There are so many things that
John could have done with change of strategy, other than the strategy which he
was going to apply in shape of downsizing. The actual problem is that consumer
demand was decreasing and company is facing financial issues, so John thinks
that cutting the number of employees will solve the problem. But he should have
looked for some evaluation of the situation and identified the actual root
cause behind decrease in consumer demand, because it would have helped him to look
for the real problem and its appropriate solution without discouraging and
confusing employees. He should have shown some problem-solving skills to identify
problem and come up with the most appropriate solution (Huitt 1992)
Generate alternatives of Decision
If John had taken the situation
differently than what he actually did, then he would have been able to find
considerable alternatives to the decision of downsizing. For instance, he could
have identified that any department such as marketing department or quality
department is not doing enough, which is decreasing demand of customers, so he
could have introduced new policy and targets for these departments. Moreover, he
could have looked at pricing strategy whether the product is getting beyond the
reach of customers. If it was true, then he could come up with new pricing
strategy, which comes with new promotions and benefits for the customers so
that they may increase their interest in the product. These could have been
more considerable alternatives in this given situation, but it also must be
kept in mind that various other alternatives can also be found in the similar
References of John have done differently
Huitt, William G. 1992. "Problem Solving and
Decision Making: Consideration of Individual Differences Using the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator." Journal of Psychological Type 24: 33-44.