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Assessment of the Provision and Production of the Public Good

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 1990

              The assessment process covers two main areas as how the provision and production of the Public Good are assessed and whether the government is the appropriate supplier for the Public Good.  The assessment of the provision and production of the Public Good can be made through different criteria's as through viewing the level and scale of the effects of these provisions and production of the Public Good in the country. citizens of each country have different preferences when the provision and production of the Public Good fulfill and works according to the preferences of the citizens we consider that provision and production of the Public Good are highly effective for the citizens of the country. 

    The detailed assessment of the provision and production of the Public Good through proper criteria is mentioned below:

                The scale of effect measure that how much the targeted geographical area got effects directly. In the Fulton country as GA and USA, the scale of effects by the provision and production of the Public goods shows that nation has gotten effects at the large level. For instance, the public safety laws and regulations in the United States of America are the Public provisions for the USA. There are public safety answering points are working in the Fulton Countries (Kline, 2017).

                   The points receive calls and answer the calls of the public to provide protection to the citizens of the country. Fulton country is getting positive impact form the Protection policies and laws concerning with the other living creatures in their countries (Kline, 2017). For instance, there are laws and regulations to protect animals and environment the fine examples of the laws and regulations for the animals and environment. The public safety laws and regulations are mentioned below in lists:

1- The Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)

2- Minimum Drinking Age Law

3- Plant Variety Protection Act

4- National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act

                Governments of the Fulton country has established the laws and regulations for the Public Safety through all measures. There are Laws and Acts for the roads safety, air flight and aviation's rules to protect citizens from the risk associated with bad weather and air crash, employee's protection at workplace and public places safety acts. Even government has established laws for the foods and agriculture also to provide and produce the healthy food to the citizens. Thus, through all these government is trying to make the lives of their citizens safe. 

               Because of this laws and acts in the Fulton country citizens are working in such a way that benefit other and the life of the people are safe (Kline, 2017). According to the scale of the effects, the Fulton country is scoring high on the scale of effects. In accordance with this assessment, it can be assumed that provision and production of the Public Good are in better condition in the Fulton countries (Sanandres.esc.edu.ar, 2018).

                Citizen Preferences have to be kept in mind in order to facilitate the people. According to a research conducted in 2015, most of the young generation of the United States are with the favor to live outside the United States. Research findings present that people of Fulton country are emotionally attached to their country (Sanandres.esc.edu.ar, 2018). They prefer to live in their own country rather than leaving their country for work or permanent migrations (Pettinger, 2017).

                  Fiscal Equivalence has huge significance for the people living in the county.  Income of the Fulton country is benefiting the natives of the Fulton country through different ways. For instance, the governments of these countries are deducting the taxes form the income of the citizens, business income, purchases of the goods, admission fees, property taxes and import/export income (Kline, 2017). The government uses that money to upgrade the lifestyle of the citizen. Taxes are considered as revenue of the country. They spend that money on public projects that benefit the citizens.

                 The major project that is started in the Fulton country by the income of taxes are mentioned below in list:

·         Social security projects

·         Medicare

·         Defense

·         Health

·         Education

·         Veterans benefits

·         Unemployment compensation 

                Government establishes new education institutes, hospitals, national parks and swimming pools to make the lifestyle better for the citizens.

              In the assessment of the provision and production of the public goods can be also done through the allocative efficiency. In the allocative efficiency, economy states that are in use to measure the consumer preferences (Pettinger, 2017). According to the principals of the allocative efficiency, economists can measure the production through the consumer preferences.  The Fulton country is producing products at the large scale. The major preferences are for the food items and clothing in the country. 

              The ease of accountability in the Fulton country is can be presented as the example. Basically, the citizens of the Fulton country have rights over to hold officials of the local government and state. The major areas in which citizens of the country can hold accountability are mentioned below in detail (Ingham, 2018).

             Citizens can hold accountability for the public safety and security measures provided and produced by the government and state for the citizens (Fidlonlegal.com, 2018). The government institutes are obliged to provide health care facilities and public protection laws to the citizens to make their life better and safe in the country.  Jurisdiction size, functions of jurisdiction and preferences for the public safety are the dimensions concerning the accountability of the local government and state (Kline, 2017).

              The public good quality is high as therefore they have the better lifestyle and public safety in their country. While when it comes to the quantity, we find out that there is still need for improvement in the Public Goods. The quantity of the public goods is not sufficient for the public. Foot voting decides that how much people of the country are supporting a group or individual in the political position (Ingham, 2018).

Foot voting is encouraged in the countries where people are educated and take the decision by themselves that who should be elected as their political leader. the situation of the Fulton country present that people stands for their rights and take participation in the voting process to elect a person with the majority rather than with authority and power.

             Therefore the situation of the country is presenting that people are encouraged to stay in the country rather than migrating to other areas of the world to access better facilities and Public goods that are necessary for a fine and healthy lifestyle (Fidlonlegal.com, 2018).

           According to the all criteria mentioned above in detail to measure and assess the level of the Provision and production of the Public Good in the futon country are filling the requirements of the society.  Through these assessments criteria, Government and regulatory authority can find out the best ways to provide and produce the Public Good for the citizens of the country. Through the assessment and appraisal, they can find out the mistakes and error in the Public Good so that they can make betterment in the country (Sanandres.esc.edu.ar, 2018).

              After analyzing and evaluating the whole provision and production of the Public Good I think that government of the Fulton country is playing the efficient role. The government of the Fulton country can be identified as the appropriate supplier in the country in providing Public good to their citizens. Government plays its role as the supplier because they provide Public Good to the citizens. The major public good is mentioned below:

1-      Peace

2-      Security

3-      National defense

4-      Fire protection

5-      Streets

6-      Public TV 

7-      Weather forecast

8-      Air pollution

                 The government of the country is providing peace, security and fire protection. Therefore, in case of emergency as the fire at the public places and residential areas, the rescues teams by the state government can control the situation and protect the public form the potential negative impacts of the event. Even in the street’s crimes are controlled by the police department of the country. Air pollution and weather forecast programs are also running by the government of the Fulton country. That explains that government is efficiently delivering Public Good as the supplier in the Fulton country (Fidlonlegal.com, 2018).

                  Major production methods coproduction, vouchering, joint production, In-House production, franchising, contracting with private procedures, intergovernmental contracting and coordinated production (public good and private good) (Kline, 2017). After production methods government supplies Public Goods to the citizens. The target market for the suppliers in the public goods delivery is the whole nations of the country. That includes the children, male and female citizens of the country (Sanandres.esc.edu.ar, 2018).

              The national defense system is strong for the country as the army is equipped with modern arms and fighter plans. There is an office of the Public Defender working effectively in the Fulton country. Therefore, national defense system of the country is very strong for the internal and external attacks for the country. Therefore, I consider that Public goods are appropriately supplied by the government that is making the nation of the country satisfied as a result they are encouraged to live in the country rather than move on.

Conclusion on Fulton County

              Private sectors are the private companies. The role of the private sector is significant in the provision and production of the Public Good. The main reason for their support for the provision and production of the Public Good. They support in production process and provision process. For instance, private companies and agencies are supporting to establish a safe environment for the citizens. Companies related to the agriculture production produce product according to the health and safety measures to provide best and healthy food to the citizens. The government of the country is providing peace, security and fire protection. Therefore, in case of emergency as the fire at the public places and residential areas, the rescues teams by the state government can control the situation and protect the public form the potential negative impacts of the event. Therefore, it can be said that government is playing a major role. Government plays its role as the supplier because they provide Public Good to the citizens. The government institutes are obliged to provide health care facilities and public protection laws to the citizens to make their life better and safe in the country.

           According to the all criteria mentioned above in detail to measure and assess the level of the Provision and production of the Public Good in the futon country are filling the requirements of the society.  Through these assessments criteria, Government and regulatory authority can find out the best ways to provide and produce the Public Good for the citizens of the country.  The Fulton country is can be presented as the example. Basically, the citizens of the Fulton country have rights over to hold officials of the local government and state. Private agencies are also supporting law and regulation implementation through private educational institute and regularity authority. Three better ways to produce Public Good are the joint production, and franchising. These are better ways as through these production ways better outcomes can be achieved and government can be proved as appropriate suppliers. After analyzing and evaluating the whole provision and production of the Public Good it is concluded that government of the Fulton country is playing the efficient role. The government of the Fulton country can be identified as the appropriate supplier in the country in providing Public good to their citizens.












References of Fulton County

Fidlonlegal.com. (2018). HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS. Retrieved 07 01, 2018, from www.fidlonlegal.com: https://www.fidlonlegal.com/health-and-safety-regulations.html

Ingham, S. (2018). Public good Economics. Retrieved 07 01, 2018, from www.britannica.com: https://www.britannica.com/topic/public-good-economics

Kline, D. B. (2017, 04 11). Where do your tax dollars actually go? Retrieved 07 01, 2018, from www.usatoday.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2017/04/11/where-do-your-tax-dollars-actually-go/100116866/

Pettinger, T. (2017, 11 28). Allocative Efficiency. Retrieved 07 01, 2018, from www.economicshelp.org: https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/glossary/allocative-efficiency/

Sanandres.esc.edu.ar. (2018). Public goods. Retrieved 07 01, 2018, from www.sanandres.esc.edu.ar: http://www.sanandres.esc.edu.ar/secondary/economics%20packs/microeconomics_sl/page_115.htm




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