After looking at all the facts and figures from literature review,
it is evident that future for AI is bright in India, and if more steps are
taken by stakeholders such as business leaders and policy makers, then things
can turn into real opportunities for India to grab in the future. It is
important to understand that how other developed countries from West achieved
success in this field. The countries like United States, Germany, China, Japan
and South Korea are prime examples that how they did so much in the field of
AI. If Indian IT sector can follow the footsteps of these countries, then they
can develop a great AI industry in India. The India may not have proper
infrastructure, but they have human resource to do so. So, it is recommended to
India that they should develop a culture which promotes AI in every aspect of
life and business.
It is recommended that Indian government should also play
its important role in encouraging and developing AI. They can facilitate foreign
companies to invest in this regard, and education sector can also be crucial to
get things done in a right manner. They need to include AI as an important part
of Education set up so that more young students are attracted towards this
technology. The PhD researchers in this field are very few in India, so
government role is crucial to provide resources and means for students to get
free scholarships in the institutes of developed world so that they can learn
AI, and come back India to transfer that knowledge. The business companies
should also invest in research for AI, and see how they can integrate AI in
their business processes. If Indian government, policy makers and business
community can play their part in implementing these recommendations, then India
certainly can grab a better position in the list of countries having great
resources and future in the field of AI.