the Mr.Gray, the secret of success is “Common Denominator for Success” of every
man which has been successful ever life, in fact of formed the habit for doing
the various things which do not like failures. The Common Denominator is the
inspirational and the timely. There is belief the secret of the life is very
Which are the habits propose by Mr
Gray to get success
There are the following
habits to get success;
Habits of doing things
which do not fail
You do not like
to do , this type habits
Habits of
Working habits
Selling habits
Habits Prospecting
Habits of making
decisions and resolution what is happened.
References of success propose by Mr. Gray
Entrepreneurial Sales. (n.d.). Charles Matrix
Greylock. Retrieved from
Fatboy Slim. (2016, March 31). The Social Media
Revolution. Retrieved from YouTube:
Hyman, J. (2013, December 16). The History of
Marketing. Retrieved from
Silicon Valley Historical Association. (2011, October
6). From the Documentary Film Steve Jobs: Secrets of Life. Retrieved
from Youtube: