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There has been considerable discussion on nitrogen oxides (NOx) as a pollutant is Volkswagen “cars plant name “ . Clearly, combustion with hot enough air has NOx as a product. Obviously, high compression ratio makes a desirable performance situation, but can lead to more NOx. Discuss how 2 basic cycles (Otto and Diesel), might lead to a particular outcome. Pick a single model of automobile that offers both offers both (lowest cost option), to compare, rate in terms of NOx.

Category: Chemistry Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: N/A Words: 150

        The nitrogen oxide is produced as a result of the emission of pollutants from the Volkswagen diesel engine. These cars don’t have an ideal diesel engine, due to this there is a lot of nitrogen oxide pollutant in the air and playing a major role in increasing the rate of pollution.  The company before making the automobile engine must follow these two cycles that are Otto and diesel. From these the Diesel cycle is ideal, the reason is that the compression will take place at constant pressure and volume is increased. Due to this, there will be fewer pollutants in the air as compared with the Otto Cycle for the automobile because in that case compression takes place at constant volume. 

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