According to the equality act of 2010
there are some guidance and information about this act through including age
discrimination and public sector equality duty. This law was first published in
2013 and then after this that law is upgraded on 2015. This act helps those
people that are working in the organization and they are facing discrimination.
This law replaced all the previous acts of anti discrimination in the workplace
through the use of single act and this law is very easy to understand for
everyone and this act will protect employees from any situation (Act, 2010). This law protects those employees who are
suffering from discrimination issue at the workplace. The equality act protects all the employees
that are working in any organization in Great Britain. This equality act
protects the people who are living in that country because this Act covers some
characteristics that include, this act also protects against the age
discrimination in this country.
Including this characteristic some other characteristics that include
disability, marriage and civil partnership, race, sexual orientation, gender
reassignment, race issues and religion issues. This equity law protects against
all the characteristics (Britain, 2010).
This equality act protect those persons
who are working in any organization, protect those person who are giving services
like in restaurants, hospitals, any education center and also in different health
care centers, when someone is involved in any kind of business as they are
providing goods and also some services like someone is working in different
shops and malls (Wadham, et al., 2012). This act also
protects those people who are using transport services or travel anywhere in
the world but these individual must belong from England and Ireland. This act
also implemented on those persons who joins local clubs like gym or any golf
club. In the last this act is also can be implemented on those persons who have
direct contact with some government departments. The owner of the company has
to consider all the Equality acts and then according to these acts he has to
make a decision against the employee who is working in his organization. The
most important thing in the case is the evidence the owner of the organization
has to collect proper evidence about the issue the organization is facing (Sewell, 2012).
of Legal Aspect of Business
For the analysis the owner of the company whose
name is Adam he has to read all the acts and laws that has been discussed in
the above section. According to the given scenario Jane that was the suspect of
the money loss issue in the organization. So according to the given scenario
Adam has to consider the Equality act 2010 of England because his café is
located in London. The owner has to read all the acts that have been discussed
in this law so according to these laws he has to make such decisions against
this issue. Adam should consider various aspects in
mind before taking any legal action against her employee. The first thing is
that Adam is not confirmed that whether her employee has stolen the money or
not. For this Adam has to perform a proper investigation in the restaurant to
know whether Jane is responsible for this misconduct or not. If Jane found
guilty during the investigation than Adam has the right to take legal action
against Jane. However if Jane has not committed any misconduct then Adam cannot
take any legal action against her. It would be wrong to take any legal action
without investigation
One problem may arise when he investigate his
employees so he has feared that his employees may left his café after the
investigation because of trust issues.
Adam has to analyze all these circumstances and their consequences of
his investigation about this issue. Adam has to analyze Gross
misconduct and maternity law because according to the given scenario Jane is
Pregnant and also she wants maternity leave from the café so he has to analyze
this law and then according to that he must have to take decision. If Adam has
read all these acts that has been discussed in this law so according to that
Adam can easily make correct decisions about this issue. Adam has to think
about the previous record of this employee so that he can easily able to take
correct decision about Jane. Jane issue is also very critical because she is pregnant
but according to law Adam can fired her easily because of this issue if he has
any legal and correct evidence against Jane. For the deep analysis of this
money loss issue in this café Adam also has to read the fraud law for the
Adam has to read all the acts that have
been discussed in the employee fraud law. In this section act there is
information about the employee that has deceived the company in the form of
money loss so Adam has to take action on his worker according to the
acts that has been mentioned in this law. The main is fact that how he has
to collect all the evidence of money loss.
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