Does the current chapter provide the details about the methods being used for research purposes i.e. to evaluate the international marketing preference while promoting the next Olympic Games in 2020 and the practices for event managers to improve their marketing messages to these countries? In this chapter, research design, research methodology (i.e. study population, sample and sampling strategy, a method to collect the data, i.e. usage of the tools to collect the data). The analytical tools are also narrated in the current chapter. All of the above said is done with an expectation that this research methodology will provide us with the preferred outputs.
Research Design of Olympic Marketing
Research Approach of Olympic Marketing
Based on varying study’ forms, the quantitative nature of the study is confirmed. The methodology is determined based on the nature of the data. For qualitative methodology, verbal data exists. For quantitative methodology, numerical data exists. This study comprises of numerical type data because the self-administered survey is conducted to gather data. As the questionnaire is used to gather the data from respondents. This data is numerical. The questionnaire is attached in appendix.
Type of investigation of Olympic Marketing
To evaluate the relationship between study variables, correlation is better suggested. It will help to get the desired outputs. Also, the numerical nature of data requires the use of the correlation model. For the current study, the data is collected through the use of a questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of a five-point Likert scale. The usage of the questionnaire also suggests using a correlation model. This correlation model better helped to identify the association of study variables, i.e. how the dependent variable is linked with all the independent variables. Based on regression analysis, the developed hypotheses are tested and based on regression results; the hypotheses are accepted or rejected. It showed how the change in one independent variable showed its impact on the dependent variable.
Unit of Analysis of Olympic Marketing
Based on the study topic, i.e. about marketing preferences for Olympics games, the unit of analysis is a postgraduate student (at the University of Surrey) and a friend on the Facebook page. They are used collectively as a unit of analysis.
Time Horizon of Olympic Marketing
Due to several revisions, to finalise the survey, the study is longitudinal. The data is not collected for just once; this is a case of a cross-sectional study. For the current study, the follow-ups are required that better helps to find the desired outcomes.
Research Strategy of Olympic Marketing
To collect the data, Google docs are used. The emailing system of the university helps to conduct the research and provide access to university students. Also, friends on social media are accessed through this approach.
Research Methodology of Olympic Marketing
To gather data, the questionnaire is being used. It is considered as the quickest and efficient method for data collection purposes. A self-administered survey was conducted. It was assumed that this survey would better achieve the purpose of the study. This survey comprises of four pages with open and closed questions. The five-point Likert scale is used, which ranges from 1 to 5. The acceptance criterion for any of the questionnaires is its completion.
Population of the study of Olympic Marketing
As per the unit of analysis, which is a student or a Facebook friend, the population of the study is all the students of the University of Surrey and friends on social media.
Sample and sampling strategy of Olympic Marketing
A sample is considered as population subset, which represents the main study interest. For current study sample size comprises of 250 people. Total of 350 questionnaires were distributed; two hundred fifty postgraduate students (at the University of Surrey) and 100 friends on the Face book page or Twitter while only 250 gave the responses. Non-probability convenient sampling technique is adopted for the current study. The data is gathered from those students and friends who are willing to provide their response.
Data Collection Method of Olympic Marketing
A self-administered survey is used to gather the primary data. For this purpose, the questionnaire was considered to be the best fit to gather the data. Based on previous researches, the questionnaire serves as a cheap and highly economical tool to gather the data. Previous research articles better helped to collect the secondary data.
Research Measures of Olympic Marketing
For the current study, the dependent variable is the Olympic Games promotion. Brand awareness, Digital marketing and Innovativeness are independent variables. To measure the study items on five-point Likert scale, which ranges from 1 to 5 (having values 1= “strongly disagree”, 2= “disagree”,3= “neutral”,4= “agree”, and 5=“strongly agree”), the questionnaire is used as a measuring scale.
For all the study variables, i.e. brand awareness and digital marketing, innovativeness and Olympic Games promotion, a questionnaire. This scale better helped to evaluate the international marketing preference while promoting the next Olympic Games in 2020 and the practices for event managers to improve their marketing messages to these countries. The data reliability and accuracy is determined by the use of Cronbach Alpha value. For all the study variables, the Cronbach Alpha value is greater than 0.70. This value represents that the data is highly reliable.
Brand awareness of Olympic Marketing
For measuring brand awareness, the total number of items that are taken for this study is three. For the current study, it is evaluated on a five-point Likert scale. An exemplary item is “Associating business with a sports team better creates brand awareness for Olympic Games.” For the present study, Cronbach Alpha value for this three-item scale is 0.701. It indicates high reliability of current data set for this variable.
Digital marketing of Olympic Marketing
For measuring digital marketing, the total number of items that are taken for this study is three. For the current study, it is also measured on five-point Likert scale. The items in this questionnaire are adapted. An exemplary item is “Digital Marketing is a helpful tool for promoting Olympic Games.” For the present study, Cronbach Alpha value for this three-item scale is 0.717. It indicates high reliability of current data set for this variable.
Inattentiveness of Olympic Marketing
For evaluating innovativeness on five-point Likert scale, the questionnaire items are adapted for this study variable. It consists of two items that are also measured by using a Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. For an exemplary item, i.e. “Management should efficiently perceive innovative ideas for promoting Olympic Games.”, the value of Cronbach Alpha is 0.985. It is a highly reliable value to determine data correctness and accuracy.
Olympic Games promotion of Olympic Marketing
Olympic Games promotion is the dependent variable for the current study. As it is the objective of this research to identify the promotion practices for future Olympic Games. For Olympic Games promotion, the questionnaire items are also adapted. It consists of three items. The measuring scale is a five-point Likert scale. An exemplary item is “Well-known celebrities better promote Olympic games.” All these three items provided with the overall reliability of 0.729. It serves as a determinant of high reliability.
Pilot Study of Olympic Marketing
The reliability and validity of the instrument are evaluated through a pilot study. For a pilot study, a sample size of 25 students is taken. The Cronbach Alpha value for all questionnaire items is greater than 0.70. If we go for an interpretation of this value, then a value greater than 0.70 suggests and confirms the reliability of the questionnaire.
Response rate of Olympic Marketing
For data collection, 350 questionnaires were distributed among University students and Facebook friends. Two hundred fifty questionnaires were being filled & returned, out of total 350 questionnaires. So, for the current study, the response rate is 71%.
Measurement Error of Olympic Marketing
“The extent whereby the variables are measured, but they do not provide with exact and accurate desired results is a measurement error.” It is almost impossible to have the results without any measurement error.
Some of the possible measures of error may include faulty input of data, and wrong interpretation of outputs. It can be said that measurement error cannot be eliminated completely, but they can be avoided to the possible extent. For the present study, it is tried to the possible extent to avoid these kinds of errors. The strategies adopted for this purpose include careful coding of data, proper data entry to excel, and then carefully copying and pasting of excel data to SPSS. Also, the interpretation of said data to get desired outcomes is a part of precautionary measures.
Data Analysis Software and techniques of Olympic Marketing
For data analysis and results’ determination, version 17 of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is used.
The gathered data is first organised and then entered to an excel sheet. This data is then copied from excel and then pasted to SPSS. By using different tests and tools of SPSS, the reliability of the data is confirmed by Cronbach Alpha value. Also, correlation and regression tests helped to indicate the relationship of study variables as well as acceptance of study hypotheses. All of this is done by using SPSS. It helped to get an insight to the study topic, i.e. the evaluation of the international marketing preference while promoting the next Olympic Games in 2020 and the practices for event managers to improve their marketing messages to these countries.