With some exceptions in the case National
Nuclear Security Administration where they are only anticipated to play their
roles in managing and operating of the contract CMP would be there for
following. Management & Operating (M&O) contracts;
To manage the contractors whether
they are on site that is current or any other previous site that comes under
M&O jurisdiction.
Contracts that comes under
secondary contract via DOE O 413.3B they are only subject to as needed basis
for the procurement of major possessions comes under Project Management and
Program for those tasks that requires the contractor for the delivery of order
of $20 M or beyond.
And change the could the change
contract scope or value to a hike of 20% or less then this.
Or to implement any of the choice
that is subject to the standards above or equals to it. It will be the CO who
will check that whether a CMP is required or not for the supply of any order or
to perform any task. (Kerschberg 2011).
References of Contract Management Plan required
Ben. 2011. Legal Contract Management And The Modern Enterprise. April 6.
2012. Contract Management. March 21.