can be developed as a safe and beneficial one for all
stakeholders. The algorithms can play a big part in developing a system, where
these collisions between humans and robots are avoided. A research thesis was
developed by BALAN (2006), which discussed about a real time algorithm with 3D
collision avoidance. When robots work on normal speeds, they are not that risky
for humans, but when they are operating at high speed for more productivity, and
then they certainly can harm humans working with them. So, stakeholders need to
find techniques, which ensure safety for humans. In this research thesis, a 3D
model with algorithm of collision avoidance is presented after using it in the
real time processes. A simulated work environment was used for experimenting
and humans were asked to walk towards the arm of Puma robot. Various situations
were used for this particular experiment. The results obtained from these
experiments showed that real time 3D algorithm was effective in safety of
humans, as it does responded well to the situations, where robots may have
posed safety threats for humans. So, it is needed to develop more such kind of
algorithms for safe human robot interactions, when they are coexisting in a
working space (BALAN, 2006)
overall research has always been focusing on the fact that how robots’
coexistence with humans can be made safe, but attention has not been given to
the fact that these robots are used to attain various wok efficiencies, and if
complete focus will be on the safety of these robots, then working efficiency
of these robots may be affected, which means that there is no use of using
these robots in business processes. It means that a smooth collision avoidance
system should be developed, which not only helps in safety of humans while
interacting with robots, but it also helps in keeping the work efficiency of
these robots on required levels. A collision avoidance model was tested by the
researchers in a study experiment, where they tested the efficiency of robots
to interact with a pedestrian human. To detect the nearby pedestrian, a laser
range finder was used by the robot, and a social force model was also applied
in the study to see whether robot is able to detect that pedestrian is avoiding
the collision or not. In both cases, when pedestrian passed by the robot, the
collision was successfully avoided as robot was able to responded accordingly
in all situations. It means that proposed method for collision avoidance was
good enough and future research can be performed to find more such methods, as
it would help in safe human-robot interaction (Tamura, et al., 2010)
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