From the very start, I knew that
teams failed to produce outcome because attention upon team members was weak.
Their weaknesses are not prodded and they are assigned the work which is not
suited for them (Boxall and Purcell 2015). Additionally, I
knew that encouraging one member while venting out anger at the other disrupts
the functioning of a team. Since I knew such factors, I assured that I wouldn’t
do the same thing. When I was assigned to handle my team, there were many
issues and along the path which I slowly dissolved while changing the views of
my team members.
The first issue was that there
was individual work in my team which highly interrupted the plan that I had in
mind regarding the project. Team members didn’t seem to collaborate with each
other and it resisted the production of efficient values which didn’t seem to
settle down with me. In order to counter this matter or issue, I not only gave
examples but also fetched the weekly record of my group and illustrated it.
Another issue that I faced while
carrying out the project was the exceeding cost. In the project, I had a financial
plan that I needed to implement to ensure that budget didn’t exceed the cost
that was sufficient. At the time of estimation, the cost exceeded the one that
was required and it became a hurdle for me to manage the budget. Although it
was my responsibility to handle the project but I relied on the help of my team
members and communicated the issue to overcome the hurdle. By exchanging views,
it is analyzed that we found a substitute method and reduced the cost so to
meet the requirement. I coped with my team members and reached a conclusion
which proved to be beneficial for the project.
References of that project (or other related activity)
P., & Purcell, J. (2015). Strategy and Human Resource Management
(4th ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.