Purified water is a basic human need however, even in this
21st century many people don’t have access to the fresh and purified
drinking water. Following this, people are
dying due to the unavailability of the purified water as they have to drink
impure water that caused various diseases. In this regard, it is highly
important to ensure the availability and quality of the drinking water.
Following, this the quality assurance of the water purification system is the
focus of this project.
The quality plan is used to specify the quality standards
for the resources, practices, and product used in a project. Likewise, in this
project, international quality standards will be ensured. First of all the
high-quality product will be purchased to meet the quality requirement of the
project. Furthermore, quality experts will be hired to ensure the quality
standard of the project. These quality experts along with the project manager
and supervisors will develop the guideline about the quality standard and set
the quality standards. Furthermore, qualified experts will monitor the quality
standard throughout the project. In this way, the required modification can be
done on a timely basis and the quality standard will be ensured at the
completion of the project.