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Concerned to Humans of APPLE’S Inc’s Ethical Success and Challenges

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: CHICAGO Words: 800

        Ethical aspect is more important because it is concerned to the humans and emotions. For Instance, when you are targeting the market on ethnic basis and raise the issue of ethnicity to exploit the market (Kell 2019). This is totally unacceptable because it hurts the segment of people in the society as they have been hurt their emotions because targeted on their ethnic background. There are bad business practices which exploit the market only because they want to make profits by not showing the concern towards the ethical issues. For Example, exploiting the poor labor is also the ethical business concept which does not allow the managers to do the same only for the sake of own business profits and remain competitive in the market.

This is totally not acceptable because it is not good business are making good money and the labor involves in the production is not making good to meet its end needs. If it happens something like this then things are not going good into the right directions (Woiceshyn 2016).

People like such brands of APPLE’S Inc’s Ethical Success and Challenges

        As far as ethical activity is concerned in terms of development, it would not be wrong to say that this is also a development activity in the business and can also be concerned as the investment made by the management in the expectation of improving the brand identity and attracting the customers easily. It is studied that brands which invests in social activities and contributes into the society through building the schools and hospitals, enjoying the better reputation and good will in the market (Elliot 2016). Studies show that customers are also more likely to be buying the products of those brands which actually invest in the welfare of the society and also taking care of their employees as well. People are also supporting those brands which have fulfilled their corporate social responsibility and not exploiting the poor labor or involved in any other unethical activity.

        Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that this is also kind of investment where higher returns can be expected when people come to know your social activities. This is the reason such big brands and corporate do not hide their social activities and rather also market them so that more and more people knows how good you are doing for the society in return expecting from the customers show the support. In the return, people show their support in the form of preferring their brands and products over the competitors even they have lower quality which is something amazing concept in the market subject (Hein 2013). People would never be buying low quality products at same price but only for the sake of supporting the brand which involves in social activities.

Value of Ethical Development Increasing of APPLE’S Inc’s Ethical Success and Challenges

        The value of ethical development has been increasing over the time and this is the new concept introduced in the market subject. Lots of big brands have been directly engaged in ethical activities and development because they have found that the returns are higher in this activity when you promote the brand as ethical brand. It enhances the sales at the higher growth rate and also improving the brand image at the same time. Ethical value development is the growing phenomena where taking the part in social activities is the best investment ever made by the big brands. Though, there is also the pressure coming from the government side but still corporate doing it for their own profits as well (Woiceshyn 2016).

        In the every season, Corporate are looking for the opportunities and finding those areas for which people have the emotions and they show the care towards. In those areas, corporate invest too much and tries to fix the things for them. For Example, these big corporate have been building the homes for homeless is and funding them to live the better life (Elliot 2016). This would make the massive people emotionally attached with the brand and they would prefer going for their products and not for other products. This is how they have been playing by the emotions of the massive people for the sake of own profits. But there is also a benefit attached with it as it really improves the society and increases the welfare into the society.

References of APPLE’S Inc’s Ethical Success and Challenges

Hein, Peter. 2013. Apple factories accused of exploiting Chinese workers. April 30. Accessed April 09, 2019. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/apr/30/apple-chinese-factory-workers-suicides-humiliation.

Kell, Gordon. 2019. Apple Issues iPhone FaceTime Security Warning. January 29. Accessed April 09, 2019. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2019/01/29/apple-ios-12-1-3-release-iphone-xs-max-xr-problem-facetime-problem-video-calls-audio-calls/#3d595f014020.

Kelly, Gordon. 2019. Apple Warned iPhones Have An Innovation Problem. February 21. Accessed April 09, 2019. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2019/02/21/apple-iphone-xs-max-xr-upgrade-price-cost-iphone-8-plus-huawei-qualcomm/#c6dfa69241f8.

Leetaru, Kalev. 2019. Apple's Facebook Rebuke: Could Apple Save Privacy Where Government Won't? February 02. Accessed April 09, 2019. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2019/02/02/apples-facebook-rebuke-could-apple-save-privacy-where-government-wont/#2e5bc4806e6e.

Sin, Ben. 2016. Latest Foxconn Worker Deaths Build Case For Apple To Move Operations From China. August 22. Accessed April 09, 2019. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/2016/08/22/the-real-cost-of-the-iphone-7-more-foxconn-worker-deaths/#68567f585560.

Trevino, Linda K. 2016. Managing Business Ethics. New York City: Pearson.

Winder, Davey. 2019. Apple Confirms iPhone FaceTime Eavesdropping Exploit -- Here's What To Do. January 29. Accessed April 09, 2019. https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2019/01/29/apple-confirms-iphone-facetime-eavesdropping-exploit-heres-what-to-do/#339a054e745b.

Woiceshyn, Jaana. 2016. How to be Profitable and Moral: A Rational Egoist Approach to Business. London: Wiley.


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