Question No: 1
Neo-Classical theory is related to the importance of behavior for individual
and group members that considers the relations. In the Neo-Classical approach,
the emphasize is on the human relationship and social relations related to the
researchers, operators, and supervisors. The productivity increases in the work
place by the high morale, personal attention, individual attention and intimate
attention of workers (Chrisdonasco. blogspot. com, 2014). The Neo-classical
approach is formally for the organizational structure and principles of human
nature are considered in the approach. The principles of neo-classical approach
include distinct consideration for the individual, work group, and
participative management (Fao. org, 2018).
main difference between neoclassical and classical economics is based on the
concept of utility. In the case of classical economics, the conspicuous
theories consider value, growth, and labor. In classical economics equilibrium
function is higher as compare to neoclassical economics (Chrisdonasco. blogspot. com, 2014). The values are also
different for the cost of the production process and function of supply and
demand. in neoclassical economics value is utility and in classical economics,
the value is the cost (Chrisdonasco. blogspot. com, 2014).
Question No: 2
Barnard developed a complete theory for the natural system of organization. The
complex components of the cooperative system in the organization are social,
physical, biological, and personal components that are for the specific
systematic relationship. According to Barnard, the needs of the organization is
to achieve a system of equilibrium (Study. com, 2018). The two processes are interrelated
processes and equilibrium. In the first process, the equilibrium is developed
in the organizational characteristics and external environment. In the case of
the second process, the approach of collective purpose is used for a higher
degree of satisfaction (Study. com, 2018).
Question No: 3
organizational structure, according to Robert K. Merton involves the social
structure, pattern of activity, and action of functionality. The purpose of the
organization is to work under a limited number of obligations and privileges (Sociosite. net, 2019). The authority is
provided by the power of control to the acknowledgment of status and official
role. The formality is manifested by an integrated system and mutual
expectation is considered. According to Robert, the election of higher
functionaries can measure flexibility (Sociosite. net, 2019).
Question No: 4
Simon has a major contribution to the management as he provided the concept of
organization, bounded rationality, decision-making, organizational
communication, and administrative man (Yourarticlelibrary. com, 2019). The complex network
organization requires decisional processes. The behavior of organization
operatives has an influence on the decision-making process. The concept
provided by Simon for the development of an organization consists of
intelligent activity, design activity, and choice activity. The concept of
bounded rationality is criticized by the theory and assumptions of rationality
are the principle of satisfaction process (Yourarticlelibrary. com, 2019).
Question No: 5
The contribution
of March in the modern ideas of business is related to the organizational
economics and organization theory. The behavioral theories are at different
subsequent development processes in the organization (Cairn. info, 2013). The strategic management and the
learning process are required for the modern development of transaction cost
economics and evolutionary theory. The theory is related to the development of
business and history. March focused on research learning and strategic
management (Augier, 2004).
Augier, M. (2004). March'ing towards “a behavioral
theory of the firm”: James G. March and the early evolution of behavioral
organization theory. Management Decision, 42(10), 1257-1268.
Cairn. info. (2013). behavioral theory
of the firm: hopes for the past: lessons from the future . Retrieved from
Chrisdonasco. blogspot. com. (2014, 06
Fao. org. (2018). Session 1.
Organizational theories. Retrieved from
Sociosite. net. (2019). Bureaucratic
Structure and Personality. Retrieved from
Study. com. (2018). Chester Barnard's
Management Theory: Overview. Retrieved from
Yourarticlelibrary. com. (2019). 5
Major Contributions of Herbert Simon towards Management. Retrieved from