The educational system is defined as the
system from where the individuals can be able to gain knowledge in the
perspective of education. In the modern era, different types of universities,
colleges and other educational system are present. First, in ancient time, the
individuals use to study in their own culture and in their own countries but
now in the advancement of the world different student’s travel to other
countries in order to study more. When these individuals go to other countries
they use to gain the culture of that country that what the things are they
adopting in their culture and what is the difference between their culture and
own culture. With the help of this different type of cultures are explained to
each other’s and the knowledge about the different culture increases
efficiently (Katz & Elihu, 2017).
Economic system of Business in The Global Context
The economic system is known as the
transportation of different types of the goods through the government as well
as through the individuals of the country, with which the revenue will be added
in the system or which support the economy. Different types of the five systems
are used in this system in which the labour, physical resources, other
resources and entrepreneur or the business person are involved.
The economic system is further defined in
the perspective of the culture that with respect to the different economic
system the entrepreneurs with respect to the cultures play a very deep role. It
is studied that the entrepreneur that develops the habit to focus on the culture
of the different countries become success whereas to whom who do not have the
thinking about the different cultures (Awadh & Mohammad, 2013).
Social control system of Business in The Global Context
According to the good and right of the society,
values and slandered of behaviour are defined. Different types of individuals
use to develop the rules and regulation in society according to the maintenance
of society. The culture of different countries depends on the different social
control system that is why for an effective business of the entrepreneurs. They
have to focus on the social control environment as the focus on the social
control environment increases then the attraction of the individuals also
increase through which the flow of the business increases in an effective way (Dhoest & Alexander,
Marriage and family system of Business in The Global Context
In the perspective of culture, in the
decades the individuals focus just only on their own culture according to the
marriage and family system but know in this modern age different types of the
cultures are interrelating with each other. In the start different cultures use
to marriage in their own culture such as the Christian use to marry the
Christian person, Islamic person uses to marry the Islamic person and many more
religions and culture used to marry in their own culture but due to the change
in the world in the perspective of the modern time. Now different types of
individuals that are from different cultures use to marry the persons, who are
not from the same cultures. This change in the marriage system also effects on
the business in the global context as the individuals get to know about
different types of the culture so it is tough to know about the thinking of the
individuals to whom the products are sell.
By changing in the marriage the family
system also changed, the children of the individuals that marry not in the
related culture have a broader mind then the individual that is from a single
culture. As the increase in the culture diversification, different individuals
get to know about different types of businesses. Adding more, more and more events
and other programs are also organized by the cultural across through the
business also increases which help the entrepreneur to take part in businesses
that are more different.
References of Educational system of Business in The Global Context
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