To: Medical Staff
From: ABC as Chief of
Medical Staff
Dated: ***
Subject: Warning letter
for the medical staff taking care of patient
It has come to my
knowledge that many of the officers of the hospital from the medical
departments are neglecting their priorities for the patients. Due to their type
of the behaviors many patients are irritating. Even the medical students are
missing there classes due to the negligence of the medical professors doctors.
Few days ago when I have visit to the medical college most near to the
hospital, I have conduct surprise quiz from the potentials doctors and officers
and I just asked about the simple medical terms but they are not able to
replied. Few of these terms are discussed in this letter as;
Myopia: Occurs at Nearsightedness and it
is condition of the common vision which is used to see the objects clearly
which is most near to the person.
Ophthalmoscopy: It is commonly known
as the fundus copy and used by professional of the health to see inside eye’s
Neuropathology: It is branch of the
medical science and medicine which is dealing with the disease and functions of
the nervous system and brain. But this study discuss the disease of the nervous
Schizophrenia: It is refers as the
severe mental disorder and chronic which can easily effects the thinking,
behavior and feeling of the person. Those individuals who are suffering from
the Schizophrenia they felt they lost their senses of touch with the reality.
These are the gyrus which are prominent on the upper surface of the posterior frontal
lobe of the brain. It is also known as the site of the primary motor context
and in the human beings there are 4 Brodmann area of the cytoarchitecturally
Of course, I did not want to view this
organization at the draconian rules and drudgery place. I can understand your problems for the burden
of work and the shortage of staff but, I want to put this organization on the
top of the list of best organization. This is just a reminder to be careful
with your use of company time.
Thank you,
Chief of Medical Staff