Introduction of The
Impact of the negative reputation of the brand on the consumer in different
markets “internationally” under the umbrella of the technology
The emerging literature is explaining about the
negative reputation of the brand on the consumer of the several market and the negative
reputation of the brand have impact on the consumers of the international
markets and the consumer loyalty. By living in the flat world which is created
by the applications of the social media. It have initiated huge control on the
marketing field. For establishing the firm’s visibility the brands plays
critical role and the reputation of the brand also can established the position
of the brand in international markets. According to the growth of the
competition and globalization of the markets on the wide scales the companies
are increasingly acquiring the firms in several countries. These companies are
also keening to entering in the alliances across the national boundaries (Laroche,
reputation might be negative or positive.
In this research the researcher will study the impact of these
reputations on brand image internationally and how to limit or stop the
expansion of negative reputations. Then, change it to positive reputation and
finally sustain it. The research question for research study can be created under
the umbrella of the technology.
The Significance of the Research
research will be the significant addition to the literature and will provide
the sufficient knowledge about impacts of the Draw Back on consumers in the international
markets. Moreover, this research will contribute to understanding the barriers
faced by consumers of the international markets and how motivating factors can
outweigh those barriers. The research will be contributions to the overall
knowledge for enhancing the various strategies in the international market. The
research will be proved as the best solution for the practitioners and policy
makers for solving the problems related to the negative reputation of the brand
on the consumer of the international markets.
Research Problem
research study will be unique than the other studies because it will evaluate
the impacts of the negative reputation of the brand on the loyalty of the consumers
of the international markets under the umbrella of the technology. The various
technologies which is refer as the social media as Facebook, twitter and instagram
is playing the mediation role among the both variables.
Aims and
The major objective of
the research study is to improve the process of fighting back the negative
reputation of a brand as well as to making this propaganda works as an
identify the impacts of the negative reputation on the customer loyalty
measuring the impact of the negative reputation on the brand image in the
international markets.
evaluate the strategies for sustaining the positive reputation of the brand
measuring the effects of the negative reputation on the male and female.
strategies to lemmatized the negative reputation
Research Questions
How the brand image can be create for
the international consumers?
What is the impact of the negative reputation
on the brand loyalty of the international consumers?
How to sustain the positive
reputation of the brand image?
How the negative reputation of the
brand influence on the male and female mind?
What is the impact of the native
reputation of the brand on the customer loyalty in the international markets?
How the negative reputation of the
brand effect on the potential customers in international markets?
Literature Review of The Impact of the negative reputation of the brand on the consumer in different markets “internationally” under the umbrella of the technology
A brand is defined as an additional product by Laroche
that facilitates its identification. A brand can be said as an expression of
polyvisual of a values’ set; impressions are developed by these values based on
concerned services or product, that benefits to distinguish between services
and product as required and encourage the decision of purchase. The position of
brands signal product improves perceptions of a consumer on the base of levels
of brand attribute and in claiming the brand increases the confidence level (Laroche,
an organization it is compulsory to save their negative publicity and customers
loyal has the potency to jeopardize loyalty of consumer. Although, the loyalty
of consumer doesn’t know how negative publicity is being influenced. There is
some analysis which examines the attitude of consumer that is being affected by
the negative publicity, although, it has not being done till now that how the
attitude of a consumer is being affected by publicity that is negative in
nature. For an organization, it is compulsory to maintain the loyalty of the
customer and to attract the loyal type of customers (Ingenbleek,
loyalty of the consumer is a major element for attracting the maintainable
reasonable benefit. This analysis brings up a reasonable share to the current
literature, still, now there is no any proper literature on the consumers that
are being affected by the negative publicity. The major part, the link among
effected loyalty of consumer and negative publicity, still has not been
developed. As focused earlier, this is the study of literature, that’s why to
develop the model, no basic data is gathered. With the basic data, to
investigate the other model, the opportunity is being left for other stud ies (Ingenbleek, 2013).
As many outlets gained by the consumers for their online
expressing views, brands are being ignored with leading to writers which are professional that spread
the word based on products. Meanwhile from a professional writer getting a
review in a positive way can have effects on sales, review of negative
consumers are turning into problematic. On the basis of the reputation of a
brand, 84 percent of consumer surveyed are the more similar search for the
review of online products compare to how they were last year. Those who have
experience in negative scales are 5 times probable to inform their friends. A
lot can be done by the brands to arrange resources and monitor this change. Because of continues development of
online consumer sharing and social media, marketers are directly shifting to
the consumer instead of getting the reporter's attention (Keane, 2009).
of brands is the number to whom a brand is predictable for communications or
attributes of approved brand between consumers. Recognition of brands will
benefit lean of the consumer in the direction to our product when given the
chance among product and one unheard. As stated to Sharma, Shimp and
Samiee(2005) brand recognition’s lower level minimize irrelevancy brand
recognition’s high level and consumer choice procedure shows brands origin’s
saliency. Recognition of a brand is one of the major sources to differentiate
our competitor and our product. Person, Leiter, and Freeling (1997) discuss
"This recognition (product name or brand)
is prominent on the door of the company, product name, or term
describing the service (Muhammad Hamid, 2012).”
Conceptual Framework

Negative reputation has positive impact on the loyalty of the international
Negative reputation has positive impact on the loyalty of the international
Negative reputation of the brand can be sustained by using the various technologies
Negative reputation of the brand cannot be sustained by using the various
Technology is providing the key role for maintai8ng the loyalty of the consumer
in international market
Technology is not providing the key role for maintai8ng the loyalty of the
consumer in international market
Methodology of The Impact of the negative reputation of the brand on the consumer in different markets “internationally” under the umbrella of the technology
types of the data (primary and secondary) will used in the research study. Both
types of the data will proved as the nest option for attaining the final
results of the research study. The secondary data will be explored by the
existing literature and knowledge meanwhile for conducting the primary data
there are majorly two research methods as quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative
technique will be used in the research study for measuring the research problem
by generating the numerical data and then transforms the data in to useable and
measureable statics.
statistical and numerical data can be emphasized under this techniques. The
qualitative data gives an understanding for the basics of the opinions and the
various reasons for providing the helps to the new and innovative ideas and
this techniques is consider as the best suited for quantifying the opinions,
behaviors, and attitudes. The simple
random sampling technique will be used in the study and the data will collected
from the 200 respondent of the 5 leading international brands by providing them
well designs questionnaires. The questionnaires will developed in the easiest
language for accommodating the consumers of the brands.
the Data
collecting the data from the respondents the data will be analyzed by using the
SPSS (Statically packages for social sciences). The chances of the data manipulation can be
minimized by using this software and this useful for generating the graphs,
charts and statics for exploring and describing the present data within the quantitative
References of The Impact of the negative reputation of the brand on the consumer in different markets “internationally” under the umbrella of the technology
Ingenbleek, D. P. (2013). The Effect of Negative
Publicity on Consumer LoyaltyA Theoretical Model. Department of Marketing
and Consumer Behaviour.
Keane, M. (2009). The impact of negative consumer reviews
is growing. econsultancy.
Laroche, M. (2011). Co-Branding Internationally:Everyone
Wins? Journal of Applied Business Research, 20, ( 3).
Muhammad Hamid, S. R. (2012). Factors Affecting the Brand
Recognition; An Exploratory Study. Global Journal of Management and Business