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Research on Accountable Care Act

Category: Accounting & Finance Paper Type: Research Paper Writing Reference: CHICAGO Words: 450

            This act also known as Patient protection Act. This act completely changes the health regulation, insurance and coverage in the US. It was enacted in controversial and unorthodox process due to strong views in it’s against and favor. The main point in this act is that it includes two laws the one is health care and education reconciliation act of 2010 and patient protection and accountable care act. ACA was implemented in 23 march 2010. With this HCERA was implemented in 20 march, 2010 to check the differences between house version of the health care legislation and senate bill. Before this law, the Congressional Democrats going to immerge Accountable health care for American act with ACA in conference committee.  The ACA include on 10 titles and titles X include other titles. The ACA understanding need proper changes happen in title X of the ACA, other subsequent changes and changes in HCERA. (libguides.law.umn.edu 2018)

        The ACA and patient protection give too much advancement to the health insurance industry in many different methods. It shows a huge impact on it. One impact of the legislation of land mark is the upward trajectory of out of pocket cost, deductibles and premiums with the sold plan on the health insurance exchange. The gold plans are going to increase with 13.8 percent with monthly premium cost and sliver plans are going to increase by 11.3%. Bronze plan fall between these two plans with the 12.6 % . And all those members have to pay higher monthly premium who purchase health plan but didn’t receive federal tax subsidies. The cost of deductibles also going to increase in many different states. Most of ACA provisions moves to covering or spending more on medical services at the sickest population area where emergency care providers and hospitals has to manage uncompensated care because of individual mandate and medical expansion. (healthpayerintelligence.com 2018)

The aim of accountable care act to obtain the given objectives:

        Promote the adoption and usefulness of health information technology, improve the quality of health care and patient safety, emphasize primary and prevention care associated with community prevention services, make coverage more secure for those who have insurance and extend affordable coverage to anyone that is uninsured, reduce the cost of health care costs while promoting high value, effective care and ensure access to quality, culturally competent care for all American demographics.

References of Research on Accountable Care Act

healthpayerintelligence.com. 2018. How the Affordable Care Act Changed the Face of Health Insurance. https://healthpayerintelligence.com/features/how-the-affordable-care-act-changed-the-face-of-health-insurance.

libguides.law.umn.edu. 2018. Health Law & Policy. july 6. https://libguides.law.umn.edu/c.php?g=125769&p=906254.









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