business organization adopts some kind of formation, which determines that how
business is going to work for them and what structure is going to be followed
in this regard. It is important to understand for any new venture that there
are various formations that they can adopt to start their business, and each
formation can have its own implications. It is also critical before launching
the company that they understand different formations and look at their
positives and negatives. There could be various issues to keep in mind, while
considering for any formation like what would be the legal complications, how
tax and formation will be managed, what kind of management is needed etc. There
are three common formations of the companies including Sole Proprietorship,
Partnership, and Limited Liability Company (Rogers 2018).
Sole Proprietorship of Three Common Formations of
the Companies
It is one of common type of business
formation. In this type, the business is owned by a single person, who not only
owns the business, but also manages it by doing all relevant activities and transactions.
Such company will not be considered a legal entity as everything is owned by
the owner. The owner of the company will be responsible for everything like any
liabilities, debts etc. The company also does not pay any taxes rather the
owner pays taxes on his income. There are various benefits of sole
proprietorship. In such formation of the company, the owner is able to have
complete control of things. The decision making power also lies within the
domain of the owner. The sole proprietorship has the discretion of making any
transfers or sale. The other big benefit is that such company does not have to
pay any corporate taxes. The legal costs as well as formal business requirements
are also few as compared to many other formations. The negative thing about
such formation is that what happens in the company, every responsibility would
be on sole proprietor shoulder. The owner will also be held responsible for any
kind of liabilities or debts and even an employee commits a wrong act, the
consequences will be on the shoulder of sole proprietor (The New York Times 2007). Amazon is one of
the major examples, which started as a sole proprietorship.
References of Three Common Formations of the Companies
Rogers, Karen. 2018. Types of Business
Formations. Accessed October 28, 2018.
The New York Times. 2007. Advantages and
Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorships. Accessed October 28, 2018.