the Middle East the lower oil pricing is becoming the cause of the financial
disasters for the oil producers at largest scales. For recovering the financial
outlook of the Saudi Arabia there are many research studies published for
discussing these scenarios. If the process of the oils would be higher than it
seems like to be problems of the Kingdom’s can be started. The foreign currencies
of the Saudi Arabia have been liquidating in order to making up the oil
revenues are failing. The reserves of the foreign currency are liquidating by
Saudi Arabia at the good prices along the past two years. 27% reserves of the
foreign currency are liquidating by Saudi Arabia due to declining the oil
prices. The reserves of the foreign currency are $797 billion had been held by
the Saudi Arabia at its peak time. The graphical representation is given below (SRSROCCO
References of the world oil prices of Saudi Arabia’s Currency and the U.S. Dollar
SRSROCCO. 2017. Low Oil Prices Continue To
Decimate Saudi Arabia’s Currency Reserves. IN ECONOMY, ENERGY, NEWS.