A problem occurred regarding the
views of members within a team while I was managing the group. While I was
designing the implementation plan for the team, a problem occurred as the ideas
of my members collided with each other. Considering my perception, I am always
aware of the ideas of team members and that is why I have always paid attention
to varying perceptions. However, this problem arose when the views of my team
mates collided with each other. In order to solve the issue, I combined both
views and ensured that all ideas and focused upon by me. I told my team about
the gaps that they were leaving due to inefficient collaboration. It took only
a little time and the functioning of team was improved (Johansen 2012).
References of your problem solving skills
R. (2012). Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an
uncertain world. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.