Greywater can be used for good
with a proper process of treatment. Such uses concern the irrigation, toilet
flushing, and laundry. The greywater that is treater can be utilized for the
irrigation of both types of plants. In the greywater, the nutrients such as
nitrogen and phosphorus are best as food sources for plants. This reusing
reduces the need of water that is fresh. Saving a lot of fresh water can
decrease the bills and overall, it can decrease the public supply. It would
actually be decreasing the wastewater’s amount that is seeping into on-site
treatment network and sewers. Overall, it helps in minimizing the energy.
Approaches to greywater treatment and reuse
Diversions systems of Greywater
treatment and reuse in Malaysia
From the bathroom or laundry to
the garden for the limited irrigation, direct greywater without changing the
quality. The process of storing does not takes a lot of hours for water.
b. Treatment systems of Greywater
treatment and reuse in Malaysia
By disinfecting, treating, and
filtering, improving the greywater’s quality. The greywater that is treated can
actually be stored for longer periods without the risk of odour nuisances and
going septic. Its ability and high quality means that it has the capability of
being stored which can be used for laundry, toilet flushing, irrigation, and
watering of garden.
c. Centralized systems of Greywater
treatment and reuse in Malaysia
Outside the house, treat
greywater after collecting it from several apartments in a plant. A large space
will be required for this system.
Some of the best ways for
Constructed wetlands of Greywater treatment and reuse in Malaysia
In this method, biological, chemical, and
physical processes are combined for the removal of contaminations. In the
reed-bed system, the treatment of greywater is made successful through soil
filtration which helps in decreasing greywater’s organic load. It also
decreases the faecal bacteria’s concentrations. With a proper design, they
develop effluent which odorless and can be stored without disinfecting for many
days. The drawbacks are high evaporation and large space. If they are, however,
compared to the treatment systems which are conventional, wetlands are quite
simple, environmental friendly, and cheap. Moreover, it offers habitat for the
wildlife and creates a good landscape.
Rotating biological contractors (RBC) of Greywater treatment and reuse in Malaysia
It involved many stages and
has been utilized for the treatment of wastewater with a primary treatment. The
results are actually lead by the sedimentation stage and biomass removal sets
the final clarification. During the process, UV is begins used for the disinfection
of greywater that is treated to develop efficient water for the uses that are
non-portable. Such systems are found in cellars usually.
Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) of Greywater treatment and reuse in Malaysia
This system is actually a
derivative of the process that included activated sludge. The only exception is
the discontinued filling and emptying. The four levels of treatment include:
filling, aeration, the settling, and the decanting. In modular designs, this
system is present in the market. With the greywater, additional modules can be
adjusted accordingly.
d. Decentralized systems of Greywater
treatment and reuse in Malaysia
This system is used inside the
hours conveniently. The short distances prove to be a huge advantage. After
all, the distribution and collection pipes are all in the house.
References of Greywater treatment and reuse in Malaysia
Greywater Recycling and Reuse. (2013). Retrieved from