In the report, there is a proper review work on the current
application for planning permission against current national and local planning
policy. For this, the first important point is that describes the main proposal
in detail and then review it according to the planning policy.
Introduction of Reviewing Development Planning Application
This application is about the four development tasks that are
located near to the Rothay Manor Hotel. The application is given on this
development task that are approved by the development manager. In this
application, there are some plans and documents are reviewed in detail that is
become the main reason for the approval of this entire application of the
development plan.
Background and proposal Reviewing Development Planning Application
I am working as the development
management team member for the Lake District National Park planning authority.
For this, I am performing the task that is regarding the application reviewing
the planning permission. The proposal is regarding the four construction sites.
The first one is the construction of a new hotel entrance off of Borrans Rd,
and also a new parking facility to the North of the site. The second one is the
destruction of the existing bungalow ‘Heslaker’, and it is replaced with hotel
bedrooms and spa for the gain of 6 new bedrooms. The third one is the
modification of the existing ‘conservatory’ extension at the main hotel
building. The last one is related to the landscaping towards the North of the
site, and also to the front of the hotel.
Representation Reviewing
Development Planning Application
The first reply by the Cumbria County Council, and his name is David
Ciare. He talked about the public footpath 541017 that is running with the
A5095 development boundary. His comments were totally correct about the main
public footpath, and he also talked about the temporary closure for this route.
The next reply is from the environment agency, by Murley Moss, he
has analysed the main plan in detail, and he has no objection regarding the
environment. They also received the Flood Risk Assessment. From their comments,
I am able to conclude this easily that this agency is completely satisfied with
the FRA demonstrates, and through this plan, all risks can be managed easily. But
in their comments, they also recommend some restrictions that it must be
according to the FRA and mitigation measurements. They also mention the floor
level of the new building that is about 44.57 m AOD of the new hotel building. This
level is about 1.11 meter above the modelled plan of the floor level.
The next important reply is from Archaeologist team. They are
extremely pleased from consulting them about the development plan. He said that
there is something missing about the monument in the heritage statement that is
the main part of the application. Moreover, there is no Lake District Heritage
list for England for the gathering the important data. He also mentioned that
it was extremely difficult for the team to extract complete information about
the data. In the last, they also gave some important recommendations that they
must have to include all designated and non-designated heritage assets. This is
because they have a great impact on development.
The next reply is from the Parish Council from Michael Johnson. This
council has evaluated a two-storey rear extension with a glazed canopy, and he
has no objection. Furthermore, build small external chimney pot that is located
on the pot to roof elevation. They also have no objection on this construction.
According to the given proposal, they have no objection on the provided
highways that are used for the new entrance for the Borrans road. They have
given positive comments about this development plan.
Another reply is from the Environment Health team member. He has
given some important recommendations about the construction site. The first one
regards the contaminated land. He also mentioned the reason for the land by
removing any important risks for the future. The next recommendation is
regarding the noise that the renovation work and construction work must be from
8:00 Am to 6 Pm, Monday to Friday. The Saturday timing will be 9:00 to 1 Pm,
and there will be no work on Sundays. The work must be completed on time and
according to the noise level. The next recommendation is related to light
management, and the lighting must be perfect for complete light glare to the whole
community. The construction and modification of the building must be according
to the construction management plan. The construction waste material shall not
be burned. There will be proper control on the emission of the dust and dirt.
The reason is that to provide protection to different properties and
The next reply is from the United Utilities regarding the
development. They have given some important comments regarding water utilities
in the construction area. The drainage system is regarding the national
planning policy framework. They have given important recommendation about
drainage system that must be a separate system with foul water draining to
public sewer in a proper way. They have also mentioned two important
conditions, the first is regarding the surface water, and next is related to
the foul water. They said that there would be a proper separate system for the
foul and surface water. At the end of their comments, they have mentioned some
point regarding the management and maintenance of a proper drainage system.
The last important reply is from the highway and the local flood
team. They comment about the proposed visibility splays on the highway. They
are about 4.5 x 70 meters. And for the slow speeding road, the visibility is
about 2.4 x 60 meters. They also mentioned some inadequate information for the
satisfaction of the local development plant. All of these terms and conditions
are used for the promotion of a sustainable development plan, proper drainage
system, and also minimizing flooding risks and pollution.
Policy and Guidance
This national planning policy framework is used by the Government of
England for the new construction sites. For planning, the development manager
must have to consult the policy framework. According to the given proposal
sites, there are some policies by the government of England that are evaluated
in detail (Barry Cullingworth, 2006).
Designated heritage asset
A world heritage system listed building, registered park and garden,
Scheduled Monument, protected wreck site, registered battlefield and
conservation area designated are under the law (Government, 2012).
Development plan
In this there are some local plans, the London plan, neighbourhood
plans are defined in section 38 of the planning. On the other hand, these
regional strategies are completely under the development plan (Forman, 2019).
Ecological networks
All of these sites are related to biodiversity importance.
Ecosystem services
There will be proper services are obtain from ecosystems like flood
and disease control.
Environment impact assessment
For this, a complete procedure must be followed for a different type
of projects. Through this, environmental impacts can be minimized easily.
Heritage asset Reviewing
Development Planning Application
According to this a building, site, monument, area or landscape, a place
must contain a certain degree of significance in their planning decisions due
to its heritage interest. All of these interests must be identified by the
local planning authority (Claudia Bieling, 2017).
Local development order
This order is only made by the local planning authority that is
under mentioned under the act.
Local planning authority
This is the main duty of the public authority to carry out some
important planning functions for the required area. All reference is given by
the London Borough council, District council, Broads Authority, national park,
County council and the greater London authority.
An assessment of the key issues raised by the scheme
There are some key issues that are raised by the scheme are totally
based on the comments of the authorities. The first main issues are the
sustainable drainage system. The united utilities have mentioned there are some
issues regarding the drainage system. The next issue is related to the
environmental health for the construction site. There will be some issues
regarding noise pollution during construction. The development plan must be
according to the national planning framework. Through this proper development
process can be carried out in a perfect way.
Recommendation Reviewing
Development Planning Application
There is only one recommendation for the future that the drainage
system must be completely sustainable and proper. There must be a proper plan
for flood management for the future. The development team must have to follow
each and every point that is mentioned in the comments from different
development departments.
Conclusion on Reviewing
Development Planning Application
Summing up all the discussion from above, it is concluded that the national
planning policy framework is extremely important for the development and
construction. In this report, there is proper information regarding the
reviewing application form that is related to the development plan. The
application is given on this development task that are approved by the
development manager. In this application, there are some plans and documents are
reviewed in detail that is become the main reason for the approval of this
entire application of the development plan. All comments are evaluate in detail
for the future.

References Reviewing
Development Planning Application
Barry Cullingworth, V. N., 2006. Town
and Country Planning in the UK. s.l.:Routledge.
Claudia Bieling, T. P., 2017. The Science and
Practice of Landscape Stewardship. s.l.:Cambridge University Press,.
Forman, R. T. T., 2019. Towns, Ecology, and the
Land. s.l.:Cambridge University Press.
Government, G. B. D. f. C. a. L., 2012. National
planning policy framework 2012. s.l.:The Stationery Office.