Observational research is important because it offers a real world for observation rather than of creating different hypothesis or theories about a thing or system under observation. There can be better explanation and description of consumers’ behaviours thus providing least hypothesis. (UPF, 2015). Likewise, in this research, the observational research will allow to deeply observing the behaviour of the stakeholder and then the observation will be used to improve the experience of the stakeholders, as well as to improve the overall organizational performance.
It allows researcher to see that how a thing under observation works when it is together or in a community and how it responds when it acts separately. It is very best to study behavior of human beings that how they behave in a separate environment and what is the difference in their behavior when they are living in a community or in gathering. Different types of researches can be conduct on well beings behavior in accordance with the different but main factors of the society (NEAC, 2012).
This research allows researcher to get the idea about the behaviour of the employees, as well as of the customers of the Dhofar bank as it allow the researchers to observe the different changing conditions and get results in a actual way which does not remains same in variable conditions (Brown & Creswell, 2017).
Based on demographics, observational research could be used to improve the quality of behaviour at Dhofar bank through the observation and social interactive analysis.
Discuss the key points to be considered when using Observational research
Following are some of the key points that are suggested to organize the observational research at Dhofar Bank.
Purpose of conducting research:
The prediction and explanation of the research should be generalizable.
The Dhofar bank observational research must be based on interpretation or somehow linked to post structures given. As information about human behavior can be tape in a direct way with relying on the other people perspective (UKE, 2016)
Researcher role:
Role of researcher in Dhofar Bank observational research is to translate and interpret things in a described way to gather information and knowledge about the behavior of employees and customers for further carrying out its research in a manner full way such as in improving the behavior of the employees as well as to improve the customer experience.
Interpretation of the observer must be strong enough so that gain of data can be done in most observed way as required for research (Brown & Creswell, 2017).
Researcher and participant relationship:
Following are some of the suggestion that should be addressed during the Dhofar Bank observational research.
Dohfar Bank Observational research is conducted base on the evaluation of the behavior and relationship between the (Given, 2008)
Researcher position in the duration of conducting research must be clear because it influences the change in research and can lead to different situations regarding that change.
If researcher conducts rigorous and exact research, truth can be obtained from that hard research.
Truth is co constructed in this type of research or may be considered as unreality.
First of all determine what type of research does researcher want to conduct and in what perspectives you want to conduct it. Set objective that either it is going to be done for determining how students interact with their new environment? what is the interaction of customers with employees? Or how bosses behave with their subordinates in their offices? It all depends on which type of objectives do researcher determine and in what circumstances, works is going t be done. When researcher is doing observation, it is an understanding of the behavior, habits, patterns and reactions with the environment that is under observation (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
Subsequently, the objectives of the observational research at Dhofar Bank are to evaluate the behavior of the employees as well as of the consumers.
Establishment of recording method:
Researcher can gather information either by video recording or voice recording but it is very unethical to record video without getting permission of the recipient. There can also be a method of taking photographs or voice notes for keeping record of data or for getting information for observation purpose. Note taking or interview is one of the most common methods for getting information and news about someone (Thiese, 2014).
In this research, the method of observation research is taking interviews as well as to physically observe the organizational relationship to understand the behavioral of the employees.
Observe and take notes:
A researcher or observer must visit the place from where there are chances of gaining information. Researcher can take photographs, pictures, voice or video recordings where it is allowed, go through according to the environment and if researcher is there to take information in a formal way than questions must be prepared (Brown & Creswell, 2017).
This method of collecting information through observation is also used in the research on Dhofar Bank as the observation of the behavior of the employees is being noted on a note book that would be used in the future to understand the behavioral relationship.
Analyzing of behavior and implications:
There must be difference between what a researcher is observing and why there is need to observe. Than make conclusions and make a relationship between data investigator collected all during its observation.
References of conduct observation for research
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UPF, 2015. Innovative Market Research Company NYC.
Available at: http://upfrontanalytics.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-observational-research/