The supermarkets
take their cur on sales, where something is remained, unsold, the wholesalers
takes its backs. The supermarkets does nor play an important role. Suppliers as
well as an ability of coordinate a supplier relationship directly determine a
quality of service along with managerial expertise of supermarket chains.
However, a supermarket chains’ capability of supplier management is still less urbanized
in China supermarkets. Supermarkets cooperatively are of an importance to
suppliers which enables them effectively to determine what will as well as will not be stocked, along with on what terms:
sources, quantity, quality, delivery schedules, packaging, returns policy. During
the extremely competitive market context, consumers demand cheaper as well as
higher quality products, on-time delivery along with excellent after-sale
services. Consequently, companies are under intense pressure to cut costs while
maintaining a high level of quality along with after-sale service