ensure success, a well-devised marketing strategy will be implemented.
Monitoring an evaluation a key to the success of the marketing plan. The first
measure is to account the outreach of the promotional activities that means. We
can see if the footfall in the hotel and casinos has increased or not. Also, we
can ask the customers coming in the hotel and casino that where did they hear
about us to gauge the effectiveness an outreach of the marketing campaign. Some
other ways to evaluate are:
Market Expansion:
expansion is the other way for the evaluation and success of the activities. If
people in the other areas or cities know about the Prairie Meadows hotel and
casino it means that you are on the road of success.
The response of Competitor:
can know through the actions of a competitor that whether your marketing
strategy is getting success or not. If competitors copy whatever you are doing
it means that your hotel and casino is on the top list where customers want to
go. And in the other case if common people are avoiding the deals and packages
made by hotel and casino that means you are in a great loss and one should
think some other thing which can attract people and as a result, hotel and
casino can gain success.