The topic for this study aims to analyze
happiness that one gets by working from home. The study aims to analyze the
attitude of people towards working from home, how the happiness of different genders is being affected by working from
home. More precisely, happiness and working from home are the two variables of
this study. Following research question was designed to the purpose of this research:
How does working from home affect
Draft Instrument Design

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Question Rationale
The above questionnaire contains a different kind of questions, i.e.
closed-ended questions that have forced
choices, rating scale, and demographic questions; rating scale questions that
have semantic differential scales and Likert-type scales (Azzara, 2010); multiple choice questions that have choice
of various questions; and open-ended questions where respondents are allowed to
supply their independent response (Morrison, Dillman, & Christian, 2010).
From the questionnaire design
process, I have learned various useful and significant things. While designing
my questionnaire I came to know that it is one of the most systematic technique
to collect data that consists of a series
of relevant questions. I have learned that the questionnaire
is an effective way to collect the answers from respondents and it helps to identify
their behavior, experience, and attitude towards the research subject. For me, the
creation of questions for the survey has
been a most critical part because I wanted to frame all of the questions in a
way that I would be able to obtain the
results with desired information. After completing my questionnaire designing
process, I realized that no scientific principle is there to assure that the structure of the questionnaire is ideal it is a skill learned through experience.
Furthermore, the comments and
feedback provided by my colleagues helped me a lot to identify where did I lack
while designing my questionnaire and how I can improve the design of my draft
survey. From comment 1, I came to know that my questionnaire would have been
free of any grammatical errors because it leaves a bad impression on
respondents, I would be careful to avoid grammatical errors and use best academic
error-free language. Also, I came to know
that leading questions should be avoided
in a questionnaire. Valuable feedback of my
colleagues has taught me that adding a
screening question at the start of the questionnaire leaves a good impression on the
respondents as it makes sure that results are reliable and valid. Moreover, the
feedback of my colleagues told me that the structure of questions in my questionnaire
could have been better in numbering wise and I would be careful about it next
time, and I would add numbers before each
question to make my questionnaire more respondent-friendly. I am glad that I am being appreciated by my colleagues on my
hard work and their constructive feedback taught me that consistency in the
questions of the questionnaire is very important.
I will incorporate every valuable comment
next time to make my questionnaire effective and appealing.
Azzara, C. V. (2010). Questionnaire Design for
Business Research: Beyond Linear Thinking - an Interactive Approach. Tate
Morrison, R. L., Dillman, D. A., & Christian, L.
M. (2010). Questionnaire Design Guidelines for Establishment Surveys. Journal
of Official Statistics, Vol. 26, No. 1, 43–85.