Saudi Arabia as G20 member and 17th-largest
exporter in the world, Saudi Arabia is also known as the powerhouse of economy.
They categorize by World Bank as a nation with high-income, its populace of about
30m has set up a customer market to flourish domestic and global businesses.
The utilization of its resources of hydrocarbons has driven expansion for many
decades, and the trading status of Saudi Arabia has been increased by its
geographic benefit as a three continents connector and also its immediacy to
Red Sea, through about 10% trade of world travels. On the other hand, this era
of low prices of oil has presented a lot of challenges for Saudi Arabia and
economies of the other counties. As a result, the reforms of economy are changing
in numerous Gulf countries, and the venerable goal of diversifying revenues not
here from hydrocarbons is finest than ever.
Key economic
indicators that affect market performance in Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabia is leading oil
and natural gas producer and as of 2015 embrace about 16% of the proven oil
reserves in the world. The government of Saudi Arabia goes on to pursuing
diversification and economic reform, mainly in 2005 economy accession of Saudi
Arabia’s to WTO, and promotes Kingdom’s foreign investment. In 2016, the governments
of Saudi publicize socio-economic reforms broad set, also known as Vision 2030.
The reduction in international oil prices all through 2015 and 2016 considerably
lowered governmental revenue of Saudi Arabia. In reaction, the government of
Saudi Arabia cut financial support on electricity, water and gasoline; concentrated
compensation packages of government employee; and also announced limited taxes
of new land. In the OPEC coordination and a number of non-OPEC countries, Saudi
Arabia decided to cut oil production early on in 2017 to control supply and
help in international prices.

The Saudi Arabia economic revival
continuously increases traction in Q2, with expanding GDP at the greatest speed
in 1.5 years. The economy of Saudi Arabia continued to gain profit from higher prices
of oil—which are approximately 50% higher than levels practical last year—and production
of solid crude oil. Next to this setting, the governments release its financial
stance that mainly interpret into higher contributions and cash transport to domestic
to compensate unhelpful spillovers from financial support cuts and the opening
of VAT in January. In spite of a soft start to year, movement in non-oil
sectors is gradually gathering force, with the non-hydrocarbon PMI sector in
July and August balanced over Q2’s average. The economic position Saudi Arabia
expected to cover JP Morgan to proclaim, in 26 September, the enclosure of
country into promising bond indexes market government in the next year, which leads
Saudi bonds to public meeting in September.

The Economic growth of Saudi
Arabia is likely to gather condensation in the coming year as its stronger financial
place should encourage the private expenditure and speculation. On the other
hand, the downside risks at rest emerge great economic outlook over the
country, mainly the stem from protectionism rising trade that also add downward
global growth stress, and also from increasing geopolitical danger in the country
and indecision about the reform agenda of the country. In 2018 the Economics
Consensus predicts panelists expecting growth of 2.0%. In the 2019, the growth
is likely to accelerate to 2.4%, that is not changed from projection of last months.
GDP value and growth of Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabia economy is
primarily based on oil with strong administration controls over most important activities
of economy. It possesses over 16% of established petroleum reserves in the
world, position as the major petroleum exporter, and plays a most important function
in OPEC. The sector of petroleum balance sheet for roughly 87% of revenues in
the budget, 90% of export earnings and 42% of GDP.
The Saudi Arabia is encouraging the
private sector growth to economy diversification and to employ more nationals
of Saudi Arabia. About 6 million overseas employees play a major role in the economy
of Saudi, mainly in the sectors of oil and service; nevertheless, Riyadh is under
pressure to decrease unemployment among the nationals. The officials of Saudi Arabia
are mainly paying attention on employing its population youth.
In 2017, Kingdom incurs a financial
plan shortfall predictable at GDP 8.3%, which was economics by bond sales and reserves
drawing down. Even though Kingdom can finance high shortfall for numerous years
by substantial foreign assets drawing down or by have a loan from other
countries, it has decrease capital expenditure and condensed financial support
on water, electricity and petroleum goods and newly bring in a tax value-added about
5%. In 2016, Deputy Prime Minister and Crown Prince publicize that Saudi Arabia
plan to list all the shares of its petroleum company, ARAMCO – that is another shift
to boost outside investment and revenue. The Saudi government has looked at diversification
and privatization of economy directly in the wake the weaken market of oil. In
recent times, government also has approach investors for increasing private
sector performance in the education, health care and tourism industries.
GDP - real growth rate of Saudi
0.1% (2017 est.)
1.7% (2016 est.)
4.1% (2015 est.)

trend of Saudi Arabia
From the recent research it is
estimated that the personal spending growth would remain indifferent as returns
of inflation follow the fiscal reforms of Saudi Arabia and the partial oil
prices recovery. The economic diversification efforts of the country are improbable
to surprise considerably soon and not likely to increase to expenditure over
the temporarily, predicted by BMI. The Consumer prices increased 3% on yearly basis
in January and about 3.9 %from December, according to bureaucrat information (
The Saudi Arabia Gasoline Prices remained
unaffected at 0.54 USD/Liter from 0.54 to USD/Liter, in September 2017 to
august 2018. The Gasoline Prices has been 0.24 USD/Liter from 1995 until now, in
January of 2018 accomplishes all time high of 0.54 USD/Liter and in March of
2013 low evidence of 0.12 USD/Liter. The Price of Gold in Saudi Riyal is at a
present level of 4575.28, up from 4521.11 the preceding market from 4838.82 in
one year.

assumptions tied to economic analysis of Saudi Arabia
In Mar 2018 the data of Consumption Expenditure
was stated at 420,908.76 SAR MN. In Dec 2017, this also account a decline from
the preceding figure of 481,205.58 SAR mn. The GDP of Saudi Arabia’s data of Consumption
Expenditure is quarterly updated; averaging from Mar 2003 to Mar 2018 is about 260,925.01
SAR mn, with 61 remarks. In Dec 2017 the data reached an unprecedented high of
481,205.58 SAR mn and in Mar 2003 evidence low down of 110,994.00 SAR mn. The data
Consumption Expenditure in Saudi Arabia remains in active position in CEIC and
is account by General Authority ( 2018)

potential and Downside risk of Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabia can now not rely
on public spending and oil revenue for growth, in the shifting market of global
energy and a demographic changeover that will considerably augment working-age
Saudis number by the year 2030. The present rate of labor participation is
about 41 %, and output growth of 0.8 % yearly from 2003 to 2013 trails a lot of
promising economies. The most awful for Saudi economy is most likely to
over now. The most of the essential public spending score have previously
happened and the pace of austerity expects to be on ease in the upcoming years.
This supposed to be hold up a steady recovery of non-oil sector in Saudi. In
the meantime, there are by now signs that bumper $17.5 billion last week global
bond issuance is facilitating the government to untie a little the purse
strings, with expenses to outworker being resumed that is also a downside risk
for Saudi Arabia.
of diversification of Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabia government is
going towards the economy diversification especially in the market of oil. Now
the Saudi government is not more willing to depend on the oil production for
the economic sustainability. The government starts investing in many of the
other sectors like health care, education etc for growing its economy. From the
previous few years the government of Saudi Arabia is also facing decrease in
the oil prices and now they think that the diversification of economy system is
very important for the long lasting growth of economy. The diversification into a
economy envision by leadership of Saudi Arabia will necessitate venture in
areas range from innovation infrastructure, generating more chances for foreign
investors to contribute in the procedure through the stipulation of expertise
in fields and hardware as diverse as equipment of railway and training in health
care. In a lot of sectors this is previously making some efforts to diversify
the economy of the country. So, it can be said that the diversification of the economy
of Saudi Arabia is a good decision made by the government by keeping in mind
the future and it is likely to provide a lot of benefits to the country as far
as growth of economy is concern (Gassan Al-Kibsi, et al. 2015).
How does
diversification and investment help our portfolio?
In Saudi Arabia all of the 9
successive plans of development have emphasized on the diversification of economic,
and the major goal of the country was growing contribution of sectors to GDP productive
and increasing the private GDP growth continuously over time, on the other hand
by decreasing natural resources dependence. The government of Saudi Arabia is
making investment is many other sectors that is giving a boost to the Saudi
2030 plan of economic development. Nevertheless, achieving diversification of economy
in Saudi Arabia was not a simple task. the efforts of diversification faced a
lot of complexities that make strategies
and plans implementation towards economic diversification, and in the bigger
vision this plan of diversification have a huge impact of Saudi economic growth (Kassem and
Mahmoud 2017).
Industry Profitability
of Saudi Arabia
The industry sectors of Saudi
Arabia are under control by petrochemical based products and petrochemicals.
The major industries of Saudi Arabia include petroleum refining, crude oil
production, fertilizers, commercial ship, industrial gases, ammonia, cement,
sodium hydroxide, metals, plastics and aircraft repairing. The Saudi
Arabia contribution in the real estate sector to economy signify GDP 5.1
percent at SAR55 billion. The lend operations have guide towards a investments
turn down in the sector of residential
real estate in the past 10 years, resulting in deficit of about 20 percent of investment levels (CONTENT 2010).
Potential (Life and/or demographic trends) of Saudi Arabia
The Domestic policy in the Saudi
Arabia will stay centered in the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman hands. The prices
of oil have presented a lot of challenges for Saudi Arabia and economies of the
other counties, that also make Saudi government to invest in other ventures.
The economy of Saudi Arabia continued to gain profit from higher prices of oil,
which are approximately higher than levels practical last year and production
of solid crude oil. The Kingdom can finance high shortfall for numerous years
by substantial foreign assets drawing down or by have a loan from other
countries, it has decrease capital expenditure and condensed financial support.
Nonetheless, the economy should retain growth through 2023, lifted by a general
uptick in oil prices.
Analysis of Saudi Arabia
Porters 5
characteristics of a competitive market of Saudi Arabia
rivalry of Saudi Arabia
The of oil and gas industry competitiveness
and particularly in industry upstream division is considerably intensive. There
are about 3 players in the upstream division. One company’s category is the
private oil and gas corporations, which are in service just to oil and gas
industry upstream sector (Production and Exploration). Some of these main oil and gas
industry companies that are also the competition for Saudi Aramco, are
the following (Pitatzis 2016).
China National Petroleum Company
Rosneft, Russia
National Iranian Oil Company
Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)
Gazprom, Russia
Threat of New
Entrants of Saudi Arabia
The threat of new entrants is medium
for the Saudi Arabia because for starting this kind of business in the industry
a huge capital is required. The National Oil Companies manage 90 percent of the
proven reserves of oil and gas in the country. I is also possible that other
oil and gas companies can also amplify their spending on R&D which will offer
a competitive advantage these companies (Hokroh 2014).
of Substitutes in Oil and Gas Industry of Saudi Arabia
The substitutes impact of oil and
gas industry is also high for Saudi Arabia. The major substitute to oil and gas
sources for energy production for the transportation, electricity, heating,
etc. are the following:
Biofuels and renewables sources for
example wind energy and solar
Nuclear Energy
These sources of energy alternative
can restore a elevated amount of hydrocarbons global energy mix use concerning
their quality, performance and price. This strategy needs a lot of investments
in producing procedures.
Bargaining power of buyers
of Saudi Arabia
The bargaining power of buyer for oil and gas industry is
medium. In the oil and gas industry the bargaining power of buyers is comparatively
low because of the nature of industry. The Buyers are very much interested in quality
of a product and pricing. It is recognized that international benchmarks of oil
determine oil price, the major benchmarks of oil are:
Brent Blend
West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
Bargaining Power
of Suppliers of Saudi Arabia
The Bargaining Power of Suppliers is
relatively very high for the oil and gas industry in Saudi Arabia. Some of the
main oil and gas industry suppliers are completely incorporated oil and gas
industry (National and International Oil Companies) that are very active in complete
oil and gas sector value chain. Those companies’ ability to have an effect on
oil prices and the industry is also very high because of their involvement in business
on all segments of business in the oil and gas industry, so it can be said that
the bargaining power is considerably higher than the buyers.
trend and Forecasted Price of Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabia economy is
primarily based on oil with strong administration controls over most important
activities of economy. It possesses over 16 percent of established petroleum
reserves in the world, position as the major petroleum exporter, and plays a
most important function in OPEC. The Saudi Arabia is also worried to decrease
unemployment among the nationals. The officials of Saudi Arabia are mainly
paying attention on employing its population youth. The Saudi government has
looked at diversification and privatization of economy directly in the wake the
weaken market of oil. In recent times, government also has approach investors
for increasing private sector performance in the education, health care and
tourism industries.
References of Economic, Market
and Industry Analysis Outline of Saudi Arabia 2018. Saudi Arabia GDP: Consumption
Expenditure. April 1.
ECONOMYWATCH. 2010. Saudi Arabia Industry Sectors. MARCH 17.
2018. Saudi Arabia Economic Outlook. October 2.
Al-Kibsi, Jonathan Woetzel, Tom Isherwood, Jawad Khan, Jan Mischke, and Hassan
Noura. 2015. Moving Saudi Arabia’s economy beyond oil. December .
USING." G.J.C.M.P 76-82 .
and Mahmoud. 2017. Saudi Arabia on track to diversify economy. August
Mahmoud. 2018. Saudi Arabia consumer spending to pick up as economy
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Athanasios. 2016. Porter's Five Forces Model for the Oil & Gas Industry.
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