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Research on American cities

Category: Earth Sciences Paper Type: Research Paper Writing Reference: APA Words: 700

        The quality of American cities is very much different with each other because the life style of urban life is very much different from the rural life. In urban areas the people are divided into different groups and their living requirements also very much different. Their source of income, their education style, their children and their living style. Community have different organizations who give working opportunities to all the people according to their skills and education and a complete organization cannot run with the cooperation of lower and upper level of management and workers. (Lieberman, 2014)

        In excerpts from reveille for radical, the author going the explain the purpose of people organization. Such type of organizations is held to provide better human skills to other organizations. The improve the working ability of people and also motivate them to enhance their capabilities with more efforts. They provide better education to people who want to do some job and want to earn money through any working. People are going to prepare such type of organizations with their supportive efforts. This will be done with native leadership which means that proper guidance and track provided to people to improve their skills. Tech them how to handle with critical situations specially when the conflict is going to arise. Because many people involve high chance of conflict and to handle such situations proper learning and abilities are very much important. Popular education is also very important factor of such organizations. The people should know the basic problems of society and community and have learning skills to resolve all such matters.

        In “A theology of organizing: from alinsky to the modern IAF”, the author explain that Alinsky is the first person who do very much for the support of people and their rights. In the business field, owners many times obtain the rights of labour or workers and they never get proper facilities and opportunities related to their working opportunities. Alinsky try to enhance the right of workers and provide better solutions for their salary issues and other money related issues. And he try to prepare such rules and regulations that resolve the problems of local reorganizations and the people who are working in such organizations. Communities organized for public service such organizations are held for the poor and working people of America. United neighborhood organizations also held that support the relationship between leaders and general public with all the positive attitude and efforts for the betterment of the working labour. Organizations try to generate interests of all related people and bringing values for the better life of people. And for this, different relational organizations also going to held that support the rights and obligations of people or labour at all level and build strong links for their workers. In “why don’t American cities Burn very often?” the author going to explain that boundaries are held to create a positive difference of intensity, scale and collection of violence. Different type of nations and color people are lived together in one country and they have to avail same rights for living their life and for that purpose different type of organizations and regulations are going to held that support the majority and minority people in every field of life and give then opportunities to improve their lifestyle in better way. Proper rul4es and rights are prepared for the African Americans and they have complete right to take part in every field and can work in any organization without any specification. Consumer republic organizations are present that deal with the civil violence. And in every field of life like politics, economy or any other all the minority and majority people have complete rights to take part and work properly. (Grassroots Movements, 2001)


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