Now we have to consider all those
elements that how the digital techniques can change the services and
hospitality of the organization. McDonald has the first company who implement
kiosks with high scale in every French stores. It also going to show that how
digital technology will change the environment. They allow customers to receive
their food with our any stress, ordering too by allowing the remote drive
through, for greater flexibility and choice, allowing the mobile ordering and
allowing the introduction of table services. With the interaction of customers
by using advance technologies restaurant can enhance the customer relationship
with most successful manner. (thomas 2014)
Section 2 McDonald food and
drinks field
Impact on customer prospection of
physical evidence and services capes include packages and facilitators and
different alter ideas used by customers and use fresh perceptions to change the
preconceived ideas, and the impact of these on employee behaviour are presented
with the physical environment and on the behaviour of employees.
Operational management
strategies: the operational management strategies are very important for every
organization. According to value chain model of potter are the value means that
amount which a buyer is willing to pay for the organization against if
providing elements, for analyzing the competitive position, value is going to
used instead of cost. Creating the buyers value with the increase of cost which
the actual goal of generic strategy. Two type of activities are going to
include within the value chain analysis and that include primary activities and
secondary activities. Primary activities include services, marketing and sales,
outbound logistics, operations and inbound logistics. The supportive activities
include organization infrastructure, human resource management, technology and
development and procurement.
Performance measurement of
McDonald food and drinks field
The organization has to face lot
of competition because many strong competitors also present in the market. So,
for competitive priorities, following parameters are going to use to measure
the performance like services, flexibility, delivery, quality and cost.
References of McDonald food
and drinks field 2019. 5 major problems that
McDonald's is facing. april 1.
LAWRENCE. 2017. McDonald’s Operations Management, 10 Decisions,
Productivity. feb 05.
James. 2019. McDonald's’ Supply Chain Success Shows The Benefits Of
rachel. 2014. How Digital Technology is Changing McDonald’s Structure, Offer
and Customer Relationships. april 17.
2016. Innovation and Technology Strategies of Mcdonalds. 12 5.