scouts of the united states of America (GSUSA) simply referred to as Girl
scouts is a non-profit and charity organization run by females which focuses on
the women-empowerment, making women more compassionate, courageous and
confident, teaching them leadership skills and up boosting their skills. In
addition, it teaches them how to be good citizens by playing their role for the
good of society. It is for the American girls and for the girls of United
States. In America it is the best charity organization.
of GSUSA include selling cookies, going on adventures, arranging seminars and
camping etc. However, number of girl scouts is declining over the years
especially in the urban areas. Various reasons are contributing to this
downfall in Girl Scout volunteers. Many solutions are proposed for tha
challenges faced by Girl Scouts.
One issue is the revenue, for which they have
to sell their camps. This issue can be solved by teaching the girls how to cook
things other than cookies. They should know how to cook hamburgers and other
things so that they can get more money by selling these and more funds are
gathered. Camping once a year, at least, should not be stopped.
issue is the presence of more White Girl Scouts. Although there is no ban on
girls of Latin and Philadelphia origin, but number of these girls is very low.
This creates an air of racism among other members of Scouts and Citizens which
is a major issue. This problem can be overcome by adding girls of other colors
and creed to the Girls Scouts. Transgender and homosexuals should also be
welcomed to join the Girl Scouts because Girl Scout is for the well being of
all the girls and not only the white girls. ( 2018)
drop in the membership of the Girl Scouts has many social causes as well. The people
of present day and age have to work hard to make both ends meet for which they
have to have two jobs. Families are not financially stable, and they need to
work for money .So instead of joining a non-profit organization they prefer to
work on some profitable thing through which they can also earn money. This
problem is hard to solve and demands a change in the whole society by making financial
conditions of the whole society better and give them a broader vision.
Scouts need to have newer strategies to overcome the decreasing membership and
increase the volunteer girls. For this Girl Scouts is trying to implement new
strategies. Social media campaign will prove a great one for this cause. It
will help engage girls and women from all parts of the country. Even the girls
not available physically will be able to put their share in this noble cause
of GSUSA is an online tool which is a new strategy introduced by the Girl Scout
to engage girls and attract more volunteers. This mobile friendly and easy to
use application will keep all the volunteers connected through its geo-targeted
effective strategy for increasing the membership will be to publicize the
positive results achieved by the Girl Scout programs and sharing the stories of
women whose life was changed by the Girl Scout. Introducing more education
related programs and adventures trips, giving more STEM related opportunities
to women and making them more familiar to the different aspects of the world
will also have a positive effect in attracting more girls to be a member of
Girl Scout. Girl Scout is a great non-profit organization having many positive
impacts on the society. All the efforts should be done to save it from falling
apart. ( 2018)
Reference of Girl scouts of the united states of America (GSUSA) 2018. Join Girl Scouts! 2018. Girl Scouts.