are various factors which can be the cause of influencing
customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the
world of the business, most of the firms
are now adopting the market-oriented
strategy, and it has several extensive literature reviews and conferences which are
devoted to developing and motoring the customer satisfaction (Osborne,
The satisfaction levels of the customers can also enhance the loyalty of the
customers of the Adidas. This is
leading towards the five distinctive theories of customer satisfaction in marketing.
All of these theories are developed by considering the based to cognitive approach; few of these are considered as the importance
of the less benchmark (Carl McDaniel, 2016). The five
distinctive theories of customer
satisfaction are stated as;
level Theory
Norms as a
benchmark standard
The paradigm of
disconfirmation expectations
disparity value’s theory
The satisfaction levels of the customers of the Adidas can be measured
with the strong support of the
expectancy disconfirmation theory because it is considered as the most adopted
model by the manufacturing firms. According to this theory for meeting the
satisfaction level of the customer the management of the Adidas will evaluate their product
expectancy level of their customer to accommodating them (Shankar,
By implementing this theory, Adidas can measure Perceived Performance, Expectation, Satisfaction,
and Disconfirmation. Because the anticipated
behaviors of the customers can be reflected
by the expectations and if the customers of the Adidas will achieve their
expectation level than their satisfaction level will also enhance. The judgment of the disconfirmation
formed certainly affect satisfaction, either positively or negatively.
Factors influencing
customer satisfaction and loyalty
The factors wghich can influences the loyalty
and satisfaction of the customers these can be discussed under the five theories
of marketing. The quality product of Adidas
is related with
Consumer loyalty or satisfaction for Adidas
The corporate image of Adidas is completely
associated with the consumer loyalty or satisfaction of Adidas
The satisfaction of consumers is concerned
entirely with the loyalty of consumers of Adidas.
It is specified by the outcomes that the quality
of products of Adidas can be sent or conveyed around the consumer loyalty or
satisfaction of Adidas. In addition, the company’s corporate image contributes
to the consumer loyalty or satisfaction of Adidas. In the modern time, the
sustainable development, environmental issues, business ethics, and social
responsibility have produced important concerns which are quite important for
the company. Furthermore, the social responsibility that is corporate is
another big element is influencing the consumer satisfaction of Adidas (Kandampully,
References of Distinctive theories of customer satisfaction
Adidas, 2019. Adidas At A Glance About. [Online]
Available at:
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