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Impact of national Culture

Category: Arts & Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1000

About what is implied by national culture there are numerous answers. Be that as it may, most creators when characterizing national culture as a classification base their sentiment on the definition planned by Ger-hart Hofstadter. The previously mentioned creator trusts that national culture is a sort of mental programming, or examples of thought, feeling and activity that every individual procures in adolescence, and after that connected all through life. National culture is the classification which is especially contemplated, among alternate things as a result of the way that it is an advantageous instrument for clarifying numerous marvels in the executives, for example, administration style, hierarchical structure, inspiration, and so on. In any case, this idea has additionally been ended up being an appropriate instrument for illuminating the distinction in favored substance of HRM between individuals from various nations. The principal creators who considered the national culture through specific measurements were Kluckhohn and Strobeck. These creators trust that the components of national culture, truth be told, mirror the central issues that each general public countenances. They called attention to that on every key inquiry there are three conceivable answers, which mirror the distinctions in the qualities of national societies of various nations. (Bogićević, 2009) Human resource management is a wide area and it needs to be studied carefully in order to implement it accordingly. Culture will vary across the world, which means that the human resource management will also differ according to the culture of the nation. If one nation is high on time orientation, the employees or the managers will be punctual of the time like in America. But other countries like Pakistan, who have low time orientation, there the workers will arrive late on work and that will be their routine. Other than that, culture dimensions also include power distance, which is the level at which people see each other. Low power distance countries, like America will see people as equal to them but in high power distance countries like Pakistan there prevails superiority among individual by status, class or post. Another differing factor of the culture can be individualism and collectivism. In western countries there exists more of individuals, where each person will have their own opinion with its own regard. Whereas in eastern countries, collectivism is more common where people work as a group. One research showed that the UK and China’s human resource management are softer where the relationship among the employees is more important and human resource management is more focused on appraisals, rewards, selections criteria and working conditions. This was compared with the hard human resource management where training, staffing and planning are more important in the culture. (Kurshid, 2015)

If we talk about how culture impacts the adaptation of a product, we can say that there are many factors that will have influence. Those factors can include the product characteristics, company characteristics and the market characteristics. Sometimes some characteristics of the product will influence the customer adaptation of the product. If the product is of good quality, has good attributes and is easily functional, it will be easily adapted. Also, if the product has unique packaging and good a brand image it is more likely to be adapted. Sometimes the culture of the country will affect the product adaptation. For example, in Pakistan pork is considered haram and so it isn’t even sold in the country. Whereas, in America, it is the most selling food item. In India, Mc Donald has a very diverse range of products according to the Indian culture. Moving towards the company characteristics, some consumers will only purchase products from the company that follows social corporate responsibility. Because their culture is social welfare orientated. In the eastern culture, customers will purchase from organizations that are functioning ethically and have legal means of earning profit. Apart from that, the market characteristics of different cultures can vary. Government regulations of certain cultures will permit production of only permissible or legal products. To value the unpredictability of custom fitted versus institutionalized items, one must see how culture impacts concur with apparent esteem furthermore, significance given to an item by a showcase. An item is more than a physical component, it is a bundle of prizes or utilities which the purchaser gets. These incorporate its shape, season, shading, smell and surface, how it works, bundling, naming, security, administration producer and retailer, certainty or distinction delighted in by the brand, the notoriety of the producer, nation of root, and any other representative utility gotten by the ownership or utilization of the item. (Mihail, 2014)

Culture will also influence the promotional adaptation. How an individual perceives a certain marketing strategy will depend on the culture. Some marketing strategies might not be permitted or might be thought as unethical in certain cultures. Advertisements of such sorts that reveal a lot of skin of any individual female are not acceptable in Pakistani culture. Whereas, such advertisement is common in America. Another example can be, where condom advertisements are so common in the western culture, it’s the opposite for the eastern culture in which such advertisements are considered vulgar to be shown on the television in front of other family members. Sometimes the culture is so diverse that certain advertisements cannot fit in. An advertisement of palm oil was banned in USA because of being considered too political for the audience. Hardees print ad was banned in Pakistan because of the soft buns” were featured as displeasing and critical being of a sexual nature.  (EKERETE, 2010)

            In the end we can conclude by saying that culture will affect promotional adaptation, product adaptation and human resource management. Culture will vary across the world, which means that the human resource management will also differ according to the culture of the nation. Also, some marketing strategies might not be permitted or might be thought as unethical in certain cultures.



EKERETE, P. (2010). THE EFFECT OF CULTURE ON MARKETING STRATEGIES. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences.

Kurshid, A. (2015). Impact of Culture on Human Resouce Management Practices . Applied Psychology: An International Review .

Mihail, C. (2014). CULTURAL ADAPTATION OF PRODUCTS. University of Craiova.



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