chamber of commerce and industry were used outdated IT infrastructure. This was
its main strategic issue because IT infrastructure usually considered as a
basic point or component for any organization’s progress. Outdated IT
infrastructure that was underuse of Oman chamber of commerce and industry is
also unreliable and expensive in the current period of time. Any business networks
that are in succession on unsupported or outdated infrastructure, out of date
systems are frequently unbalanced or unstable for that reason they are unreliable.
It is also affected by the organization’s reputation as they are using an
outdated approach in the modern age (Ashraf & Glaeser, 2016).
using outdated infrastructure the performance of OCCI also affected, it becomes
less productive, less secure in addition to less efficient. Outdated
infrastructure does not support the latest means along with modernization, as
well as it does not contain the resiliency which is necessary for the
development in current threat surrounding by the competitors.
has arranged their meeting with partners, investors or team members in a fixed
or decided place just like a fixed spot for conveying ideas or discussion on
important issues. This method of strategic planning or conveying developmental
ideas affected the organization’s efficiency as well as it was expensive for the
organization. The discussed factor may also increase the chance of risk factor
in the shape of threats which was faced by the competitors (Li &
Brech, 2014).
an outdated infrastructure be able to deliberate losing your organization’s production
significantly. Skill used through old tools is generally not well-matched with the
latest software and extra fresh or current values. This factor may have an
important effect on the quality and speed of your organization’s information
interaction. In an organization, when employees are facing complexity or
difficulty to get specific information or application, undoubtedly they become
irritated or frustrated through this reason the efficiency level of an
organization may fall. There are also costs of a large part of time and money
by fixing along with maintaining such old systems. It is not considered as a
good strategy for the modernization of your association to waiting for the inevitable
reality is that, at what time an IT infrastructure reaches the last part of
life later than 7 to 10 years, the producer forces no more supporter for the
product. The lack of latest spots in addition to refreshing way with the
purpose of weak points that surfaced while supporting was stopped motivation
simply stay unresolved. The outdated infrastructure generally can’t do like a
good deal as the latest infrastructure do. This point bound your organization’s
elasticity in each and every kind of areas, just like collaboration and
interaction or communication, enhancing or improvement of latest applications
data analysis for the better decision making.
References of Outdated IT Infrastructure of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Allen & Jr, 2016. Oman: the modernization of
the sultanate. s.l.:Routledge..
Ashraf &
Glaeser, 2016. Infrastructure, incentives, and institutions.. s.l.:American
Economic Review,.
Hill &
Jones, 2014. Strategic management: Theory & cases. s.l.:An
integrated approach. Cengage Learning..
Hill &
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manufacturing function. s.l.:Macmillan International Higher Education..
Li &
Brech, 2014. Software defined environments: An introduction.. IBM Journal
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& F, 2015. Strategic management.. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Education..
& Strickland, 2015. Crafting and executing strategy: Concepts and
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& Hunger, 2017. Strategic management and business policy. s.l.:pearson.
& Magd, 2016. Entrepreneurship infrastructure and education in Oman., s.l.:
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,.