It is very difficult to realize
the patients that the hospitals are not overcharging them. It is mandatory for
the government bodies and related organizations to increase the Awareness of
patients regarding the expenses and cost of running hospitals. It is important
to enhance the awareness level of patients regarding the cost of expensive
machineries which are being used in different kinds of Health Care units. It is
very difficult for hospitals and Healthcare units to cover the cost and
expenditures related to expensive machineries. In order to create a
relationship of trust with patients, it is important that the management of the
health care centre should not be self oriented but there should be patient
oriented. The policies formulated by the management of the hospital should be centered
towards the patients instead of the profit-maximizing of the hospital.
Another significant technique which
can be implemented by the hospital management in order to realize the patients
that they are not over charging is that the management should provide the
breakdown and detail of each and every expense which they have incurred while
sharing their patient. Most of the patients are concerned that hospitals
charges significant amount in order to make high profit. To some extent, I can
understand the feeling of patients because there are some hospitals which are
doing such a healthy activities and it is a responsibility of the state and
government to enhance the Awareness of patients and their family members.
It is the responsibility of the
government to pass legislation under which each and every medical unit and
Medical Centre will be required to provide detailed breakdown expenses to
patients and their family members in order to make sure that they are not
charging significant amount from patients. In this manner, patients will be
able to understand that at how their payment is being utilized by the hospital
management. It is a fact that surgical items and related machineries are very
expensive. Hospital charges significant amount in order to cover the fixed
expenditure related to expensive surgical items and related machineries.
Machineries available in Laboratories are also very much expensive which are
used in order to conduct different kinds of unique test. It is not possible for
hospital management to utilize inferior quality machinery because it is the
matter of life and death. It is important that machinery should provide
accurate and relevant results. In order to attained relevant and best results,
most of the hospital management it is focused towards purchasing expensive and
reliable machinery which is mostly imported from other countries.
It is not possible for the
hospital management to allow the patients to randomly visit Laboratories of
hospital in order to satisfy the patients that the machinery which is being utilized
to conduct different types of tests is very expensive and huge. This is not
possible because hygiene is the most significant factor in any hospital and it
is not possible to allow each and every patient and their family members to
enter in Laboratories to validate the amount of machinery being used in
laboratory. Another significant technique which can be implemented by the
hospital management in order to enhance the trust of patients and their family
members on hospitals is that patients can be provided with projected expenses
figures at the time of admitting in hospital and their projected expenses can
be updated on daily basis. This will help the patients to understand the flow
of expenses related to their treatment and in this manner; they will not be
able to point any kind of finger on the management of the hospital and will be
satisfied by the payment made to hospital management.
Another significant technique
which can be implemented in order to win the trust of patients is that government
can launch a specific program under which comparative prices of hospital
services should be available online for analysis of each and every patient.
Patients will be able to compare the online prices with the actual invoice
charged by the specific hospital and they will be able to validate the amount
in this manner. Not to forget that there will be significant amount of
challenges associated with implementation of such program.
These suggestions are not enough
to win the trust of the patients and their family members but they will
certainly improve the relationship between hospital management and patients as
most of the patients and their family members are of a view that at most of the
hospitals charge significant amount to their patients and are focused towards
profit making instead of covering their cost. It is also important for the
Government and related body to make sure those hospitals especially in private
sector should not realize significant profit. In order to resolve this issue,
government can formulate a specific profit ceiling for the private hospitals
and all the private hospitals will not be allowed to cross this specific
formulated profit ceiling. The profit ceiling can be categorized according to
the types of facilities provided by the hospital and the amount of machineries
available in the laboratory and other related equipment as well. At the end, it
is never easy to satisfy the patients in hospitals as they always point fingers
towards the hospital management claiming that hospitals significantly charge
them I'm in order to make high profits.