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Category: Marketing Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: N/A Words: 5800

        Over time, several authors have defined sports marketing. It is defined by Chadwick and Beech (2007) as a consistent process by which different events with uncertain results are staged, and opportunities are created for the fulfilment of indirect and direct objectives among customers, businesses, and other related people of sports. Following these researchers, individuals are exposed to marketing of sports almost everywhere by either reading a magazine or a newspaper, watching programs on the TV or just by walking through streets and observing advertisements and billboards. There are three sectors in which this marketing is separated. The very first one is the advertising of sports and sports associations like the National Football League, English Premier League, and Olympics. The second one is concerned with the utilisation of sports events, individual athletes and sports teams for promoting different services.

        Meanwhile, the third one is all about sports promotion to the public for increasing participation. Actually, in the very first one, the promotion is associated directly with the sports. Moving on to the second one, products might be but don’t necessarily have to be associated directly with sports. When promotions are general, the utilisation of this type of strategy is referred to as Sports Marketing. And when the promotion is concerned with sports events and not sports; leagues, teams, or athletes are utilized for promoting different types of products, the strategy is referred to as Marketing through the means of Sports. At present, it is more than just important that marketing of products which are not related to sports through events of sports be recognized as one of the necessary aspects of sports marketing (Chadwick & Beech, 2007). 

        Professionals of marketing seem to understand the fame of sports and have worked to make them a central point of marketing campaigns for years. With the expansion of popularity and size of national sports, the domain of sports marketing has experienced immense growth. Following CNBC (2015), $240 million have been spent by Budweiser pm ads of Super Bowl alone over the recent years. With the audience finding interest in different sports activities, they will remain the key events for delivering messages through advertising. Sports are utilised by sports marketing in almost any form for increasing the sales of services and goods. It can be said that this marketing style is more concerned with the use of sports content for facilitating marketing efforts than utilising a single strategy. 

        Moreover, this is not constrained to renowned professional sports, and they might also involve alternative sports, minor leagues, and college athletics. Because sports can be viewed on different platforms, they are many forms that can be taken by sports marketing. Advertising space is sold by teams inside their stadiums to all those marketers who wish to buy print ads and billboards, while airtime is sold by TV networks during different events. Contracts are also signed by famous athletes for operating as celebrity endorsers and lending their images to different marketers. Sports marketing’s largest advantage is concerned with enabling marketers to use the devotion and popularity that many fans seem to exhibit towards their favourite athletes and teams. 

        For instance, if a fan of baseball has liked a certain team for a long time now, and markets relating to that team will achieve credibility in the main of that fan. Because revenue goes for supporting the team, marketers are considered as sponsors and they invest in the success of the team. And the only key drawback is that the industry of sports marketing is very large and it can be quite difficult to be unique. Fans watching a football match will be encountered with different messages. It is important for marketers to reach out to a huge audience but a risk that their advertisements might be ignored by fans who believe the match to be more interesting (CNBC, 2015). 

Marketing Domains Through Sports

        Marketing’s four domains are proposed by Sam Fullerton and G. Russell Merz (2008) to be strategies based on the theme, based on products, based on alignment, and based on strategies (Fullerton & Merz, 2008). 

Theme Based Strategies of Olympic Marketing

        Following Merz and Fullerton (2005), such strategies can be simplified as the utilisation of traditional strategies of marketing which integrate a theme of sports into the program of marketing for irrelevant products. Because there exists a huge audience that tunes into events related to sports, it is chosen by brands to advertise their services through sports; it is referred to as marketing through the means of sports. It is a dimension of marketing which executes a strategy based on a theme (Merz & Fullerton, 2005). Sports events are utilised by many marketers as platforms for appealing to customers for selling a diversity of products. Gray and McEvoy (2005) believe that the majority of these products either have no or a little relation to sports. From the promotional point of view, sports products are marketed by organisational to a specific segment of customers, while non-sports products are marketed by others (Gray & McEvoy, 2005). It is implied by Merz and Fullerton (2005) that by associating these products with athletes, teams and sporting events, different marketers seem to cater to the requirements of customer segments which have a personal investment in these entities of sports. Sports marketing is differentiated into two dimensions, and they are referred to as thrusts. 

        The authors argue that sports marketing involves all events which satiate the requirements of customers in all possible ways. For instance, advertising space is purchased by brans in stadiums during renowned and famous events like the World Cup, Super Bowl, and Wimbledon etc. Brand marketing is carried out by displaying the logo and name of the brand on the banners and billboards within the stadium. Air time is also purchased by brands on TV during the games, which create the majority of viewers. It is costly for brands, but they are willing to invest in it for the sake of increasing sales and promoting the brand. It is stated by Witkemper et al., (2012) that promotion and marketing through sports and clubs associated with sports include sponsorship, licensed merchandise, corporate boxes and events, images and names referred to as endorsement, broadcaster advertising, advertising like equipment and clothing advertising, promotion of games, and promoting with the use of a league/club/players. Non-sports products and entities relate themselves with the entities of sports for the sake of marketing.

        And a good example of this is Turkish Airlines. Highly renowned teams are sponsored by it along with football teams and celebrity players including FC Barcelona and Manchester United among others. When fans tune to see their favourite teams and players, its brand will be advertised and it is actually a beneficial way of brand promotion. Brand awareness is instantly increased by it as it is viewed by countless people over the globe (Witkemper, et al., 2012).

        Now, females in sports have emerged among ranks, and they are proving to be just dominant, competitive, and fierce in their field. There are many examples, and one of it involves Ronda Rousey who is known for being undefeated in the UFC or Ultimate Fighting Championship. She is endorsing different brands like Reebok and Carl’s Jr. Thus, it is becoming evident that marketers of famous brands that might or might not be relevant to sports, which have a large budget of marketing are attempting to relate their brand with the most famous property in the market of sports at that specific time. Brand personality is taken to another level by this relationship in the perception of their fans. Brand personality is defined as the group of human characteristics which are related to the brand. The fans of these people are drawn almost automatically to the brand, which is preferred by their heroes; in turn, brands gain different benefits from it. 

Product Based Strategies of Olympic Marketing

        Strategies based on products is yet another important area of sports marketing. With the marketing of sports products through the use of traditional strategies of sports marketing and there is not associated with sports, it is referred to as strategies based on products. If prices are reduced by marketers of athletic footwear like a primary incentive for retailers, it will be recognised as a strategy based on products despite being independent of the entity of sports since it is a product related to sports. As sports are generally being marketed in a specific way in such cases, it is referred to as Marketing of sports, which is another aspect or domain of sports marketing. It can be said that it is a promotion of sporting events. Its aim is all about attracting more eyes to the event and attain more viewership. Basically, it means to promote the sport to the audience for creating more interest and awareness to those who don’t know or have less knowledge regarding the sports.

        For instance, matches of the exhibition are sometimes played in nations where a specific activity of sports is not considered very interesting or popular. In this way, the audience in those nations will be aware of the sport, achieve an understanding of the event and might even develop an interest in it. This is what organisations and committees of sports hope for when they are executing sports marketing activities. Cricket matches, for example, were played recently in the US where cricket is not considered popular. This tournament’s objective was to integrate best players of almost all teams and pool them into separate teams. Following Hutchins & Rowe (2012), Cricket All-Stars seemed to gain viewership of over 60,000 fans to 3 games which were played in Los Angeles, Houston, and New York. The objective of ICC or International Cricket Council concerned with globalising Cricket was effective as many residents of the US showed up at the stadium for three games with the intent of learning about the sport which is considered famous in various nations (Hutchins & Rowe, 2012). 

Alignment Based Strategies of Olympic Marketing

            With the alignment of marketers of products irrelevant to sports with different sports entities through a sponsorship type like traditional sponsorships, rights of venue naming, licensing agreements, and endorsements; it is referred to as a strategy based on alignment. For instance, a deal was struck by McDonald’s for sponsoring the Olympics to increase the sales of fast because Olympic games are viewed by numerous people and the awareness of the brand is increased by it. Many authors, over the years, have described sponsorship from their point of view. It has been defined by Buhler & Nufer (2012) as investing in the entity of sports such as event, team, league, or athlete for supporting organisational objectives, promotional strategies, and marketing (Buhler & Nufer, 2012). Although it is defined by Lagae (2005) as a business agreement made between parties. It is implied by Lagae (2005) that services, goods, or money is provided by the sponsored party. In return, associations and rights are offered by the sponsored party that are utilised commercially by the sponsor (Lagae, 2005). Following Jobber (2007), there are various objectives to why a brand chooses to be a sponsor. They involve gaining publicity, developing entertainment opportunities, company associations, improving favourable brand, enhancing community relations, and developing promotional opportunities. 

            Insurance organisations and Banks utilise sponsorship as a technique of aligning themselves with renowned entities of sport for attaining international recognition. For instance, shirts of Liverpool Football Club were sponsored by Standard Chartered. It can be considered a strategic move by the Standard Chartered since the LFC is one of the most renowned clubs in the EPL or English Premier League with numerous international fans. This club’s broad reach and the diversity of the audience who watch their activities is what seems to encourage banks SC to develop a relationship with the club (Dewsnap & Jobber, 2007). Following Karjaluoto et al., (2016), the growth of sponsorship revenue in North America was expected to be highest among 2011-2015 with 6.1 per cent as the maximum. Different sports leagues such as NHL, NBA, and NFL in North America are famous with the audience amounting to millions. Thus, it is not surprising that big companies and brands wish to be related to the teams available in these leagues in some shape, form, or way through a deal of sponsorship.

            These leagues have hardcore fans who support the brand that is endorsed by their favourite team. This emotional engagement is utilised by brands which exist among sports fans to their benefit and advantage from it in different ways. As the competition rises between sponsorships, all sports wish to secure the biggest deals of sponsorship with large brands. Because a lot of money is invested by organizations in sponsorships, they expect the returns to be just as big. These days, organisations create reports for measuring the effectiveness of relating their name with the entity of sports (Karjaluoto, et al., 2016). 

Sports Based Strategies of Olympic Marketing

        With the sponsorship of other entities related to sports by sports brands, it is referred to as strategies based on sports. Most of the sense is made by it because relating products of sports to sport entities for purposes of marketing leads to an optimum situation for every person involved. For instance, a venue sponsorship was secured by Reebok for a soccer stadium in Britain. Reebok is a brand which associates itself to different sports entities. Fans watching the sport in the stadium have one thing going through their minds, and that is Reebok because it is the name of a stadium. Brand identify is created by it, and Reebok’s brand awareness is increased by it. Endorsement partnerships are also developed between several sports athletes and brands, sports entities and clubs. For instance, famous athletes were sponsored by Nike like Tiger Woods, Christian Rolando, and Michael Jordan at different times for more than thirty years. 

Brand Awareness of Olympic Marketing

        A symbol or a name distinguishes a brand which identifies a product and also helps in differentiating it from others. Generally, recognition is built by branding for a product or an organisation. It is quite significant to be unique in the global marketplace because individuals are surrounded by many services and products. Hence, the significance of brand management has increased greatly. The most important task of the marketer is brand building and management (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Brands have to be managed and developed carefully, and thus, branding is a critical component of the marketing strategy. A brand is the most valuable and powerful intangible asset of the organization and can be more significant than the facilities, services, or products of the company. It is argued by Keller & Lehmann (2006) that feelings and perceptions of customers about a product are represented by brands, the most important aspect for brands to obtain is customer loyalty and preference (Keller & Lehmann, 2006).

        New products, factories, and stores are developed by organizations in spite of the increasing completion and the fact that there exist undeveloped or empty niches. Hence, for fighting for a share of the market, every product has to be unique than the rivals of the organization, and it is important to be unique. When success is achieved by brands, they can create loyalty through trust, and they portray fulfilled promises. Loyal consumers are resulted by it who are consistent in demanding products, which seems to increase organisational sales. With the establishment of their brand, it is possible to shape and develop it further. Just as explained above, organisations have a critical asset in the form of brands. Organisational value can be increased by them over the years, or an opportunity can be offered for expanding the business. For instance, with the development of sub-brands, a value can be increased. Also, a strong personality in terms of the brand can be created by the company, which makes it possible to exploit new opportunities and areas like media, music records, and airline. Brand differentiation has become a significant task for organisations in the quest of becoming more unique and competitive towards creating a brand and not just a service (Haefner, et al., 2011).

        Over time, brands evolve and develop themselves. There are five stages which can be illustrated in the form of a pyramid. Attributes pertain in the first level, which makes brands not unique but also expresses the producer’s identity. The second level is about benefits, and the third one is referred to as an emotional award, which is received by customers through a brand. The last one is concerned with the potential of self-expression image and customer values. Brand’s personality is shown at the top of the figure, which is an important component of building a brand. It is suggested by authors that complementing this form with extra characteristics, which include differentiation and consistency, enhances its efficiency. These characteristics are significant in terms of uniqueness and quality.

            Considering the personality of the brand, customers can relate easily to an individual with its characteristics, and it can be explained as an emotional relationship which exists between a consumer and a brand. Brand congruence is a term which is used for this process. As the intensity of involvement and personal expression in good consumption increases, the significance of congruence between human personality and brand also increases (Maehle & Shneor, 2010). Often, brand personality is the factor which differentiates one brand from the other and thus attracts different consumers. Different customers tend to purchase products which are perceived to possess similar traits as their self-concepts: hence, this image is compared with the brand. How organisations with customers to look at their brand is through the identity of the brand (Ghodeswar, 2008). Identify of a brand is the foundation of brand building processes: it is composed of different brand elements, and it is also possible to separate them into a main identify which includes extended identity, visual appearance, communications, trademark, and name.

            It is associated with the functional benefits which are conveyed by the brand, and it can be on a very high, high, medium, or low level. Therefore, more self-expressive and emotional benefits are included in the extended identify which complement a brand and are associated with the experience of utilising and owning the concrete brand. Every brand has a different extended identity and core level. These elements of a brand which develop brand identity seem to create awareness of the brand among people and also differentiate brands from others. In accordance with Lehmann, et al., (2008), there exist six criteria for elements of brand which must be followed for developing a brand that most of the people are aware of Protect-ability (competitively, legally); Adaptability (updatable, flexible); Transferability (across and within cultures, geographic boundaries, and product categories); Likability (interesting and fun, verbal imagery, and rich visual); Meaningfulness (persuasive, descriptive); and Memorability (easily recalled and recognizable). Branding efforts of an organisation are carried out for strengthening the brand and to spread awareness of the brand among potential consumers and general consumers. Moving on, the next topic of concern is brand awareness, which is the first stage in the typical model to understand the behaviour of consumer purchasing. And it is crucial in differentiating products from competitors and products (Lehmann, et al., 2008).

            In the process of communication, brand awareness is considered an important step for different businesses. It is also important in the development of brand equity. Without the awareness of a specific brand, no other effect of communication can take place. A customer has to be aware of a certain brand for purchasing it. AIDA, the marketing model, which refers to Awareness or Attention, followed by Action, Desire, and Intent explains this system while giving a basic understanding of how a market can be targeted by an organization effectively. It is also explained by this model that it all begins with awareness and attention. Awareness of a brand refers to the strength of the presence of a brand in the mind of a customer. It is argued by Koniewski (2012) that when a product is about to be bought by a customer, his or her choices are made in association with the awareness of the brand.

            The capacity and knowledge of customers in recognising a brand are reflected by brand awareness. Its level is affected heavily by the synergy of the name of the brand and other symbols such as brand slogan and imagery. The reason for buying behaviour of a customer is affected by brand awareness is because it seems to represent main factors for involving a brand in the evoked set of a customer. And the evoked set is a group of all relevant brands customer choose between when thinking of buying a service or a product. Buying behaviour of customers can also be influenced by brand awareness in other ways. For instance, the perceived risk has a lower potential if they already know the brand. Also, attitudes and perceptions of customers are influenced by brand awareness, and brand loyalty is also affected by it.

            It is important to note that brand awareness only explains that customers are aware of a specific brand and are capable of identifying it, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that the brand is preferred specifically over others. Awareness of a brand can be separated into three levels, which include high-mind awareness or awareness concerned with top-of-the-mind, brand recall, and brand recognition. Brand recognition when a consumer is capable of confirming that she or he has seen the brand previously and expresses familiarity with it. And in sports marketing, development of brand awareness and branding can be carried out in different ways with the use of different communication channels for sports marketing. Brand awareness is reflected in brand recall when a brand comes into the mind of a consumer. Meanwhile, awareness’s highest form is awareness concerned with top-of-the-mind, which means that customers think of a specific brand first whenever they hear about a category of product.

            It can be said that this is considered an attractive position which can be obtained by a brand. For instance, if fast food as a product category is suggested, McDonald’s is mentioned as a top alternative, and the brand is enjoying a strong awareness in its group or category. Moreover, factors which assist in building awareness of the brand are the brand name, sales promotion and advertising, the utilisation of celebrities for promoting the brand, fame of the parent organisation, public relations, and opinions of peer groups (Koniewski, 2012).

Sports Merchandising of Olympic Marketing

            For sports teams, parties, and organisations, merchandising is another source of sales and revenue. Merchandising is defined as a product arrangement in an online or physical store for maximising stores by (Pohit & Basu, 2012). Although different advertising campaigns are predicted to make customers visit the stores, the department of merchandising is predicted to close the sales. In simple words, it is accountable for ensuring that consumers entering the store make purchases before leaving the store. Considering the fact that sports have a unique way of obtaining an emotional connection with viewers, merchandising is an added benefit for sports organisations and leagues for taking advantage of this relation which fans seem to share with their favourite teams and players. Hence, the growth in the market of sports merchandise is linked closely to the patterns of consumer spending.

            A significant amount of merchandise is assembled by these sports teams ranging from socks, shoes, hats, pants, and t-shirts, among other associated accessories for their fans. For feeling a sense of relation and pride, people visit these stores, both online and physical and buy all products which they like. Sports merchandising and licensing is a large business. A huge amount of revenue is generated by it, but organisations selling licensed merchandise seem to face a significant challenge. It is stated by Liu (2011) that for supporting their rights of selling merchandised products and goods, sports leagues and teams depend on the trademark law.

            Licensing involves licensing of names of different athletes and sports organisations, logos, and symbols. Once rights of utilising these elements are owned by an organization, a large amount of cash can be generated given there are reliable techniques of strategic marketing for merchandising. In this age and day, customers are exhibiting more interest in buying goods related to sports than before. Fans seem to feel a sense of pride when they are wearing the official attire of their favourite team whey they are attending the game at the stadium. Fans showing all this interest is capitalised upon by the bodies of sports and different kinds of special sales, offers, and discount coupons are offered to fans for maximising sales. Thus, optimum efforts are invested in by merchandising and marketing department during the season of football in the United States of America. The same thing can be said about the Cricket World Cup and FIFA World Cup. It is during such events that sales of merchandise go through all targets and records. And the selling of merchandise related to sports is also aimed at those fans who are not capable of attending the games live in the area of the stadium. This assists in monetising sports brands. Nike, for instance, enables it consumers to customise all their trainers, designs, and opinions with family members and friends online. This is considered a great strategy by the organisation as it assists in understanding the requirements of its target market and customer base (Liu, 2011).

            Evaluating the market of sports merchandise from an international perspective, it is the revenue of the smallest category in comparison with sponsorships, gate revenues, and media rights. It was predicted by Masterman (2014) in a report that merchandising would be accounting for almost 14.5 per cent of the overall revenue of the sports market. However, it has increased and reached 25.2 per cent in North America. PWC illustrates that North America accounts for seventy-one per cent of the overall merchandising of sports market (Masterman, 2014). 

Digital Marketing of Olympic Marketing

            Many authors, over the years, have described what social media means from their perspectives. Social media is defined by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) as a group of applications based on the internet which builds on the technological and ideological base of Web 2.0, and that enables the exchange and creation of content generated by a user. Content of social media can contain networks, video, audio, and text. The text was the very first, mainly in the shape and form of blogs. Blogs are written content available on a website created by a user or users. They might involve diary summaries or visual content like pictures and videos. With the improvement and evolution of technical tools and social media being the centre of the internet, it started to get more users among the years. Soon, there were several social networks which emerged and people seemed to accept them. People were amazed by the fact that they interact and communicate with their family or friends had become so simple and easy. It is explained by Mangold and Faulds (2009) that social media has become a significant factor in affecting different areas of consumer behaviour including post-purchase evaluation and communication, purchase behaviour, attitudes, opinions, information acquisition, and awareness (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010).

        Social media’s development has had a significant influence on the way different client firms interact and communicate with their audiences. The reduction in the traditional media and an increment in the amount of social and digital media over the years have been observed by Grimm et al., (2013). That is why a lot of interactivity with different companies and its customers can be seen on the internet. Different social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are among the most utilised and popular networks on the internet. Social networks, which are the component of social media, have become the go-to medium for individuals to communicate and interact with each other, share and generate content, and promote their businesses.

        Although websites like Twitter have a specific number of characters which can be used by a person in a single tweet, other sites like Instagram and Facebook don’t have a limit for characters for posting online. The application of Instagram is for sharing videos and pictures, and the feature of the video has a limit of only fifteen seconds. All of these networks are utilized by brands over the world for promoting their products and generating as much awareness for brand as possible. Friends can also be viewed, profiles can be viewed, comments can be written, and other interesting aspects can also be utilised by people. Different websites for sharing videos like YouTube enables users to share and upload videos through the internet. Channels can be created on the site where a collection of different videos can be kept by them. All of them can be sorted out for viewing any video at any time. All these consumers of users of social media are the ones who are creating content on these websites, which drive a lot of audience or traffic on the web. Channels of social media normally transform broadcast media’s monologues to many-to-many (Grimm, et al., 2013).

        Following a report published by Yang et al., (2016), different platforms of social media has gotten the attention of diverse groups. Because social media includes the utilisation of internet and smartphones, young adults who belong to the age of 18-29 years seem to top the list of different users which utilise social media with eighty-nine per cent because of young generation over the world use technology more. And individuals who belong to the age group of 30-49 do not seem far behind as eighty-two per cent of them have an online presence. The internet is not utilised by older people as much as younger people do. Thus, sixty-five per cent of individuals belonging to the group of 50-65 is on the networks of social media while only forty-nine per cent of the population with the age of 65 and above have a presence on the social media (Yang, et al., 2016). 

Event Sponsorship of Olympic Marketing

        It can be said that sponsorship is quite similar to the typical advertising in such a way that both are utilized for communicating the message of a firm and product image, service or brand to the targeted audience. It is a common activity of marketing which occurs in public projects or events, and it is also referred to as event marketing (Close, et al., 2006). Relating a brand to a specific event is a reliable way of addressing customers. By the development of this connection, balance theory is utilised by sponsorships which state whenever a belief might be unstable and unbalance about two projects, the mind of a human unconsciously attempts to connect the low-valued product with a high-valued event. Consequently, a link is created by sponsorships in the minds of customers between an organisation or event and a brand or a company.

        Another benefit of utilising events as a channel of communication involves direct content which a sponsoring organisation can have with their audience (Sneath, et al., 2005). Every organisation cooperates differently according to the type of product and event. Following (Masterman, 2007), it is a commercial activity through which a person enables another part of the firm to exploit a relationship with the target people in return for resources, services, or funds. Sports marketing is considered a famous kind of events which attracts many individuals along with marketers. It is quite significant to select eligible events for matching the brand and the target audience.

        Sponsor recall is affected by four important factors including exposure of buyer to the brand because of the individual identification or involvement with the team and sport, exposure of buyer to the brand at events, sponsor prominence, and sponsor relatedness. The frequency and intensity of the relationship of the individual with the event will be capable of driving the sponsor recall of the event. Hence, the event’s image is quite significant. It ought to have enough awareness and must be capable of delivering desired expectations. There are two kinds of product relevance, including image-based and function-based. The latter is the one in which products are utilised in the event course by the participants while in the former one, the brand appears to belong with events.

            Now, sponsorships are one of the fastest increasing communications marketing in the whole world. There are several ways in which an organisation can determine itself as a sponsor. It can be said that the most renowned ones include special programs, banners, or signs, and prizes can supplement it (Hede & Kellett, 2011). During the event, personal contact with a specific brand can increase the possibility that potential customers will keep it in mind or even purchase from it. For instance, enabling individuals to communicate with products or even converse with representatives. When it comes to TV viewers, they can easily switch between channels or leave them to do something they want because people are not keen on watching commercials yet they are exposed to different billboards and banners and other advertisements during the event. For instance, fields of football with branded athletes and sponsored banners are not possible to evade. This type of passive communication is not as efficient as active interaction with viewers, though this is the only tool of communication for the audience of visual media (Nickell, et al., 2011).

Research Hypothesis of Olympic Marketing

Based on the above literature, the following research hypothesis is designed for the research:

H10: There exists a negative relationship between brand awareness and Olympic Games Promotion.

H11: There exists a positive relationship between brand awareness and Olympic Games Promotion.

H20: There exists a negative relationship between digital marketing and Olympic Games Promotion

H21: There exists a positive relationship between digital marketing and Olympic Games Promotion

H30: There exists a negative relationship between innovativeness and Olympic Games Promotion.

H31: There exists a positive relationship between innovativeness and Olympic Games Promotion.

H40: Brand awareness, digital marketing, and innovativeness have a negative correlation with the Olympic Games Promotion.

H41: Brand awareness, digital marketing, and innovativeness have a positive correlation with the Olympic Games Promotion.

 Theoretical Framework of Olympic Marketing

Based on the research hypothesis, the theoretical framework for the research is presented as:

   Independent Variables                                                                  Dependent Variable

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