efficiency alludes to the degree which is required by the market prices reflect
the all variables related to the information data. The investors are tending to
buy the index funds who are agree with this theory for tracking the performance
of the overall market. This theory is also referred as the supporters of the passive
portfolio management. For the portfolio manger the concepts of the market
efficiency is very important. This concepts is derived from the EMH (Efficient
market hypothesis). It is suggested that all the information of the security can
be reflected by the price of the security.
paper explains the concepts of the market efficiency and security pricing in
context of the Al
Jazeera Services which is the register company of Muscat
on the security exchange. The paper proposes the importance of the market
efficiency by using the analysis and hypotheses for the Al Jazeera Services.
The rerated articles and research will be analyzed in this paper in effective
manners in the context of the Al Jazeera Services (Msm Gov Om,
Conceptualization and
its importance and analysis of EMH
concepts of the market efficiency is most important because it has direct
relation with the company and investors. Because in an efficient markets of Muscat
no investor has access for any particular information can be used to making an
extra profit. The market cannot be beat if it will be efficient. In 1970, the concept of
the EMH has (efficient
market hypothesis) has been proposed by the Eugene Fama.
The importance of the market efficiency can be
explained as, if the markets are perfectly efficient than the portfolio managers
cannot pursue for the investment strategies. The active investment strategies
are considered as underperform in the additional transactions cost and fee than
the passive strategies. The important facts of the market efficiency for Al Jazeera Services
is if eth markets are efficient than the security prices would not be affected
due to that information which anticipated by the investors. The fully unpredicted information by the investor
has great impact on the price. As the information which is not anticipated by
the Al
Jazeera Services
has impact on the price. Moreover the Conceptualization of the market
efficacy and EMH can be explained under various headings which are given n
below. These all points proposes the effective information for explaining the
concept and importance of the Market efficiency along with its various types (Maskay, 2007).
Capital market and its
different efficiencies
any economy there are two major types of the financial markets which are money
markets and capital markets. The term capital markets are referred as the
market which is deals with the financial instruments and commodities which are considered
s the long term securities. The capital markets has maturity of more than one year.
According to (Prabhakaran, 2017)the capital market is considered as the
basic piece of money which is related to the framework. It assumed as the important factor for the development
of the monetary funds of the nation by observing the enormous development (Prabhakaran,
are four types of the capital market efficiency has been usually identified
which are;
Operational efficiencies: according
to this for sales and purchase of the securities the investors doesn’t be delayed
and the costs of the transactions are low.
Information efficiencies of Market
It is refer as the related information is available
at low cost in wide range for all of the investors.
Pricing efficiencies of Market
The ability of the
capital market can be used to process the information accurately and quickly
and it cab used as the consequences of the informational and operational efficiency.
efficiencies of Market Efficiency and security pricing
means the funds can be allocate for their most productive use their capital
markets. It can arises as the result of the pricing efficiency.
Informational efficiencies
of Market Efficiency and
security pricing
are three major forms of information efficiencies
which explained here in effective manners. There are three major of the market
efficiencies which are weak, semi strong and strong form the market
Weak efficiency of Market Efficiency and
security pricing
weak efficiency is considered as the first form of the market efficiency.
According to this term the stock price is considered as the reflection of
historical data and relevance. It
includes financial statements, accounting data and other information which is
publically available. For producing the prices of the stock exchange such type
of the information is considered as the immaterial (Arvind Kumar,
Semi-strong of Market
Efficiency and security pricing
It is stated by
the semi-strong form of
market efficiency which is the second form of the market efficiency that all
the publically available information can be reflected by the current stock
exchange. The past information includes
in it as well. The semi strong form is
known as the weak form of the efficiency as well.
Strong form of market efficiency of Market Efficiency and security pricing
In the case of the
strong form of market efficiency the stock price are includes as the all of the
information which available related to the stock either its private and public
information. The traders of the insider information cannot avail the advantage
if the market will be strongly efficient and they cannot make the abnormal
Assumptions and
implication of EMH on Al Jazeera Services
are the following implications of the efficient market hypothesis on Al Jazeera Services;
positive risk adjusted returns can be active by using the “technical analysis”
in ten case of the weak form of efficiency.
In this case the volume and past prices have not predictive ports for providing
the future direction for the security prices.
the case of the Semi strong form of EMH the positive risk adjusted returns on
average dose not earn by the fundamental analysis.
strong form of the EMF can be implies as the abnormal profits cannot be earn
even the person used insider information. The strong form efficiency must hold
in all markets because it is considered as the best way to protecting the
Limitations of Market Efficiency and
security pricing
are the various limitations which are discussed in this research and these all
limitations must be understood according the economic and political context of
the Muscat. The paper has analyzed on one company of the Oman named as Al Jazeera Services.
The measurement errors are also involved
in this study. The efforts has made to be understanding the concepts of the
market efficiencies in good ways by using the convenient research study as
evidence. It is recommended for the
future research that the more research studies can be consulted as evidence
from the other companies of the Oman. Moreover, separate studies can be assumed
for the services and products.
Conclusion on Market
Efficiency and security pricing
is concluded that the markets efficiency can refers the degree and level which
is used by market prices for reflecting the all of the variable which are used
to provides the information of the stock of securities. By using the theory of
the EMH the investors can be tend towards the buying of the index funds. It has
been concluded that the term capital markets are referred as the market which
is deals with the financial instruments and commodities which are considered as
the long term securities. Four types of the efficiencies are discussed in this
paper while one of them as informational efficiency has explained in well
References of Market
Efficiency and security pricing
Arvind Kumar, D. S., 2013. TESTING WEAK FORM STOCK
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Maskay, B., 2007. Analyzing the effect of change in Money supply on stock
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Msm Gov Om, 2019. Number of Companies (Including Preferred Shares):
116. [Online]
Available at:
Prabhakaran, D., 2017. Forecasting Stock Price Volatility - An Empirical
Study onMuscat Securities Market. International Journal of Applied Sciences
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